

Chair: Colin Duewell

The by-laws below are the most current by-laws of the organization and are also available as a downloadable pdf file.


Current By-Laws – Approved August 10, 2023


  1. Name
  2. Purpose
  3. Objectives
  4. Membership
  5. Structure
  6. Duties and Responsibilities
  7. Voting and Elections
  8. Meetings
  9. Amendments

1. Name

The name of the organization shall be the Missouri Geographic Information Systems Advisory Council (MGISAC).

2. Purpose

In accordance with the Governors Initiative commenced in April 1995, the purpose of the MGISAC is to:

2.1 Provide expert advice to the Chief Information Officer (CIO), and Director of Office of Geospatial Information (OGI) as well as the broader GIS community on GIS related issues;

2.2 Foster cooperation among state, local, and federal agencies, educational institutions, private industry, and others in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS);

2.3 Provide an arena for discussions of relevant GIS issues and facilitate resolution of GIS issues impacting the state;

2.4 Provide programmatic guidance to the Missouri Spatial Data Information Service (MSDIS) in fulfilling the objectives of the Missouri GIS Advisory Councils Strategic Plan;

2.5 Provide GIS standards for the state;

2.6 Coordinate and facilitate statewide training as needed; and

2.7 Work with other states, both regionally and nationally, on standards and other GIS issues.

3. Objectives

The objectives of the MGISAC are to:

3.1 Meet with the CIO and/or the OGI as needed to facilitate communication and cooperation between the MGISAC and the Missouri Office of Administration–Information Technology Services Division (ITSD);

3.2 Develop communications plan for dissemination of information to the various organizations;

3.3 Conduct monthly meetings to discuss relevant statewide issues and provide a forum to identify, discuss and resolve GIS issues impacting the state;

3.4 Review MSDIS operational status reports twice a year and MSDIS financial reports annually, and provide feedback on direction and any issues noted;

3.5 Develop or adopt GIS standards and procedures and maintain and promote them;

3.6 Identify, develop and facilitate training that is needed statewide; and

3.7 Optionally plan and conduct the Missouri GIS Conference biennially; and assist in planning and conducting the MAGIC Conference biennially. Send at least one representative to regional and national GIS conferences; as needed.

4. Membership

4.1 Council Composition

Membership on the MGISAC shall be classified in one of two ways: “ex-officio” members or members.

4.2 “Ex-officio” Members

Members shall

There will be up to four (4) ex-officio members on the MGISAC. The Director of GIS from the Missouri Office of Administration–Information Technology Services Division (ITSD), a representative from the Missouri Spatial Data Information Service (MSDIS), the USGS Liaison covering Missouri, and the NSGIC Liaison. Ex-officio members shall not be an elected officer of MGISAC, but will be active members through committee, workgroup, and other event participation. Ex-officio members shall provide a report of the related work of their entity or organization to the membership.

4.3 Members

Members shall be selected from the following organizations that provide oversight and management of an operational GIS environment in the state of Missouri:

  • state agencies
  • federal government agencies;
  • local government agencies;
  • universities, colleges, or other academic institutions;
  • public and private utility organizations;
  • private sector firms and businesses; and
  • not-for-profit organizations, cooperative government agencies, and quasi-government agencies.

Members will have voting privileges. Each organization shall have only one voting individual on MGISAC. Organizations may be represented by affiliated individuals (for example, an ITSD employee representing a different State agency) but that member must represent the view of the sponsoring agency.

“Agency” means any administrative body existing under the constitution or by law and authorized by law or the constitution to make rules or to adjudicate contested cases. Local governments shall be defined as county, city, town or village governing bodies.

All members of the MGISAC shall be appointed by the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Missouri Office of Administration–Information Technology Services Division (ITSD) or his/her designee. Except for “ex-officio” members, all members shall be appointed from candidates nominated through the MGISAC. Existing members in good standing may be re-nominated during the month of April. All nominations shall be made to the Membership Committee Chair which shall present the nomination to MGISAC for a recommendation for membership.

4.4 Term

Appointed members of the MGISAC shall serve a term of no more than two years. Members may serve consecutive terms. The term shall be July 1 to June 30. Member terms will begin in the year they are appointed regardless of amount of time left before July 1. Vacancies occurring before the expiration of the term shall be filled by the organization or entity and notification made to the MGISAC Chair.

