Minutes for January 9, 2025
Call to order- 10:00 A.M
MSDIS – Thomas Vought – p
OGI/NSGIC – Tracy Schloss – p
State Members:
DNR – Zackary Becker – p
Economic Development – Amelia AuBuchon – p
MDC – Tim Bixler – pp
MDA – Jacque Walters – p
MOARNG – Kaleb Bauer – p
MoDOT – Colin Duewell – p
Cooperating Members:
Allstate Consultants- Katilin Belk- p
BCFPD – Ryan Rhee – p
Boone County – Matt Smit – p
City of Columbia – Calvin Patterson
City of Jefferson – Buster Schrage –
Cole County – Melissa Johnson – p
Mid-MO RPC – Jennifer Bowden
NG911 – Shawn Penman – p
MU Extension/CARES – Chris Barnett – p
Northwest MO State – Ming-Chih Hung
Sanborn – Brad Arshat – p
SEMO RPC – Jeremy Tanz
Surdex – Steve Kasten – p
GISCI – Tony Spicci – p
US ACE St Louis – Jennifer Backer –
USDA-NRCS – Katie Philbrick
Washington University – Mollie Webb – p
Wilson & Co – Derek Smith- p
City of Springfield – Nate Huggins – p
City of Branson – Curtis Copeland – p
Other Attendees:
Dan R
David Nykodym
Dr. Braden – Agriculture
Dustin Goodwin (Columbia Water & Light)
Geoff King
Jack King
Joe Eckmann
Rick Staudinger
Sarah Brown (SEMO RPC)
Sydney Roberts
Tim Haithcoat
Travis Tomson (MSPS)
Curtis Copeland
Approval of Minutes – Motion made and seconded to approve minutes from the December 2024 meeting. Motion passes unanimously.
OGI Report-
ESRI agreements are still moving along. There is an open position with OGI, if you know of anyone looking for a job let them know about this opportunity. Tracy is working to ensure there is a smooth transition once she retires by continuing discussions with MSDIS, meeting with them regularly, and explaining imagery servers etc. in detail. Hoping for a Business analyst position as there is not one now.
MSDIS Update –
December 2024 Updated Data 2024 6” Resolution Southern Missouri Imagery I am delighted to announce that I took possession of the 2024 6” resolution imagery just before the holiday break. An EXTREMELY TEMPORARY image service of the new data has been created and deployed HERE. This temporary service, which is named Missouri_South_2024_TEMPORARY, will be discontinued once the new MSDIS image server is fully deployed. I have confirmed with several MSDIS users that the service is accessible outside of the Mizzou network, so it should be available to anyone who needs access to the imagery right now and does not want to wait for the deployment of the permanent service. Please note that I have NOT received the county mosaics yet, so downloads of the new imagery are not yet available. My understanding is that those files are still under construction and will be delivered at a later date. St Louis Imagery Consortium 2022 Imagery I am still working on accessing the 2022 St Louis imagery. Just before the holiday break I was given permission from Mizzou IT to install software that will (in theory) allow me to access the files without needing to mail an external drive. I have yet to test the software out, but it is on my to-do list.
MSDIS General News
A New Image Server The new image server has been unofficially deployed and is currently in internal testing. The MSDIS Interns have confirmed that they are able to access the server while outside of the network and that they are able to add the test services to ArcGIS and QGIS projects. My current plan is to complete the creation and deployment of a statewide 2023/2024 image service and individual 2023 and 2024 services before publicly sharing the new link. If all goes well, these services will utilize cached tiles to maximize responsiveness. As I mentioned previously, I fully intend to take my time with the rollout of this server and the services that will live on it. One of the primary frustrations I had with the rollout of the 2022 12” imagery was that I received the main delivery before Thanksgiving, rushed to set up a service to make the data available, then received the Kansas City-area 12” imagery shortly after that. Since people were already using the first service, I was reluctant to make a combined service for fear of maxing out my server’s limited resources.
