Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – September 9, 2004
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:03 a.m.
Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees
Ex-Officio Members
Tim Haithcoatexcused
Tom Stokesexcused
State Members
Gary Beahan (Dep’t of Economic Development)present
Debbie Briedwell (Dep’t of Health and Senior Services)excused
Chair Jeff Falter (State Emergency Management Agency)excused
Vice-chair Jeff Haney (Dep’t of Revenue)present
Kevin Keeney (Missouri National Guard)absent
Bobbie Sue Koelling (Dep’t of Elementary and Secondary Education)present
Ryan Lanclos (Dep’t of Agriculture)present
WallaceMcMullen(Dep’t of Mental Health)excused
Jeff Schloss (Dep’t of Natural Resources)present
Tony Spicci (Dep’t of Conservation)present
Mike Sutherland (Rep. 99th District)absent
Arnold Williams (Dep’t of Transportation)excused
Cooperating Members
Elizabeth Cook (USDA-NRCS)present
Secretary David Drum (MOREnet)present
Mike Duncan (St. Louis County Dep’t of Planning)excused
Ray Fox (USGS/MCMC)present
Dawn Hilderbrand (City of Kansas City)present
Pam Kelrick (City of Kirksville, Adair Co.)present
Kevin Kuhlmann (Village of Innsbrook)excused
JamesLaScala(City of Liberty)excused
Steve Marsh (Jackson County)present (proxy for JimLaScala)
Gary Mook (EastWestGateway)present
Greg Resz (City of Jefferson)present
Kim Swisher (Missouri Mappers Association)absent
Diane True (MoRAP)present
Other Attendees
Mark Duewell (MSDIS)
Terry Libbert (Dep’t of Social Services)
Nathan Mattox (Missouri State Highway Patrol)
Paul Reichart (MERIC/Dep’t of Economic Development)
Helen Stewart (State Emergency Management Agency) (proxy for Jeff Falter)
Joseph Weidinger (Dep’t of Health and Senior Services) (proxy for Debbie Briedwell)
Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees
Approval of the Minutes
Minutes approved following MOGIS conference discussion.August minutes printout available. Some corrections. Minutes were approved by motion (Tony Spicci), second (Pam Kelrick), and vote.
Subcommittee Reports
By-lawsJeff Falter
Look at ITAB bylaws to see how they addressed membership from the Department of Public Safety and bring a proposal forward for October.
CommunicationsDavid Drum
No report.
Data DevelopmentRay Fox/Jeff Schloss
JeffLooking into possible Data Development Roundtable at the upcoming conference.
Education and OutreachRyan Lanclos
After discussing booth options with the Missouri Assessor’s Association, decided to hold off on sending a booth till next year. Tim Haithcoat is giving a presentation this year.
GIS Data PolicyTim Haithcoat
No report.
GIS Training & CertificationTom Stokes
Holding a meeting on September 24th from 9-11 a.m. in room 560 of the Truman Building.
GIT ArchitectureTim Haithcoat
Jeff HaneyIs looking for volunteers to help with the Cartography/Symbology section. The goal is to help create a more common look and feel across state mapping by reviewing all of the official symbol sets being created and organizing them in one central location.
Homeland SecurityDebbie Briedwell
Homeland Security group is looking for more members.
Local GovernmentSteve Marsh/Gary Mook
GaryPerson coordinating East-West Gateway local government survey left and they are looking for a replacement. SteveLooking for more information on a survey done in Ohio.
NominationsTom Stokes
Will have an outline of how they conducted nominations, to be used as a future reference, at the October meeting.
Strategic PlanningPam Kelrick
Looking for help on creating theFY05Work Plan.
Liaison Reports
Federal/NRCSLiz Cook
Looking to fill a new 3-year position at MU between now and January. Person will be responsible for working with CARES, coordinating with USDA for NAIP, and 4-H training. Funding will be increasingly picked up by MU and at the end of the term the position will be assessed before being continued. Finally have some State funding (MDC) to go into NAIP ’04. This will allow data to go to MSDIS. Imagery will be available in the next couple months.
Federal/USGSRay Fox
USGS has been working with the Highway Patrol in preparation for the upcoming Presidential debate in St. Louis. Working on creating a viewer using St. Louis County imagery (1ft from Metropolitain Sewer District) and roads to aid in security measures. St. Louis County gracious to provide their data. Providing a simple freeware GIS application so everyone has the same data. Planning some training for them. September 1st the USGS completed reorganization. The National Map in now in the same department as the FDGC and GOS. There is a 90-day freeze on all NM programs while they are being reviewed, including Mapping Partnership Office position at MSDIS. National Map now with FGDC and GeospatialOneStop. Roles should become clearer. More information as changes develop. Branson and St. Charles County are looking to provide data for the National Map. Checking metadata; housing at MSDIS. St. Charles County has expressed an interest in becoming a National Map partner. USGS put several National Map proposals before MAGIC that USGS believes make sense. Most interest is in a technology workshop (OK, AK, KS, MO). Possibility of downloading vector data from National Map. Backup and data redundancy.
GIS Merit System PositionsJeff Schloss
No changes or additions. DNR hiring eighth position.
