Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – June 30, 1997

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – June 30, 1997

Missouri State Highway Patrol – Conference Room C,
10:00 – 12:00.
Present: Lew Davison, Elizabeth Cook, Tony Spicci, Darryl Williams, Ron Beck, Scott Totten, Mike Benzen, and Tim Haithcoat
Absent: Ryan Burson
Vistor: Ann Peton


  1. Introductions
  2. Approval of May 23, 1997 meeting minutes
  3. Plans for GIS Workshops
  4. Status of demo project for Department of Healt
  5. Status of demo project for Department of Mental Health
  6. Status of demo project for State Treasurer’s Office
  7. Report on progress toward Mike Benzen’s objectives for MGISAC/MSDIS
  8. National States Geographic Information Council membership discussion

Lew Davison called the meeting to order. Introductions were then made. The minutes of the May 23, 1997, meeting of the Missouri GIS Advisory Committee were read and approved with one editorial modification and a notation that the meeting was moved from that stated in the minutes to the Highway Patrol.

Discussion then turned to the area of GIS workshops. During this discussion it was pointed out that there is a difference between education and training and that the educational component of this task is fully within the bounds of MSDIS’s objectives. The training aspects however were more fuzzy. Scott Totten and Ann Peton brought up the use of agencies’ strategic plans for assisting the MSDIS in their training and to determine potential need within agencies. After much discussion the use of the agencies’ strategic plans was declined because they would be much to burdensome to go through and that the more direct tact of linking with a key individual within each agency through which to work was what was assigned to MSDIS. It is very important to find within each agency that we will be working with during this years outreach an executive sponsor to work with. In this way we can tailor the education and training to the agencies needs as well as structure possibly a multi-level educational series and follow-up activity to promote this technologies adoption into and through the various levels of management within the agency. It was also suggested that MSDIS pull together the educational side of some workshops but team with the private sector to provide the training (ie. ArcView).

The discussion then turned to the status of the development of standards and the user/data base survey. Haithcoat pointed out that the survey and standards are both tasks that have been identified in the work plan for this year and that the group will be receiving reports on the progress of individual tasks throughout the course of the year.

Also suggested that regular presentations be made to various groups within various venues such as the DP Thursday @ 10:00 or at regional and professional meetings.

The potential departments to be examined for outreach include (in no particular order):

  • Department of Social Services
  • Missouri State Highway Patrol
  • Missouri Department of Agriculture
  • State Emergency Management Agency

Follow-up through this year will also need to be made to the Department of Mental Health, Department of Health, and the Office of the Treasurer to provide follow-up assistance and further guidance and support. Tim Haithcoat then gave status reports on the three demo projects undertaken last year. The Department of Mental Health presentation is scheduled for July 1, 1997. The presentation will be made to the ‘users and creators’ of the data and refined before being made to the management so it is considered to be in Phase 1. The Department of Health demo has taken on the aspect of a project and will be completed but this agency will be further pursued to actually create a demo that is more far reaching than project specific. It has turned out to be a learning experience in that regard. The State Treasurer’s Office data base development is going fine. We have completed the development of a statewide turn-table and are currently developing an AML to process routes between populated centers. Place databases have been created and linkages made for query of that nature. We are hoping to start loading data onto the Treasurer’s machine in late July.

Tim Haithcoat then distributed an activity report on the Missouri Spatial Data Information Service that was provided to the Office of Information Technology for distribution from their web site. This report is attached and details the activities and progress towards Mike Benzen’s objective for the MSDIS and MGISAC. These objectives were also the foundation from which the 1998 Work plan was developed.

Discussion then began on the issue of National States Geographic Information Council membership. It was decided that we as a committee would seek Institutional Membership for the nine persons on the committee at a cost of $90.00 per person. This would be paid by MSDIS and each member would evaluate how they could most easily reimburse the MSDIS for this membership dues.

It was tentatively agreed that the next meeting would be Wednesday July 16, 1997, at the Missouri Department of Conservation. (This meeting was canceled)

The meeting was adjourned at 12:10.

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