Minutes for October 10, 2013

Minutes for October 10, 2013

Date: October 10, 2013
Location: Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Time: 9:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:04 a.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions

Missouri Spatial Data Information Service Mark Duewell—present
USGS Ray Fox—excused
OA ITSD GIS Paul Wright—present via teleconference
SEMA Debbie Briedwell, Chair—present (proxy for Joe Clayton)
MoDOT Joe Carter—present
OA ITSD Economic Development Colin Duewell—present
OA Budget and Planning Matt Hesser—present
OA-ITSD Natural Resources Kim Hoke—present via teleconference
Missouri National Guard Drew Lane—excused
OA-ITSD Health and Senior Services Tracy Schloss—present
Department of Conservation Tony Spicci—present
OA-ITSD Revenue Beth Struempf—present via teleconference
Washington University in St. Louis Aaron Addison—present via teleconference
SEMO RPC Stan Balsman—present via teleconference
Great River Associates Josie Bock—present via teleconference
Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors Joe Clayton—excused
USDA-NRCS Elizabeth Cook, Treasurer—excused
Surdex Tim Donze—present
MOREnet David Drum, Secretary—present
City of Columbia Matt Gerike—present via teleconference
Camden County Jennifer Gordon—absent
Woolpert, Inc. Rick Hammond—present via teleconference
Northwest Missouri State University Ming-Chih Hung—present via teleconference
Cole County Melissa Johnson—present
Sanborn Mapping Kenny Legleiter—present via teleconference
MARC Steve Marsh, Past-chair—present
Jackson County Amber Reynolds, Chair-elect—present via teleconference
City of Jefferson Greg Resz—absent
MoRAP Diane True—present
City of Maryland Heights Andy Wagner—excused
Boone County Jason Warzinik—present
MU Extension Shannon White—present
Other Attendees
MOREnet Chris Buechner
Esri Joe Eckmann
Fugro Keith Owens
Custom Meeting Planners Jamie Schieber

3. Approval of Minutes
September minutes not available at the time of the meeting.
4. MGISAC Administration
4.1 Missouri OGI Report — Paul Wright
The suggested changes to the Imagery RFP have been made to the document and are being sent up through OA Purchasing management for review/approval. The wording submitted by MGISAC was what was used for the changes. Modifications will be sent to the contracting organizations.
4.2 MSDIS report — Mark Duewell

  1. Virtualization of the MSDIS-Imagery Servers and storage space upgrade: While still working out a very few of the finer details, it can now be said that while next year’s MSDIS may look very similar to users outwardly – the server/storage configuration and overall architecture will be significantly different. The broad strokes of the plan are the following: There will still be North Node (NN) and Telecom (TC) sites for the public facing servers (usually transparent to users) – they will however be attached to a single ISCSI stack of storage that will triple our storage space. Exact numbers will be forthcoming in future reports. That begs the question of how we’re going to back up data. That will occur at our new DR site in Rolla on an identical storage stack and occur automatically. This site will usually be in “dark” mode – data transfers from the primary node in Columbia will be its typical activity. The site will be spun up often enough to insure ensure its functionality in case it is called upon to support a specific event. All servers will finally be virtualized and the OS/application software will be bought up-to-date. Having done this three years ago we know this will keep us very busy for some time in the future.
  2. GeoPortal: Adding metadata records for imagery and services to the portal:
    More services and data sets have been added (389 recs). Progress on this task will be slow until we have the prerequisite staff hours to throw at what is looking like a very large undertaking – depending on how we approach it. Some work is going on with Bill Burgess (NSGIC) regarding harvesting MSDIS to the GIS Inventory and eventually to Data.Gov. Initial testing went well – over 90% of records harvested in the test. Data file corrections are being made. NAIP 2012 is now slowly becoming discoverable in the geoportal.
  3. Broadband “Structures” Project: Mark Duewell will be presenting to STARRS membership at East-West Gateway on October 17th. Structure project staff will now be 3.5 part-time students with severely curtailed hours due to class schedules and University policies that limit them to 20 hours per week. Progress will be slowed. MARC region is getting final touches and will soon go into our review process before going to MARC. East West Gateway will be next and the final region to digitize. All other RPCs are going into University review. Progress: We’re now at 3,415,591 points as of last Wednesday – and 46,536 footprints completed.