5. Structure

5.1 Advisory Council

The full membership of the Missouri GIS Advisory Council will meet and act to provide leadership and direction for the state in the development, management, and use of geospatial information.

5.2 Officers

The elected members of the MGISAC shall be Chair Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers shall serve one-year terms beginning at the conclusion of the meeting at which they are elected, unless otherwise noted in responsibilities.

5.2.1 The Chair Elect shall be elected from full membership by a majority vote. The Chair Elect position will serve for a 3-year term that shall be designated as: a 1 year term as Chair Elect; followed by a 1 year term as Chair, followed by a 1 year term as Immediate Past Chair. The Chair Elect normally assumes the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair. If the Chair Elect cannot fulfill the duties of a vacated Chair, then a Chair shall be elected to fill the vacancy in the same manner as other officers. If the Chair Elect steps down during his or her term, then a special election shall be held to elect a Chair Elect to serve the remainder of the term.

5.2.2 The Secretary shall be elected from the full membership of the MGISAC by a majority vote. If the Secretary steps down during his or her term, then a Secretary shall be elected to serve the remainder of the term.

5.2.3 The Treasurer shall be elected from the full membership of the MGISAC by a majority vote. If the Treasurer steps down during his or her term, then a Treasurer shall be elected to serve the remainder of the term.

5.3 Committees

Committees are established to facilitate MGISAC business and exist at the discretion of the Chair. The Chair designates the structure and leadership of Committees in consultation with the other officers. Standing Committees in the MGISAC are as follows: Membership, Strategic Planning and By-Laws.

5.4 Fiscal Management

The Council’s fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30. Following each Biennial Missouri GIS Conference, the Treasurer, with the assistance of the Officers and Committee Chairs, shall prepare a proposed biennial budget of Income, Cyclic Expenses and Discretionary Spending. The budget shall be approved by MGISAC at the June meeting following the conference. At the end of the first year of the biennium, the Treasurer may wish to
review and modify the budget for the second year. All requests for payment of expenses or reimbursements of authorized expenditures shall be approved by the Chair and the Treasurer. Any expenditure outside of the approved budget must be approved by the Council.

6. Duties and Responsibilities

6.1 Members

Members of MGISAC are expected to attend and participate in the MGISAC meetings as Council members or Council officers.  If a member is unable to attend a meeting, the Council Chair should be notified of a designated proxy no later than close of business the day before the scheduled meeting.  Designation of a proxy may include “no proxy”.

After two unexcused absences (i.e. non-attendance without the Chair’s notification of proxy the day before the meeting), a member will be informed by the Membership committee their attendance is not in good standing.  After three consecutive unexcused absences, the Chair will discuss with the member’s organization the possibility of being represented by someone else who is able to attend.   Annually, in June, the Membership committee and the Chair will review attendance by the membership over that past twelve months.  For those with greater than fifty percent (50%) unexcused absences, the Chair will recommend to the CIO removal of the organization from membership if mid-term or non-renewal of membership if at the end of term.

6.2 Chair

The Chair is responsible for vision, leadership and coordination of all MGISAC activities. The Chair gives direction to the formulation, and leadership to the achievement, of the MGISAC’s mission, vision and strategy. The Chair assures that the MGISAC is making consistent and timely progress toward the fulfillment of its objectives and goals.

The Chair shall:

a)    Preside at all meetings of the Council

b)    Set all meeting schedules and agendas

c)    Manage and sign all correspondence of the Council

d)    Appoint positions and committees, not otherwise provided for

e)    Ensure an executive presence on each committee (either by Chair, Chair Elect or Immediate Past Chair)

f)    Represent MGISAC in state, regional, national and international geospatial matters.

6.3 Chair Elect

The Chair Elect supports the Chair in fulfilling the goals and objectives of MGISAC by providing continuity to established programs and formulating future programs for his/her role as Chair.

The Chair Elect shall:

a)    Assume the duties of the Chair temporarily when the chair is unavailable, for any reason.

b)    Assist the Chair in fulfilling his/her duties as delegated by the Chair

c)    Liaison, or delegate/coordinate liaison activity, with other state organizations (such as, but not limited to, Missouri Mappers Association, Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors,  Missouri Municipal League, Missouri State Assessors, Missouri Council of Governments, Missouri Association of Counties)

d)    Be the executive representative on the Strategic Planning Committee

6.4 Immediate Past Chair.  The Immediate past Chair is to support and provide continuity to the Chair’s work of fulfilling the envisioned future, strategic plan, and policies established by the MGISAC.

