Minutes for February 13, 2025
Call to order- 10:00 A.M
Ex-Officio Members
MSDIS – Thomas Vought – p
OA-ITSD/OGI/NSGIC – Tracy Schloss – p
USGS – David Nail – p
State Members
MDA – Jacque Walters – p
MDC – Tim Bixler – p
DNR – Zackary Becker – p
MOARNG – Kaleb Bauer – p
MoDOT – Colin Duewell – p
Cooperating Members
All State Consultants – Katilin Belk – p
BCFPD – Ryan Rhee – p
City of Columbia – Calvin Patterson – p
City of Jefferson – Buster Schrage – p
Cole County – Melissa Johnson – p
Mid-MO RPC – Jennifer Bowden – p
MO 911 Board – Shawn Penman – p
MU Extension/CARES – Chris Barnett – p
Northwest MO State – Ming-Chih Hung – p
Sanborn – Brad Arshat – p
Surdex – Steve Kasten – p
GISCI – Tony Spicci – p
US ACE St Louis – Jennifer Backer – p
Washington University – Mollie Webb – p
Wilson & Co – Derek Smith – p
City of Brason – Curtis Copeland – p
Other Attendees
Marianne Cardwell- Indiana
Bill O’Brien
Dustin Goodwin
Joe Eckman
Rick Staudinger
David Nykodym
Rick Staudinger
Curtis Copeland
Approval of Minutes – Motion made and seconded to approve minutes from the January 2025 meeting. Motion passes unanimously.
OGI Report-
There is a signed master agreement with ESRI, there is an advantage program added which is new. It means that it can be added to the contract on the MPA. (it might actually not be on this contract, but Joe Eckmann is working to get it amended on) There was another meeting on the MOA between the state and MSDIS, someone from ITSD procurement was on the call. MSDIS has been coming up with their list of responsibilities, the State needs to do the same. Tracy’s position is now open and can be found on the state’s mo careers website and MSDIS job board.
MSDIS Update –
Updated Data
2024 6” Resolution Southern Missouri Imagery. MSDIS has received the 6” resolution county mosaics and is working to prepare them for deployment. I realize that these files are very popular with our user community, so adding them to The Missouri Map is currently one of our highest priority workflows St Louis Imagery Consortium 2022 Imagery Retrieval of this dataset has been temporarily put on hold to facilitate the county mosaic deployment. MoDOT Quarterly Update PLUS Functional Classifications.
The quarterly update of MoDOT routes, arcs, rest stops, emergency reference markers, and commuter lots has been deployed via the MSDIS Hub site. Once again, this deployment was fully executed by MSDIS Intern Rachel Riley. I would also like to thank MoDOT for agreeing to make their Functional Classifications data available for deployment via MSDIS.
MSDIS General News
A New Image Server: The new image server has remained stable throughout the testing period. Once the county mosaics have been deployed for download, we will pivot to final preparations for official rollout.
AWS Open Data
Discussions continue with AWS regarding our Open Data Sponsorship application. I have been asked to confirm that the Creative Commons license can be applied to the aerial photography collection that we intend to deploy through this collaboration. Internal discussions about this continue.
GEOG 1800
Once again, I am teaching GEOG 1800 during the Spring semester and would like to invite any interested GIS professionals to join us for an in-class presentation. The class is scheduled for MWF 11:00-11:50 in Stewart Hall. You can take up as much, or as little, time as you would like. You don’t even have to join us in-person. The classroom is fully equipped to handle Zoom meetings, so you can give a presentation from the comfort of your own office. Unlike previous years, I will not be scheduling these talks only for the end of the semester. If you are willing to volunteer your time to come talk to my students about what you do with GIS, you are welcome to drop in at any point on the academic calendar. If you’re interested in joining us, please email me directly at voughtth@missouri.edu
Donate Directly to MSDIS
While many of you heard this at last month’s MGISAC meeting, I would like to extend a huge thanks to Aaron Addison for his generation donation to the MSDIS Excellence Fund. As a reminder, if you or your company would like to help support end-of-year awards for my undergraduate interns, the MSDIS Excellence Fund, is open to the public and able to accept donations. As MSDIS’ place in the world continues to rapidly expand and my attention is pulled in several different directions, my cadre of students are being asked to do more and more complex work.
MSDIS Downtime
No downtime was reported during January 2025.
Server Statistics
While I am still no longer able to report server statistics, MSDIS server logs remain publicly available for those interested in examining the raw information. While I am still no longer able to report server statistics, MSDIS server logs remain publicly available for those interested in examining the raw information.
Treasures report –
With conference fees and income coming in, the balance is shifting, we are at $42,382.51
Anticipated charges coming up in sending two representatives to NSGIC Mid-year meeting.
Membership Report –
OA Panning and Budget vacancy to drop the end of this year. We have 34 total members with 1 vacancy now. Quorum is still 18.
By-Laws Report – No Report
Committee Reports
Presentation: Marianne Carwell (Indiana) College Rick Rahe on call as well.
Indiana Geographic Information Office was created in 2007 by Indiana Code in 2007.
Facilities GIS Data cooperation between federal, state, and local government. Is a governor appointed position. They support the state agencies with their GIS needs, use the GIS Infrastructure the IGIO creates, there is a open data portal as well that they manage. They developed a strategic plan (GIS: Strategic Plan)
Cloud infrastructure: Capacity, scalability, accessibility, performance, security.
Typically, they do not create data, they make it accessible and collaborate. Not rehosting data.
Data Harvest Program, once a year they reach out to all counties to get address points, street centerlines, parcels, and administrative boundaries. These are requested with NG911 standards but not received in this way. Takes a lot of clean up to get there. They have a statewide geocoder.
3 year cycle for Imagery (highest cost)
8 year cycle for LiDAR (highest cost)
IndianaMap (hub site)
Outreach- 2 outreach coordinators, over 100 outreach meetings in 2024, Initial focus on county government.
Advisory Workgroup has about 13 members from public and private sectors that have been handpicked for their knowledge. Meets Quarterly to provide guidance to the IGIO office. There are often topics of discussion (i.e. lower prices on imagery, who do we talk to?)
IGIC, membership-based organization with over 400 members, 21 board members and executive committee.
Data development– Not too much going on, a lot is up in the air.
NG911 – No notable updates.
Legislative – SB 204 we are following had a 2nd hearing yesterday. HB 71 is introduced not on any calendars currently. HB 1182 changes provisions regarding GIS Systems and has had a 2nd hearing. HB 930 unmanned aircraft, had its public hearing
Conference update- Early bird registration is open, call for abstracts is out now as well.
Education Report – Updated education story map https://arcg.is/0vuDDi0
Marketing- Recordings from Missouri GIS day on the news section of the website. Data development and emergency response were merged on the website to reflect the consolidation for that. Ryan is working on updated content for this page.
Liaison Reports –
NSGIC- Mid-year meeting end of February. Tom and Katilin to be attending.
Cooperating Agency Reports –
USGS- Hydro and elevation DCA proposals that were submitted in September are on hold.
NRCS- On a holding pattern figuring out what they have money for.
Open Discussion-
We need some nominations for Chair Elect
Colin voicing concern that nobody comes forward for Chair, it is not competitive anymore. Why is it hard to find leadership?
Adjourned –
Next meeting March 13, 2025 at Conservation Employees Credit Union, Jefferson City, MO