Department | Division/Office/Unit | Position Title |
Agriculture | Administration Operating | Geographic Info Sys Specialist |
Economic Development | Research & Planning | Geographic Info Sys Specialist |
Health & Senior Services | Office of Bioterrorism Prep & Emerg | Geographic Info Sys Tech II |
Health & Senior Services | Office of Surveillance | Geographic Info Sys Specialist |
Health & Senior Services | Office of Surveillance | Geographic Info Sys Specialist |
Health & Senior Services | Office of Surveillance | Geographic Info Sys Analyst |
Health & Senior Services | Office of Surveillance | Geographic Info Sys Analyst |
Natural Resources | Mgmt Information Services | Geographic Info Sys Specialist |
Natural Resources | Mgmt Information Services | Geographic Info Sys Coordinator |
Natural Resources | Water Pollution Branch | Geographic Info Sys Tech II |
Natural Resources | GSRAD Administration & Support | Geographic Info Sys Analyst |
Natural Resources | Planning & Development Program | Geographic Info Sys Analyst |
Natural Resources | HWP-Budget & Planning | Geographic Info Sys Analyst |
Natural Resources | Geo Data Acquisition & Mgmt | Geographic Info Sys Tech II |
ITABJeff Falter/Tony Spicci
Jeff asked Tony to retain role as ITAB liaison. Tony offered to review the annual work plan for ITAB and will ask to be on the agenda at an upcoming meeting.
MACOGGary Mook
No report.
MAGICTim Haithcoat
Tony SpicciTony is now Chair of the consortium. Rod Odom is Chair of the symposium. MAGIC ’06 will be April 23-27 at the Westin Crown Center in Kansas City. Committee being formed and work underway. Not sure if the National Mapping workshop will move to Denver or stay in KC (Tony would like it to stay). MAGIC is an open group; they do have some money for Education and Outreach. They would like to see a Data Access Summit. MAGIC meets every fourth Thursday at the Conservation building in Kansas City.
MORAPDiane True
Looking for professional reviewers for land cover data. Thanks to EWGW and NRCS and maybe DNR for help. Tony volunteers Conservation. MORAP installed Arc 9 for testing. Arc 9 and Imagine dual installation very tricky. Call Clayton Blodgett for assistance.
MMAKim Swisher
Tony SpicciKim Swisher is supposed to be the contact person.
No report.
NSGICTony Spicci
Tony, Mark Duewell, and Tim Haithcoat attending NSGIC Annual in Austin. Interest in NSGIC growing. Good conference. Board elections: Missouri vote conducted. Tony is out all of next week.
OITTom Stokes
No report.
Department of Public Safety Membership
Consensus to find a way to expand MGISAC state membership. ITAB has handled this same situation; what was their solution?
MGISAC List Subscription
Consensus is that non-members may subscribe to the mailing list.
Missouri GIS Conference
- Conference Chair/Arrangements: Ryan Lanclos & Tony Spicci
- Program: Steve Marsh & Jeff Schloss & Ray Fox
Seven rooms to work with. Thinking about changing Tool Time. Vendors will pay for time but be incorporated into regular sessions. Vendor sessions will be highlighted as such in the schedule. Looking for keynote speaker suggestions. Refocusing natural resources and local government tracks. Moving from tracks to applications. - Workshop: Mark Duewell & David Drum & Jeff Haney
Have 6 or 7 in the works; set prices: $50/half day and $100/full day. Autodesk workshop lined up. - Exhibits: JimLaScala& David Drum
- Posters: Liz Cook & Helen Stewart
Would like to expand to “Project Showcase” i.e. moving beyond posters to IMS, projected displays, etc. Working on a way to get authors to be present for questions at some time. - Awards: Mark Duewell & Jeff Falter
Proposal for new awards format discussed (handout). Motion from Tony Spicci to accept proposal #1 in addition to GIS service and with some other changes discussed. Seconded by Steve Marsh. Motion passes by vote. #2: definition of student determined at discretion of judges. Motion from Ryan Lanclos, second from Tony. Motion passes by vote. Motion from Jeff Schloss to drop “Service” from GIS Service award. Second David Drum. Discussion. Need for more specific information about awards criteria. Second withdrawn. Motion withdrawn. Suggestion from Liz Cook to drop Education, Coordination, and Service and have all nominees compete against each other. Discussion. need for fleshed-out proposal. Gary Mook, Liz Cook, Tony Spicci added to Awards subcommittee. - Publicity: Tim Haithcoat & MSDIS
Mark Duewell: postcard mailed 9/7. Web sites updated. Contact Mark with changes. Tony: how often to send out reminders? Mark: monthly till December. - Social: Bobbie Sue Koelling & Ryan Lanclos
MSDIS Activities
Mark Duewell: Working on publicity and postcard for conference. National Map bulletin board (http://www.geopartner.org) up, thanks to Ray Fox. FGDC CAP grant awarded for full amount. $184,000 with matching funds from different sources. Surplussing older hardware through MACOG.
Round Table
Pam Kelrick: talking to Tony after meeting to ask for help with Strategic Plan.
Steve Marsh: need papers and help collecting information for conference.
Ryan Lanclos: Agriculture posting position soon for DBA. Look on MSDIS job page.
Announcement of Next Meeting
October 14th, 2004 at the MDC Employee Credit Union
Adjourned at 11:05 a.m.