The Immediate Past Chair shall:

a)    Assist the Chair as requested with duties and matters pertaining to MGISAC.

b)    Represent the Chair or serve as spokesperson for the MGISAC as requested by the Chair

c)     Identify, cultivate, and recruit future members, leaders and partners

d)    Be the executive representative on the membership committee and assist as a liaison to assist in pursuing vacant membership positions with member organizations.

6.5 Secretary

The Secretary shall:

a)    Responsible for recording the minutes of the meetings and making them available for posting on the MGISAC web site.

b)     transmit officer election results to the State.

6.6 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

a) Provide guidance and reports of balances held at the Department of Geography at the University of Missouri

b) Coordinate with the fiscal officer at the Department of Geography at the University of Missouri to complete deposits and withdrawals as directed by the vote of the Council.

c) Coordinate with the Officers and Committee Chairs to prepare the biennial budget to be
presented to the Council for approval during the June meeting following the GIS Conference.

6.7 NSGIC Liaison

The National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) Liaison will serve as the official State Representative for Missouri and represent the views of MGISAC and its membership.  The NSGIC Liaison should be able to attend both of the face-to-face meetings (the midyear meeting is held in the DC area and the annual conference moves to a different state each year).   MGISAC should assist with travel costs to these events as funding permits.

Responsibilities of the NSGIC Liaison

a) Attend NSGIC Annual and Mid-Year conferences.

b) The NSGIC liaison will coordinate a discussion at the MGISAC meetings that precede the conferences. At this meeting, the NSGIC liaison will develop a list of priorities and position issues from the MGISAC.

c) Provide a NSGIC update at the monthly MGISAC meetings. The report, if any, will be made during the meeting’s liaison’s reports.

6.7 Committee Chairs

A Committee Chair is responsible for the leadership of a specified committee including conducting meetings and any activities necessary for the successful completion of the committee’s tasks.

7. Voting and Elections

7.1 Voting

Each state and cooperating member is allowed one vote. Votes shall only be cast during meetings where more than 50% of all voting members or their designated proxies are present.  Voting privileges will be immediate, upon CIO (or CIO designee) approval.

7.2 Elections

Officer elections are to be conducted during the regularly scheduled May meeting. The positions of Chair Elect, Treasurer and Secretary shall receive nominations annually.

7.2.1 Nominations. Nominations for MGISAC officers shall be opened during the regularly scheduled  March meeting of the council and can be submitted through the end of April.  Nominees shall be given an opportunity to provide the Council with a platform statement
before the officer elections are held during the May meeting (this may be electronic or by  an opportunity to speak at the meeting or both). Opportunities to speak will be offered at  the regularly scheduled April meeting, and before the elections at the May meeting.  Officers shall serve one‐year terms beginning at the conclusion of the meeting at which they  are elected, unless otherwise noted in responsibilities.

7.2.2 Election Process. Written ballots are to be distributed to voting members or their proxies and are to be collected and counted by at least two members of the nomination subcommittee. Members who are unable to attend or to send a proxy to the meeting during which elections are held may request and submit ballots prior to the start of the meeting. Except, if only one person is nominated for a position, no ballot vote need be taken and the chair may, after ensuring that there are no further nominations, declare that the nominee is elected by acclamation or unanimous consent. Election winners will be announced once the votes are tallied. The number of votes cast for each candidate will be made available to members by the Secretary upon request after the conclusion of the meeting during which elections are conducted.

8. Meetings

MGISAC meetings are normally held on a monthly basis at the discretion of the MGISAC Chair in consultation with the membership. Meeting notices are posted on the MGISAC website:

9. Amendments

Amendments to these bylaws shall be offered by submission in writing to all MGISAC members at least ten (10) days before the next scheduled meeting. The proposed amendment shall be taken up for consideration at the next scheduled meeting of the Council where more than 50% of all voting members or their designated proxies are present. The amendment shall be adopted when it has been approved by at least a 75% majority of those casting votes at the meeting of the MGISAC where the amendment is considered.