AWS Open Data
I was able to complete our first AWS Open Data submission just before the holiday break. To my surprise, a representative from AWS has already reached back out to me for clarification regarding the licensing and optimization of the imagery we hope to store and distribute via this service. Based on the email I received; my suspicion is that the question of licensing is primarily due to me selecting the wrong option on the submission form rather than any actual incompatibility. I will be reaching out to a handful of individuals to discuss our response to these concerns.
GEOG 1800
Once again, I am teaching GEOG 1800 during the Spring semester and would like to invite any interested GIS professionals to join us for an in-class presentation. The class is scheduled for MWF 11:00-11:50 in Stewart Hall. You can take up as much, or as little, time as you would like. You don’t even have to join us in-person. The classroom is fully equipped to handle Zoom meetings, so you can give a presentation from the comfort of your own office. Unlike previous years, I will not be scheduling these talks only for the end of the semester. If you are willing to volunteer your time to come talk to my students about what you do with GIS, you are welcome to drop in at any point on the academic calendar. If you’re interested in joining us, please email me directly at voughtth@missouri.edu
Donate Directly to MSDIS
While many of you heard this at last month’s MGISAC meeting, I would like to extend a huge thanks to Aaron Addison for his generation donation to the MSDIS Excellence Fund. As a reminder, if you or your company would like to help support end-of-year awards for my undergraduate interns, the MSDIS Excellence Fund, is open to the public and able to accept donations. As MSDIS’ place in the world continues to rapidly expand and my attention is pulled in several different directions, my cadre of students are being asked to do more and more complex work.
MSDIS Downtime
No downtime was reported during December 2024.
Server Statistics
While I am still no longer able to report server statistics, MSDIS server logs remain publicly available for those interested in examining the raw information.
Treasures report – No changes, balance remains the same $32,445.96.
Anticipated charges coming up in sending two representatives to NSGIC Mid-year meeting.
Membership Report – City of lee summit vacancy is being taking off. OA Panning to drop this year. We have 34 total members with 1 vacancy now. Quorum is still 18.
By-Laws Report – No Report
Committee Reports
Data development– Membership has been shot of attendance, email to come soon to gain more traction and make sure nothing has been lost in communication. Emergency Management is not getting enough voice either, looking to maybe combine these meetings.
NG911 – County Mosaics to finish up soon and ship out to Tom, these are being produced in both State Plane and UTM
Legislative – Both pieces of legislation are now being considered, the legislation period has started. Tony to investigate other bills that could affect the geospatial world. H.R.5009 National Defense Authorization Act of 2025 passed. This granted a pilot program to be focused in on STL area.
Conference update- Dan Coe to be the keynote speaker and giving a training and presentation. Chris has been working to solidify opening up registration, we had some late workshop information coming in. Everything is together and solidified at this point. Call for abstracts is open as well as nominations for the Outstanding Contribution to GIS Award
Education Report – Focusing on the conference and education workshop that will be happening that Monday evening. Tara is a part of an advisory committee that creates a modern curriculum for undergrad students and graduate students in the geospatial world. Transitioning the world from desktop workflows into online workflows, how they work together. Getting that type of thinking into the hands of graduates. Find ways to ‘sponsor a teacher’ scholarships for teachers, how do we support these educators. Also how do we support students in this?
Marketing- Worked with MSDIS to showcase MGISAC on the portal and vice versa. Kaitlin received access to the MOGISCON Facebook page.
Liaison Reports –
NSGIC- Mid-year meeting end of February. Tom and Katilin to be attending.
Cooperating Agency Reports – None
Open Discussion-
Melisa Johnson- It is helpful to see how other states run their GIS councils, how can we learn and grow.
Chris Barnett- there are other types of presentations that could be lunch and learns to expand the audience, advertise it to the university etc. Be strategic on how we treat those events to target a broad audience.
Different states will have different key players in GIS it would be beneficial to find similar states to find overlap.
Joe Eckamann can help line up a speaker from ESRI on any topic we choose.
Tim Haithcoat- We need to do outreach to other organizations to try and get on their annual meeting schedule to let municipal and counties know what we are doing. Where can we take our message to expand the knowledge is also important. Home ruled state.
Record and make sessions available to watch later.
Adjourned – 11:31
Next meeting February 13, 2025 at MDC Central Regional Office, Columbia, MO