Minutes for August 8, 2024

Minutes for August 8, 2024

Call to Order – 10:03am


Ex-Officio Members
MSDIS – Thomas Vought – p
OA-ITSD/OGI/NSGIC – Tracy Schloss – p
USGS – David Nail – pp

State Members
MDA – Jacque Walters – p
DNR – Zackary Becker – p
Economic Development – Amelia AuBuchon – p
MDC – Tim Bixler – p
MOARNG – Wiley Howell – p
MoDOT – Colin Duewell – p
OA Planning & Budget – Matt Hesser – p

Cooperating Members
All State Consultants – Katilin Belk – p
BCFPD – Ryan Rhee – p
Boone County – Matt Smith – p
City of Columbia – Calvin Patterson – p
City of Jefferson – Buster Schrage – p
Cole County – Melissa Johnson – pp
Mid-MO RPC – Jennifer Bowden – p
MO 911 Board – Shawn Penmann – p
MU Extension/CARES – Chris Barnett – p
Sanborn – Brad Arshat – p
SEMO RPC – Jeremy Tanz – p
Surdex – Steve Kasten – pp
USDA-NRCS – Katie Philbrick – p
Washington University – Mollie Webb – pp
City of Springfield – Nathan Huggins – p
City of Branson – Curtis Copeland – p

Other Attendees
Jen Moore – WashU
Joe Eckman – ESRI
Dustin Goodwin – Columbia
Kayla Flamm – MO Botanical
Raymond Carr
Rick Staudinger – Ag
Tara Vansell – Lindenwood
Sydney Roberts – SEMA
Jack King – Surdex
Tom Thomson – MDC

Approval of Minutes – Motion to approve minutes from previous meeting. Motion seconded. Motion passes unanimously.


OGI Report – Enterprise license moving along. A lot of moving parts. Still no updated price sheet. Going to renew/extend current so people don’t get messed up. GIS day event in the works. ESRI gives 5 licenses when registering event. Going to give to students who attend. $100 value. Will call it an expo to have poster session for students. Will be looking for booths. May do it the 13th. Questions about how much of a lure the free license might be for students since they have access through school.

MSDIS Report – I have made some important progress organizing and making sense of our LiDAR data collection, though we still have work to do, especially on the downloads front. Additionally, at the request of one of our partner agencies, I have restored the older NAIP imagery services that were retired two months ago. There were no service interruptions reported during July 2024. Due to the MAGIC Clearinghouse Summit being in conflict with this month’s meeting a longer report will be prepared for next month.

Treasurer’s Report – We had $82.83 in fees. Ending balance of $33,362.53. Budget review meeting was recently. Upcoming expenses for SEMO workshop. We sponsor meal for $400 split with MMA A few people are going down. Zack may present on MoHIC.

Membership Report – 1 Change. Consolidation OA is now under OGI. If OA Budget doesn’t send someone then they will technically drop off. 35 members. 3 vacancies. 18 quorum.

By-Laws Report – No changes.

Discussion Topic – MO Board on Geographic Names is hosting an event in Columbia. Will have a variety of of topics including a review on derogatory names. This may impact the names of some stuff in MO. State doesn’t maintain some of the map layers this may impact. Names Board mostly interested in natural places names. Census may deal with incorporated place names and their compliance.

URISA doing salary study. Share it n the industry far and wide. Survey does get a little invasive. It’s kept anonymous and won’t be released. They have done this survey before. Dept. of Labor doesn’t really track GIS jobs specifically. Due August 19th.

Committee Reports

Data Development – Looking at imagery flights still. Doing more local cycle research. What we spend on 6” imagery is a big number in one bite. Marrying the schedule with the finance is a challenge. Costs more to quarter the state by 25%. Try to use RPCs to get further feedback. Statewide data for incorporated and unincorporated municipalities interested in expanding what’s out there. Stil doing review on southern imagery. FY22, 23, 24 partners spent $3.7m on imagery (NAIP isn’t figured into that number). That is a 6” and 12” mix. September 14th deadline for Lidar data collaboration with USGS. QA/QC meetings are weekly.

NG911 – More data hitting portal. More GIS grants are being awarded.

Legislative – Time to start talking bout language to reintroduce our legislation. Want to see if interest is still there. One senator is pushing it without us. Generally we want to move forward so that something isn’t decided for us without our full input.
*Motion made to have legislative committee move forward with legislative language initiative. Motion seconded. Motion passes with majority yea, 1 nay.

Outreach – More updates and changes being made to website. 17 action items. 13 are completed. Going to close private Linkedin page and setup a public one.

Education – Story Map page updated with registration buttons for conferences. Meetings with educators doesn’t seem very fruitful. Thinking about education committee as a board for advising the state. Think education portion of conference should pool stakeholders in an advisory capacity. Trying to figure out the best use of time.

Conference – Logo is made. Need to choose which one. Next meeting doodle will go out soon. Plan to choose logo and talk about registration fees and vendor fees/offerings.

Laiason Reports

MAGIC – Clearinghouse Summit in St. Louis currently. Leadership retreat coming up. New executive committee elected next meeting may set next conference location.

NSGIC – Next month is the annual meeting in San Antonio. Going to make some MO stickers to take.

Cooperating Agency Reports

USGS – Data Collaboration announcement out now. Due September 13th. DNR and MDC putting together an application for year 3 hydrography. EDH bids are being reviewed. Plan to award soon.

NRCS – September DCA is too late in year to contribute by NRCS but hope to catch it next time around.

Open Discussion – Zack meeting with council members. If he hasn’t talked to you yet he hopes to do so soon. If there’s something you would like to discuss with him don’t hesitate to reach out. Going to give presentation at upcoming meeting about GIS at MoHIC.

September Meeting in Columbia

Adjourned – 11:55am.

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