Minutes for July 18, 2013

Minutes for July 18, 2013

Date: July 18, 2013
Location: Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Time: 9:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:05 a.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions

Missouri Spatial Data Information Service Mark Duewell—present
USGS Ray Fox—present
OA ITSD GIS Paul Wright—present via teleconference
SEMA Debbie Briedwell, Vice-chair—present
MoDOT Joe Carter—present
OA ITSD Economic Development Colin Duewell—excused
OA Budget and Planning Matt Hesser—present via teleconference
Missouri National Guard Drew Lane—present
OA-ITSD Natural Resources Jeff Schloss—absent
OA-ITSD Health and Senior Services Tracy Schloss—present via teleconference
Department of Conservation Tony Spicci—present (proxy for Amber Reynolds)
OA-ITSD Revenue Beth Struempf—present via teleconference
Washington University in St. Louis Aaron Addison—excused
SEMO RPC Stan Balsman—present via teleconference
Great River Associates Josie Bock—present via teleconference
Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors Joe Clayton—excused
USDA-NRCS Elizabeth Cook, Treasurer and Past Chair—present
Surdex Tim Donze—excused
MOREnet David Drum, Secretary—present (proxy for Colin Duewell)
City of Columbia Matt Gerike—excused
Camden County Jennifer Gordon—absent
Northwest Missouri State University Ming-Chih Hung—excused
Cole County Melissa Johnson—excused
Sanborn Mapping Kenny Legleiter—present via teleconference
MARC Steve Marsh, Chair—present (proxy for Joe Clayton, Tim Donze)
Jackson County Amber Reynolds—excused
City of Jefferson Greg Resz—present via teleconference
MoRAP Diane True—present
City of Maryland Heights Andy Wagner—absent
Boone County Jason Warzinik—excused
MU Extension Shannon White—present
Other Attendees
Census Bureau Craig Best (teleconference)
City of Columbia Jordan Duft
GeoVelo, LLC Chris Dunn
Esri Joe Eckmann (teleconference)
Woolpert Brad Fugate
US HQ DHS Rick D. Goins
MU Tim Haithcoat
City of Columbia Katie Harper (proxy for Melissa Johnson)
City of Columbia Thomas Larsen (proxy for Matt Gerike)
Woolpert Sam Moffat
OGI Arnold Williams (teleconference)

3. Approval of Minutes
June minutes available on the web site. Motion to approve from White, seconded by Spicci, approved by vote.
4. MGISAC Administration
4.1 Missouri OGI Report — Paul Wright

  • Aerial Imagery/LiDAR RFP1 – The process has been completed and four vendors selected as pre-approved: AeroMetric, Fugro EarthData, Surdex, Woolpert
  • Enterprise Server Architecture1 – We are having the information reviewed by ITSD Finance for bill-back purposes.
  • Enterprise Architecture Standards1 – Arnold has created an updated draft to the standards that were developed 2003-2004. This will be provided to state agencies and MGISAC to review.
  • Google Use Policy1 – Working on a draft use policy based on a federal policy. This will be distributed for comment.

4.2 MSDIS report — Mark Duewell

  1. GeoPortal: We are beginning to discuss adding metadata records for imagery and services to the portal. This has been a long outstanding issue that we put off until we felt there had been significant progress on vector side and increased user functionality. Essentially we’ll be reviewing, modifying or creating new metadata for each imagery/service iteration.
  2. Virtualization of the MSDIS-Imagery Servers and storage space upgrade: MUs DOIT has provided 3 potential solutions – we’ve asked for a meeting to discuss particulars and answer questions. That meeting will likely be sometime in the next two weeks or so. Two of the solutions virtualized the imagery side – the third solution continued very much in our present configuration but centralized and increased storage. Currently none of the MSDIS staff is much in favor of option#3 – but the meeting will clarify some costs and future expansion.
  3. Broadband “Structures” Project: Sub-contracts are being mailed back to the RPCs as the University’s Office of Sponsored Programs signs them. We’re waiting on another date from Steve Marsh to set a meeting of the principals to discuss the project in the MARC region – the original date was not good for either Tim or I since it occurred while we were committed to the MOMAPPERS Conference next week.
    Progress: We’re now at 2,114,316 points as of last Wednesday – and 18,028 footprints completed. 103 counties are complete or partially completed and under review at the GRC. Community Anchor Institutions have been started by some RPCs already.

