Minutes for August 11, 2016

Minutes for August 11, 2016

Date: August 11, 2016
Location: Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Time: 9:30 a.m.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:35 a.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions

Missouri Spatial Data Information Service Tim Haithcoat—excused
USGS Shelly Silch—present
OA ITSD GIS Tracy Schloss—present
SEMA Debbie Briedwell—excused
MoDOT Joe Carter—telephone
OA ITSD Economic Development Colin Duewell—present
OA Budget and Planning Matt Hesser—present
Missouri National Guard Wiley Howell—excused
OA-ITSD Health and Senior Services Andy Hunter—absent
Department of Conservation Tony Spicci, Past-chair—present (proxy for Balsman, Park)
OA-ITSD Revenue
Missouri Dep’t of Natural Resources Michael Weller—telephone
Washington University in St. Louis Aaron Addison—excused
Sanborn Mapping Brad Arshat—telephone
SEMO RPC Stan Balsman—excused
Wilson & Co. Eric Cenovich—excused
USDA-NRCS Marty Comstock—present
Surdex Tim Donze, Treasurer—excused
MOREnet David Drum, Secretary—excused
US ACE St. Louis Michael Gawedzinski—present
City of Columbia Matt Gerike—telephone (proxy for White)
Camden County Jennifer Gordon—telephone (proxy for Howell)
Northwest Missouri State University Ming-Chih Hung—excused
Cole County Melissa Johnson, Chair—excused
City of Lee's Summit Steve Marsh—present
Woolpert, Inc. Kent Park—excused
City of Jefferson Buster Schrage—telephone
MoRAP Diane True—telephone
City of Maryland Heights Andy Wagner—excused
Boone County Jason Warzinik, Chair-elect—excused
MU Extension Shannon White—excused
Other Attendees
Census Bureau Craig Best (telephone)
Private Citizen Mark Duewell (telephone)
OGI Arnold Williams (proxy for Briedwell)

3. Approval of Minutes
July minutes available on the web site. Motion to approve from Comstock, seconded by Duewell, approved by vote.
4. MGISAC Administration
4.1 Missouri OGI Report — Tracy Schloss

  • Imagery Update: Review is approximately 50% complete.
  • ESRI Maintenance: The ESRI Master Purchase Agreement is up at the end of August. OGI has been in regular contact with the contract group for status updates and is hoping to have this resolved soon.
  • Imaging RFP: The Imaging RFP has been submitted to the contract group. This is the same group that deals with both the current Surdex contract and the ESRI maintenance, so there has been no push to move forward on this new contract. Once the other two issues are resolved, this contract will be picked up again.
  • Surdex Contract: The contract has been extended to pay for services rendered through the end of the calendar year. Our 10 reviewers are still working on their areas, but this is time consuming work. The extension to the end of the calendar year is still just to close out the last ½ of the state. It is not intended to be used for any additional flights.
  • Governor’s Cyber Security Conference: It is open, but seats are filling fast. There is a concern that the state will be encrypting geodatabases and other GIS related files, which could be a disruption to current operations. GIS community should be at the table to address any concerns during the planning for these cyber security measures. The Summit is at the Capital Plaza, Jefferson City, on August 30. Registration is filling up fast, so if you have an interest in attending, I suggest you register quickly. http://www.govtech.com/events/Missouri-Governors-Cybersecurity-Summit.html
  • ITSD Information Exchange: This is a forum for new or emerging technologies. The subject for this quarter’s Information Exchange is a presentation on video technology. This topic seems to dovetail into the whole conversation about UAS and georeferenced collection of imagery.

4.2 MSDIS report — Tim Haithcoat

  1. MSDIS budget and ramifications: Questions as to whether the MSDIS is still State sponsored and whether or not it’s funding is still provided by the State.
  2. S&T off site back-up hardware moved to Kansas City and is now operational. It has been updated to the new ArcGIS server software v10.4.1. The upgrade was pretty much without hitch except for some bindings pointing to the old hardware addresses.
  3. Have implemented SSL certificates for our ArcGIS services (https:). With new security change at the State (evidenced by Debbie Briedwell) we are in the process of moving to an SFTP as well as having all links to an SSL (https:) for MSDIS site which is still underway.
  4. MSDIS representation at MAGIC Clearinghouse meeting (August 23-24) will be Tom Vought
  5. We have started internal discussions concerning the development of a new Operational Plan for MSDIS. Initial meetings focused on reducing our HW/SW/Maintenance costs and a possibly less expensive back-up solution through working with UM System IT and its large disk storage procurement.

MSDIS Achievements for July 2016

  1. Lidar download updated to include Andrew, Atchison, Boone (2015 update), Buchanan, Clinton, Clark, DeKalb, Grundy, Holt, Knox, Lewis, Mercer, Nodaway, Pike, Ray, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby.
  2. MoDOT July 2016 roads added to Geoportal and Map service added to Web Mapping Services.
  3. 23 St Charles county layers added to Geoportal – Address Points, Ambulance Districts, Building Footprints, Council Districts, Fire Districts, Land Use, Municipalities, Parcels, Parks, Police Response Districts, Railways, Road Centerlines, Major Road Centerlines, School Districts, Subdivisions, Voting Districts, Water Bodies, Water Course Major Area, Water Course Minor Area, Water Course Major Lines, Water Course Minor Lines, Zip Codes, Zoning Areas
  4. Expecting new large Lidar delivery from NRCS shortly.
  5. Eliminated non-statewide data layers from Clip and Download tool in order to improve MSDIS management efficiencies. All data are still available for download and they remain searchable.