4.3 Treasurer's report — Liz Cook

Previous balance $26,737.39  
Income None $0.00
Expense $500.00 Advanced LiDAR Workshop at MARC Offices
Expense $311.49 GeoTech Camp
Ending balance $25,925.09  

$250 expense pending from the SEMO Symposium.
4.4 Membership report — Tony Spicci
No issues; new member, Woolpert, represented by Rick Hammond.
4.5 By-laws
No changes. Need a new chair. Marsh volunteered.
5. Project Updates/Action Items
5.1 2015 Missouri GIS Conference — Debbie Briedwell
Hung pointed out that the next conference is in 2015, not 2014 as stated in the agenda. Schieber asked if the same format would be used. Consensus was to use the same format, but there was interest expressed in not having the conference Tuesday through Thursday, and also later than February.
5.2 Outreach Committee Chair
Need a new chair.
5.3 Other New Business
No new business.
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Data Development — Ray Fox
Briedwell said there was interest from the CIO in updated state imagery.
6.2 Education — Shannon White
GIS Day and Geography Awareness Week proclamations went out two weeks ago and are beginning to come back. Will be helping with Merit Badge camp and using some leftover items from GeoTech camp. Statewide licenses now up to 2,000 affecting 3,715 students. Would like the conference to reach out to high school students, possibly via teachers or field trip money, or an Educators Day. Discussion about reaching the K-12 career technical centers. Discussion about conference arrangements that would allow schools to bring students to the conference on one or part of one day.
6.3 Local Government — Melissa Johnson
Gerike sent out budget request for local government. Met last week; discussed GIS survey and ways to help respondents with problems they discussed. Would like to continue workshops and have requested $1,000 to cover advertising and door prizes.
6.4 Marketing and Communications — Jason Warzinik
Met last week to figure out the conference phone contract. Selected StartMeeting toll version for the time being; may consider the toll-free version in the future. Service also allows web presentation and recordings.
Streamlining web hosting for council site and conference site to same account. Crafted a budget for conference call, web site, marketing flyer, and other communications items totaling approximately $1,450.
6.5 Outreach — Mark Duewell
Most recent workshop at the SEMO Career and Technology Center was very well attended; at least 63 present, with more circulating in and out.
6.6 Policy and Legislation — Joe Clayton
No report.
6.7 Strategic Planning — Shannon White
Gerike taking over as chair. Will send out a Doodle poll to coordinate the time of the next meeting.
7. Liaison Reports
7.1 MAGIC Consortium
Reynolds: not a lot happening on the Consortium site. Spicci: Symposium now accepting exhibitors, first-come first-served on booth location. Not-for-profit exhibitors will be moved out of exhibit space into hallway. Symposium retreat this weekend; expect to hear lots of news in the aftermath. M. Duewell: don’t wait to nominate someone for an award. Nominations will open in November.
7.2 National States Geographic Information Council — Tony Spicci
Main focus is on conference, but the current Federal shutdown is leaving lots of details in limbo. Privacy shaping up to be a big topic as is flood plain mapping. Registration is open and late fees are unlikely to be assessed. New sponsorship model. Select presentations will be put on line. NSGIC board elections forthcoming, ballot to be sent out to voting members.
8. Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
8.1 NRCS — Liz Cook
No report
8.2 USGS — Ray Fox
No report
8.3 Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership — Diane True
Delivered wetland updates in the Missouri river bottoms to EastWest Gateway. MORAP staff can only be contacted by email currently due to being locked out of their USGS offices.
8.4 Missouri Mappers Association — Melissa Johnson
Meeting at the end of this month. Working on the next newsletter; if you have anything for it please send it to Johnson.
8.5 Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors — Joe Clayton
No report
9. Round table Discussion
White: Missouri Geographic Alliance conference November 9. Working on a ten-state Mississippi river project. Next year is the pilot, upper M and lower M each in following years. St. Louis will be visited in both years.
True: Rand-McNally selected Jefferson City as the most beautiful small town in America.
Carter: Need a contact at Google. (Advised to contact Wright.)
White: Walter Schrader is speaking on October 25th on his life as a geographer.
10. Next meeting: Thursday, November 14, 2013, 9:00 a.m., Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Meeting adjourned at 10:31 a.m.

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