4.3 Treasurer's report — Liz Cook


Previous balance $28237.39  
Income None $0.00
Ending balance $28237.39  

4.4 Membership report — Tony Spicci
No new nominations for membership. All renominations have been submitted to and approved by the CIO. Membership letters are available upon request.
4.5 By-laws — Steve Marsh
Nothing submitted
5. Project Updates/Action Items
5.1 Review of MGISAC-funded trip to Open Records meeting — Christopher Dunn, MU Law Student
Report available on-line.
5.2 Candidate position statements — Candidates
Cook commented that she was grateful that we trusted her with the authority and would be happy to serve again.
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Data Development — Ray Fox
Statewide imagery acquisition contract is big discussion point
Set up a working group to determine information and cost – no one from OA in that group

Ray contacted contractors Most were willing to provide cost estimates – Aerometric provided information per square miles, etc

4200, 5300 sq miles in MARC


Some asked for specific areas (urban area like boone county and a rural area like Reynolds County)

OA can not ask for cost estimates however MGISAC can ask the questions of cost estimates

Ray wrote an article Missouri Mappers newsletters
Call from assessor in Marion county – interested.
RPC’s sharing the information with their members about this.

Agencies moving on LiDAR for NW Missouri (see LiDAR map for location) includes several counties

Brad – from Woolpert — promotional type of materials brought with them and the buy-ups that are possible (examples from IN, OH, ME- included in Maine, published costs — they will provide comparable pricing from Indiana and Ohio for a midwestern state comparison
Materials from their own marketing and communications department
Cost per county published in Indiana (indianaimagery.com) – contract is with State of Indiana which gives a volume discount
QA/QC tools – some hire out through a 3rd party vendor, some use Woolpert tools (i.e. online tools), sometimes it’s another entity (i.e. OH uses Dept of Transportation of QA/QC using Woolpert online tools but the aquisition contract is through the Dept of IT)

Steve – because of the way it’s set up at OA/State Purchasing, there are some local government questions regarding how working with vendors, and the process of picking up and “piggy-backing” on the OA contract.

Difference between putting together for State contract and putting together a project in the state not through

Need to have the ability to collect money to financially, fiscally, etc. CIO office has an account that can roll over year by year (was set up while Tim H. was CIO per Tim H)
The State has to put skin in the game is the overall feeling.

Most counties are on a 2 year cycle, next is State Agencies scheduling

Ray – the committee has approved $5,000 for marketing and how to move forward was discussed.

Estimated costs – help with chicken and egg issues for many areas

In KC area willing to pilot a local buy-up. Another question is whether or not there is an option for MARC to include Kansas Counties.

Resampling being public domain.

Joe – will put some urgency to it with Dept of transportation

ROI – yes, that should be part of the marketing
6.2 Homeland Security — Debbie Briedwell
Glen from Homeland Security – Office is in Jefferson City
– Debbie as CIKR point of reference,
Question about do we know where GIS is in Missouri?
Sunshine laws in Missouri have expired, infrastructure and parts and pieces of that.
Happy to share information with who
ASIP Gold and other
Who has GIS analytics? Do we know in Missouri? Local or national guard
Current training in the state he is not able to funds have been sequestered but Glen wants to know what our needs are.
Missouri Public Private Partnership (MOP3) is still active
Ability to do imagery – drones – Colorado story
6.3 Local Government — Matt Gerike, Melissa Johnson, Jason Warzinik
No report
6.4 Outreach and Education — Mark Duewell, Shannon White
GeoTech camp next week
Need female volunteers for an upcoming Girl Scout GPS training Sept 7.

Advanced LiDAR – MARC offices July 29th is filled at 60, Panera catering Wiating list of 8 or 9 people
Carpooling available
6.5 Policy and Legislation — Joe Clayton
No report
6.6 Strategic Planning — Shannon White
June meeting
2nd Friday of August
7. Liaison Reports
7.1 MAGIC Consortium — Steve Marsh
planning the conference (3 planning sessions in October)
workshops — looking for suggestions on topics and presenters
Save the data card came out electronically
Grants are under review
7.2 National States Geographic Information Council — Paul Wright

  • Virtual Caucus1 — A Virtual Caucus Meeting that was held on Thursday, 6/27/13. Agenda:
    1. Congressional AGOL license
    2. MAP-21 opportunities
    3. The right balance for NSGIC between external advocacy and internal support/education
      a. Advocacy Agenda for 2014 – Update v. Rework
    4. Statewide Coordination and Support – What’s Working and What Isn’t
    5. FirstNet News — I was not able to attend due to meeting conflicts but a recording of the meeting can be found on-line.
  • Data Quality1 — Danielle Ayan (GA) came across this document. It’s published by the Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology (FCSM) and deals with data quality and ‘fitness for use’ issues that work their way into the authoritative data discussion. This will be put on the Resources Tab of the NSGIC web site for later reference.
  • CAP Grants1 — The official word from FGDC on the 2013 CAP grants is that they are waiting for approval. The following is from the President’s FY 2014 Budget.
    Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) Legacy Activities ($1,697,000 /-3 FTE)
    National Geospatial Program ($1,697,000 /-3 FTE)