4.3 Treasurer's report — Tim Donze

We have a pending invoice from Custom Meeting Planners for $1,448.50 which is the 10% down payment for the conference planning. This will not affect our account until next month.

Previous balance   $33,448.51
Income None $0.00
Expense None $0.00
Ending balance   $33,448.51

4.4 Membership report — Tony Spicci
This was Shelly Silch’s last MGISAC meeting. She will be replaced by David Nail, the current USGS representative from Kentucky. The hope is that David will be moving to MO, but he will be representing four states (IN, IL, KY & MO). Tim Haithcoat will be replacing Mark Duewell.
4.5 By-laws — Joe Carter
No report
5. Project Updates/Action Items
No items
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Data Development — Tony Spicci for Jason Warzinik
Eastern Imagery: There is a need for QA/QC helpers. The project is about 50% complete.
MoNAD: Pilot dataset was sent into DOT with Counties and one City for a total of 1,140,350 address points. The County GIS/e911 folks throughout the state are being informed about the effort.
LiDAR: MDC, USFS, and SEMA working together to find funding. MDC does not have any dedicated funds, but will see what is possible once costs are determined. St. Clair County will be delayed because a small area was missed due to flooding.
NG 911: Not much progress at this point. Mostly in the coordinating stage.
6.2 Education — Matt Gerike for Shannon White
Drone camp: Went well. Students are asking for another camp.
State Fair: Will be represented there but no big map.
Teacher Training: Two teachers went to Colorado for map training and four teachers went to ESRI conference.
6.3 Emergency Preparedness — Debbie Briedwell
No report
6.4 Local Government — Melissa Johnson
No report
6.5 Marketing and Communications — Jason Warzinik
The MGISAC display is at the MMA conference as we speak with brochures available as well.
6.6 Missouri GIS Conference — Steve Marsh and Melissa Johnson
The planning group had a conference call two weeks ago. Registration for vendors opens in October. At the next meeting, there needs to be discussion about presentation topics. There is a need for new topics to cover. Also, David Drum is looking for a co-chair for the short-course section of the conference.
6.7 Next Generation 911 — Buster Schrage
Presented under Data Development Committee report.
6.8 Outreach — Tony Spicci for Tim Donze
Registration for the 2016 SEMO GIS Symposium is still open and there are 47 registered so far. The date is September 21st. Agenda and registration at http://www.eventbrite.com/e/seventh-annual-semo-gis-symposium-making-gis-work-in-se-missouri-tickets-26350873171?aff=ebapi.
I plan to meet with Tim Haithcoat in the near future to discuss future outreach efforts.
6.9 Policy and Legislation — Aaron Addison
No report, however, Tony Spicci mentioned that U.S. Senate Bill 740 (Geospatial Data Act of 2015) was still alive, and the efforts for its passage would extend beyond the current congress if SB 740 fails to pass before January.
6.10 Service Recognition — Tim Donze
No report
6.11 Strategic Planning — Matt Gerike
No report
7. Liaison Reports
7.1 MAGIC Consortium — Steve Marsh
The consortium is planning a meeting for October the 8th in Independence to set the budget. An RFP for the venue will be going out sometime in the near future.
7.2 National States Geographic Information Council — Tony Spicci
The 25th annual conference is coming up on October 24-28. The theme is revolving around addressing and next-gen 911. NSGIC has been working with NENA to develop stands for a solitary national address database. The Geospatial Data Act of 2015 will be a topic. Admiral Simpson will be the keynote speaker. The organization is working to transition from Bill Burgess’ leadership to the new executive director, Molly Schar.
8. Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
8.1 NRCS — Marty Comstock
Working on permanent hire to replace Marty/Liz and working on county geodatabases.
8.2 USGS — Shelley Silch
This was Shelley’s last meeting due to retirement. David Nail will be picking up MO and IL in addition to his current states of KY and IN. There will be two national webinars on the 3D Elevation Program. August 11 – 3:00 to 4:30 ET and August 15 – 1:00 to 2:30 ET. These webinars will be recorded. Partners can access information about the Grant for Lidar Acquisition at: http://nationalmap.gov/3DEP/BAAReferenceMaterials.html and the actual grant can be accessed at: http://www.grants.gov/search-grants.html?agencyCode%3DDO . Partners can also use a web-tool called “Seasketch” to enter their Areas of Interest for Lidar at: http://www.seasketch.org/#projecthomepage/5272840f6ec5f42d210016e4 . There is a YouTube video being made to better explain how to use Seasketch. Other videos about how to access, download and learn about USGS data can also be found at: http://training.usgs.gov/TEL/TheNationalMap/TNM-TEL-Index.html .
8.3 Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership — Diane True
No report
8.4 Missouri Mappers Association — Melissa Johnson
The MMA conference is currently underway. missourimappers.org
8.5 Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors — Jon Cole
No report
9. Round table Discussion
Marsh: The City has a new application for field crews to use to document ADA compliance for curb cuts and sidewalks. The app uses CityWorks and ArcGIS to georeference field observations.
Spicci: The FAA’s UAS regulation changes have driven the need for MDC to look at the use of UAS on MDC lands, both by the agency and by the public.
10. Next meeting: Thursday, September 8, 2016, 9:30 a.m., Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

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