Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – September 10, 2009

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – September 10, 2009

Department of ConservationCredit Union Building9:00 a.m.

Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 9:04 a.m.

Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees

Ex-Officio Members

Mark Duewellpresent
Tim Haithcoatpresent

State Members

Debbie Briedwellpresent (proxy for Renee Robinson)
Colin Duewellpresent
Matt Hesserpresent
Renee Robinsonexcused
Jeff Schlosspresent
Tracy Schlosspresent
Tony Spiccipresent
Beth Struempfabsent
Arnold Williamsabsent

Cooperating Members

Aaron Addisonpresent
Mark Allenabsent
Leslie Chamberlinpresent
Elizabeth CookTreasurerpresent
David DrumSecretarypresent
Ray FoxVice-chairexcused
Ming-Shih Hungpresent
Pam Kelrickpresent
Kevin Kuhlmannabsent
Jim LaScalaabsent
Steve MarshChairpresent
Greg Reszpresent
Diane Truepresent

Other Attendees

Joe Clayton, MSPS
Tim Donze, Surdex
Joe Eckmann, ESRI
Eric Foster, MoDOT
Melissa Johnson, Cole County
Chris Renna, MSHP
Andy Wagner, Maryland Heights
Shannon White, Univ. of Missouri

Approval of the Minutes

August minutes available on the web site. Motion to approve minutes from Debbie B, seconded by Tony S. Approved by vote.

MGISAC Administration

State GIO ReportTim Haithcoat

  • Trying to coordinate contact to local governments so they are not contacted repeatedly by different agencies
    • MoDOT is calling for parcel data for a right-of-way project; FMDC is making a similar call regarding state land
    • Debbie B: Technigraphics is an authorized vendor of NGA contacting E911 call centers
  • Broadband proposal is in; have eight questions to answer by COB today. Some portions of proposal dealing with addressing is undermined by new blockgroup reporting approach.
  • Demonstration of funding tracking ArcGIS Server application to CIO Office.
  • LiDAR business development plan reviewed.


No changes submitted



Project Updates

Review and discussion of the membership document

Tony S: Draft document sent out some time ago. Received some comments which were incorporated. Revised copy sent out last week; no comments received since then. Extended discussion. Motion from Jeff S to approve the first page of the charter with addition of “MGISAC” at specified location in text. Seconded by Liz C. Call to question. Motion approved by vote; Charter adopted.

Review and discussion of the Missouri GIO Plan

Tim H: still open for comment. Would like written comments by September 25th. Extended discussion.

Discussion and approval of NSGIC Slate

Tony S: reviewed candidates for President-Elect, with comments. Motion to vote for John from David D, multiple seconds, approved by vote. Tony reviewed candidates for Board, with comments. Motion from Tony, seconded by Leslie C, to vote for Chris Diller. Approved by vote. Motion from Jeff S, multiple seconds, to vote for Bert G. Approved by vote. Motion from Jeff S, seconded by Tracy S, to vote for Ian. Approved by vote.

Discussion Topic/Presentation

Subcommittee Reports

Data DevelopmentRay Fox

No report

FinanceLiz Cook

Balance of $29,983.77. No transactions in the last month. Two pending: NSGIC dues at $3,000; credit of $95 for domain name registration.

Funding & GrantsPam Kelrick, Tony Spicci, Mark Duewell

Mark D: FGDC/USGS has released information on the 2010 CAP. Discussion.

Homeland Security/Emergency ManagementDebbie Briedwell

Met Tuesday. Briefing on H1N1. Minutes forthcoming on web site. Working on symbology standards. HSAC budget meeting.

Local Government GroupMark Allen

No report

Outreach & EducationMark Duewell

Northeast Regional workshop is scheduled for October 26, registration opens on the web tomorrow morning. Requests up to $100 for refreshments for breaks. Motion from David D, seconded by Tracy S, to support NE Regional meeting up to $100. Approved by vote. Working on a plan for data and creating metadata in 2010.

Strategic PlanningEric Foster

No report

Missouri GIS Conference

Tim H: Contract pending

Liaison Reports

GIT Architecture (MAEA)Tim Haithcoat

No report

Policy & LegislationTony Spicci

No report

MSDIS ActivitesMark Duewell

Still working on different approaches for storing local government data. Wrapping up the southeast structures grant. Working on interim 6 month report. Tim H: it would be a good idea to send a list of smaller projects to Ray when he has partnership money available. Mark: we can assist writing grants. Jeff S: please let lists know about resampled imagery in the KC area.

MAGIC ConsortiumTony Spicci

No report

Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports

Federal/NRCSLiz Cook

More data from USDA may become available in the future.

Federal/USGSRay Fox

No report

Missouri Association of Councils of Government

No report

Missouri Resource Assessment PartnershipDiane True

No report

Missouri Mappers AssociationJim LaScala

Mark D: Executive board teleconference Sept. 23

Missouri Society of Professional SurveyorsJohn Teale

No report

National States Geographic Information CouncilTim Haithcoat

Working on a maturity model for all 50 states. National Grid overview available on web site. Working on a Broadband Mapping data model for all 50 states.

Round Table Discussionall

Jeff S: state data center image services now available. DNS has a job vacancy for someone with IMS/ArcGIS Server and ArcObjects experience.
Debbie B: looking for final determination of GIS data and Sunshine law.
Tim D: Final block of western Missouri imagery at QA/QC. Expect to be done in the next few weeks.
Shannon W: study of children’s activity using accelerometers and GPS.
Tim H: Tim, Tony, and Ray will be at the NSGIC meeting in Cleveland instead of the October MGISAC meeting.
David D: suggest that MGISAC adopt GISCI GISP certification and promote certification in Missouri by reimbursing some portion of an individual’s cost of certification following a successful application. Discussion.

Announcement of next meeting

October 8, 2009 @ Conservation Credit Union


Meeting adjourned at 11:57 a.m.

Comments are closed.