Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – May 23, 1997

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – May 23, 1997


Missouri Department of Transportation – Conference Room 200
10:00 – 12:00.
Present: Ryan Burson, Lew Davison, Elizabeth Cook, Tony Spicci, Darryl Williams, Ron Beck, and Tim Haithcoat


  1. Introductions
  2. Approval of April 15, 1997 meeting minutes
  3. Distribution of draft MSDIS brochure
  4. Status of USGS-FGDC Initiative – MSDIS CCAP proposal
  5. Status of USGS-FGDC Initiative – FDPP proposal
  6. Workplan discussion & finalization of FY98 tasks

Ryan Burson called the meeting to order. Introductions were then made of new members Elizabeth Cook (USDA-NRCS / Lincoln University) and Darryl Williams (USGS-MCMC). Ryan then went through a quick history of the MGISAC and its current status and funding.

The minutes of the April 15, 1997 meeting of the Missouri GIS Advisory Committee were read and approved with one editorial modification.

Burson then distributed a packet of materials received from the National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) concerning membership, conferences, and missions and purposes of the group. Tim Haithcoat and Tony Spicci attended last years conference in Phoenix and stated that the conference was excellent as it pertained directly to the tasks and mission of MSDIS and the MGISAC.

Discussion then began on the issue of membership. It was decided that we as a committee would seek Institutional Membership for the nine persons on the committee at a cost of $90.00 per person. Each member was to go back to their organization and request funds for this membership. Haithcoat was tasked with finding out the particulars concerning membership and how we could most effectively pay this fee. After the information is gathered this issue is to be resolved by telephone/Email prior to the next meeting.

Discussion then turned to conference attendance. The committee stated unanimously that all members should try to find funds to attend this meeting due to its direct application to our programs. Each member is to pursue funds from their own organization to attend if possible. The conference is September 15-19, 1997 in the Portland, Oregon area at ‘The Resort at the Mountain’. It was stated that we should try to travel together to save funds if possible.

Finally the Committee moved that all NSGIC meetings and activities should be included in the MSDIS newsletter.

Darryl Williams and Tim Haithcoat then discussed their recent attendance at the Mid-America Geographic Information Consortium meeting in Lincoln, NE on May 21-22, 1997. Darryl brought to the Committee the issue of Co-Sponsoring this event. Co-Sponsorship costs $200.00 and allows the co-sponsor an 8X8 display booth and two free registrations (each worth $90.00). The Committee moved and approved this Co-Sponsorship of this important regional meeting.

In addition Haithcoat is to mail to each Committee member the schedule of meetings for this group to garner wider participation from our group and their respective agencies.

The draft Missouri Spatial Data Information Service brochure was provided to the MGISAC for comment during this meeting. Much discussion and good input was gained on the format, graphics, and text of this brochure. A second draft will be created and distributed at the next meeting of the MGISAC. Darryl Williams suggested that a ‘FACT SHEET’ be created separately in addition to the promotional piece.

Status reports for two Federal Geographic Data Committee grants were given. The MSDIS Competitive Cooperative Agreement Program (CCAP) proposal for a Missouri Clearinghouse node on the NSDI has not been heard from. Lew Davison had not received any FDPP proposal guidelines yet for that proposal.

Discussion then turned to the MGISAC/MSDIS Workplan Status: Haithcoat took the rankings provided (1 – critical to mission, 2 – important tasks, and 3 – lower priority tasks) and compiled these rankings to generate a second draft. The second draft was mailed to each committee member prior to this meeting. After some review, discussion, and clarification the Committee moved to accept the workplan as written for FY98. It was unanimously accepted.

Burson will be in contact with MGISAC members to set the time and location of our next meeting. Tentatively it was set to be hosted by the Missouri Department of Conservation from 10:00 to 12:00 – date to be determined.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:50.

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