Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – August 12, 2004
Meeting called to order at 9:17
Meeting moved to Runge Center apologies
Proxy Jason E
Agenda sent around
Minutes Approval
has changes been made from Jeff S on his email
Change min. to say that a meeting was held but no formal agenda was put forth.
See other attendees*
Subcommittee Reports
no changes have questions on terms of 2yr time frame, visited with Gerry W. about terms gave handout 1-time mem. Term adjustment proposal Doesnt want to lose everyone every 2yrs. Make motion to move from 2yr to 3yrs 1 & 2nd. WallaceMcMullenMany of us are dept reps. How will others be nomn.? Every 2-3yr and no limitations. Accept doc as an amendment? Motion 1 & 2 passed
no report
Data Development
Ed & Outreach
GIS Data Policy
Homeland Sec
met MISDIS data dev. No funds. Minutes posted, 22 local agencies, sensitive data?, tracking databases create a data policy and being reviewed. Table 250 data layers going to review. Create a data steward plan. Data accuracy next meeting Aug 20. at 10 am
Local Gov Group
Steve Marsh Jim & I gave short presentation to the MMA group last week explaining what we were trying to do. 66 reps disc. With Steve Daw. Adding more GIS content. Try to track more for the GIS conf. County Rep. left out at MMA MO Assessors Assoc. Move from paper to digital mapping. Get more information out. Ray Fox: Go from county into digital. Tony pres. Larry White. Rec. to have bylaws to include MAA rep. to our group. Chateu on Lake contact Marsh Perry about conference. Audrain county Sept 8-9, 10 make a motion to have a booth at conf. Passed With Marsha on agenda.
Tom Stokes, the nominations are complete we need 13 voting members present.
Strategic Planning
annual report done make a new work plan. Assemble a committee for new plan.
Liaison Reports
Liz : 2004 IMI. Has 13 counties mid Sept. server from MISDIS. Tony, never recd paper work for bid. ATF folks have never heard from. No contract. FSA funded whole state. Who owns data? Can we still have the data? Tony: We can still buy data, and put on MSDIS for distribution. RFP for survey data. Does anyone have RFP language? Steve Marsh :We have had problems also. We had to take what they had and make it usable for us. Make up coord. They dont want competitors to get their data. Jason: we had same problems. Be more explicit on the contract. Liz: we did. Steve: puts on contract that anything that they do on contract is ours. Who has the most land? Highway dept.
Ray : USGS has put a contract for firms for photo and satellite. Photo firms have open up vaults and they have a competitive price for data available. Any government agency. Contact us to purchase data.
GIS Merit System Positions
idea of MERGIS moving to guard funding issue. During meeting the thought was they house data at National Guard. Take over what MSDIS does. ITAB took position against it. Funding doesnt go to guard they dont want it. Do we want to take a position on this? MISDIS is still going to be holder of the data. Tony we dont need to do anything right now. Jeff we should join in that we agree with ITAB. Liz we should make a statement that we agree with ITAB. They want to take all GIS into one place. With Sunshine Law changes we can hold back data that needs to be protected. Tony we need to make our position known for data stewardship. Debbie doesnt want to speak for her dept. Liz we can say that the current situation is working. Availabily of data is working, we dont want to change how we are handling data. Tony is there an issue of data protection, security? Make a motion that the GIS continue doing business with MSDIS as we have. Passed. Tom S. – Draft a letter to ITAB stating our stand. Tony will do a letter with new chair
what MAGIC is 8-10 states. Group of folks with same interest. April 2004 last conf. Start up for 2006 symposium for 2006. Focus in area of education and policy. I have asked MAGIC what we should do. Our next meeting is Aug. 26th in KC and meets every month. This was a successful symposium this year.
conf on KC Marriot towards end of Sept.
did every one get email on Natl. survey? You will receive emails from NSGIC lists. We will have a chance to vote. On NSGIC, Tony will run for Pres of NSGIC. Should receive ballot we have one vote.
St Louis County (Mikes proxy). I have an issue with 2 nominations from KC. We can only have 1 rep from KC. Have a couple of options 1 is not for profit and the other KC reps.
Election of Officers for 2004-05
Tom S we have a tie on Vice Chair we need to revote to break tie between Jeff Haney & Jeff Schloss.
Thanks for all those that have positions, David Drum sec , Jeff Haney v-chair, Jeff Falter is chair.
Make a motion to what we do with the ballots. Sec has all the numbers. Destroy ballots.
MO GIS Conference
Conf. – Have a meeting at Tan-Tar-A
Steve Marsh checking sessions for new ones and if old were ok
Keynote speakers send to Steve. Get out info for next conf. Try to get info out in next 2 weeks. Any ideas for presentations?
What is available? Rooms, computers, etc. Liz will present
Mark D. should we have more workshops? Tony: is there a specific workshop that would draw more interest? Daniel Franks: How do you make the bridge from paper world to digital world? Other group to try to bring in is MO Assoc. of Counties. Get an independent party to present for the workshops.
just one to thing about doing is to have internet connection at Tan-Tar-A. Its already set up. Need more communication & how to improve posters.
things to make changes- 1 do we want to have multi. Poster awards, 2 An award for leadership award? Make that more of a GIS champion project type award. Something with MO award. Lewis & Clark award blazing new trails
postcards will go out
get with Liz on posters
Tony Salon A will have sessions. If we have too exhibitors many we might need to move them
Mark D. passed out Activity Report 4th Qtr.FY2004If you need to get anything out to a broad audience. Any questions? Had to pull public drinking file. Going to update Hardware/Software to handle security. Cut back on other things to do this. Conduct survey to an identified National effort. Tim will follow-up on Architecture. Debbie: need to remove pg 5 Homeland Sec #3 needs to be removed. Questions? None
Roundtable Disc.
Jeff make clear no vender access to internet they have to pay themselves.
Debbie CATS available for version Arc9
Tony good version tool to midigate disaster response.
Mike Sutherland How do new people get on sub committees? Tony: you can get on by just volunteering. Anyone can fill the sub committees not just members.
Jason data can be ftpd
MelisaMcLean- Does anyone have counties success stories to get GIS created? How do they get a hold of the monies?
Tony: What can and cannot be spent for Homeland Sec. is hard to do.
Tony : Is anyone going to Arc9 Yes Debbie, Yes Jason E working pretty well. SQL has been redone to make it faster than that was in Arc3 and not in 8. Tony going to go toARC9.