    In 2014, the USGS proposes to reduce funding for the FGDC. The FGDC would be funded at approximately $3.8 million. At this funding level, the FGDC Office of the Secretariat (OS) would provide support for the Steering Committee, Executive Committee, Coordination Group, and the National Geospatial Advisory Committee and support the Geospatial Line of Business/Federal Geospatial Platform. Support for key initiatives and Office of Management and Budget Circular A-16 components including architecture, the USGS National Spatial Data Clearinghouse network, geospatial standards development, National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) development and training, metadata program, and some of implementation of the A-16 Supplemental Guidance would continue. The reduction to the FGDC OS would result in a reduced level of staff and capacity to address the balance of the implementation of the A-16 Supplemental Guidance, interagency policy, program, and coordination functions and requirements that would impact the Federal and national geospatial communities. The proposed reduction would eliminate the NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program and cloud computing initiative and significantly reduce International activities. The FGDC is funded through an interagency line of business. As the interagency steward of the program USGS funds the Office of the Secretariat. This reduction will eliminate funding for lower priority activities that have been historically provided by the Office.

can nominate 5 people to NCGIC membership
Nominate a NSGIC liaison to go to the meetings
Having that person have the reporting
consideration – cover costs of travel for the liason
Interested in being one of the 4 vote on the participation of the NSGIC participation
Bylaws establish the position of NSGIC liason
liaison help coordinate the interested part of groups of NSGIC
liaison will be lead delagate (NSGIC by-laws wording)
Anyone can participate, other than that NSGIC standing committees and working groups (NextGen 21, Broadband, etc)
Motion by Diane True, Second was Debbie – To send to a working committee to write up a bylaws change and membership of NSGIC.
Motion passes
8. Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
8.1 NRCS — Liz Cook
[ask liz to give a writen update]
LiDAR data in NW
NAIP for Missouri – growing season 2015 (would be good to get a leaf off between)
8.2 USGS — Ray Fox
Schell Osage contract review
Perry County – USGS has not accepted but has been passed to Liz and Mark
Finished update for LiDAR inventory –
8.3 Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership — Diane True
Working with E/W gateway -high resolution imagery for urban areas
Working with Hinkson Creek Group –
Will have a steering committee meeting in the Fall
8.4 Missouri Mappers Association — Melissa Johnson
MO Mappers conference at Tan-Tar-A next week
Break out sessions vs General Sessions
Mostly local government mappers working with Assessors office is primary audience/participants
8.5 Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors — Joe Clayton
No report but Liz reported they moved officially to Ag
9. Round table Discussion
Ray – suggestion for someone from OA/Purchasing to come to the next meeting
Glen – Interactive maps from NOAA – new tools on EIA website
Joe – MoDOT – state transportation improvement plan is up online; 1st state highway map in GIS rather than AutoCAD (in ArcGIS 10.1), will be available at the State Fair August 8
Diane – ArcCatalog metadata issue; export as XML it will show up if having problems not seeing it
Shannon – MGA conference September
Tony: NGAC (National Geospatial Advisory Committee) – NSDI strategic plan, comments are welcomed; feedback provided for Geospatial Platform 2.0

  • (suggested a marketplace for Geospatial Platform in 2.1)
  • Endorsement of Transportation network plan (NextGen911 , Map21)
  • Addressing – Census workflow discussion – looking at the data collected before title 13 which has closed door for data,
  • LandSat – drafting position papers regarding LandSat
  • DoI is supportive of LandSat and LandSat continuity
  • Geolocation privacy issues
  • many misunderstandings, therefore defining what it means will be important
  • Any laws that develop
  • Workforce Development
  • Call for participation in NGAC packets due August 12th

10. Next meeting: Thursday, August 8, 2013, 9:00 a.m., Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Meeting adjourned at a.m.

2 thoughts on “Minutes for July 18, 2013

  1. Ray – the committee has approved $5 for marketing and how to move forward was discussed. (This doesn’t sound like it could be right), but I wasn’t there so I don’t know what it should be.

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