Minutes for July 11, 2024

Minutes for July 11, 2024

Call to Order – 10:03am


Ex-Officio Members
MSDIS – Thomas Vought – p
OA-ITSD/OGI/NSGIC – Tracy Schloss – p
USGS – David Nail – p

State Members
MDA – Jacque Walters – p
DNR – Zackary Becker – p
Economic Development – Amelia AuBuchon – p
MDC – Tim Bixler – p
MOARNG – Wiley Howell – p
MoDOT – Colin Duewell – pp
OA Planning & Budget – Matt Hesser – p

Cooperating Members
All State Consultants – Katilin Belk – E
BCFPD – Ryan Rhee – p
Boone County – Matt Smith – p
City of Columbia – Calvin Patterson – p
City of Jefferson – Buster Schrage – p
City of KC, Water – Stacey Roberts – p
Cole County – Melissa Johnson – pp
Mid-MO RPC – Jennifer Bowden – p
MO 911 Board – Shawn Penman – p
MU Extension/CARES – Chris Barnett – p
Northwest MO State – Ming-Chih Hung – p
Sanborn – Brad Arshat – p
SEMO RPC – Sarah Brown – p
GISCI – Tony Spicci – p
US ACE St. Louis – Jennifer Backer – p
USDA-NRCS – Katie Philbrick – p
Washington University – Mollie Webb – p
Wilson & Co – Derek Smith – p
City of Springfield – Amanda Bybee – p

Other Attendees
Travis Tomson
Dustin Goodwin
Joe Eckman
Rick Staudinger
Tara Vansell

MGISAC Administration
OGI Report – Decision item for $3.3m in GIS expansion was signed by the governor. 3 FTEs for OGI were included. The duties of these new positions and job descriptions will be determined in the near future. ESRI Enterprise agreement as well as funds for MSDIS were also part of the package. Originally shooting for around $500k for MSDIS but will have to see how the portions shake out with the ESRI agreement. The Enterprise agreement will cover agencies that OGI supports. Agencies that don’t fall under ITSD will not be included. The Master Purchase Agreement expires end of August. The are currently working on that. There’s a lot of changes. ESRI legal has decided that all products are sole source products. This streamlines purchasing since we will no longer have to try to find a reseller that doesn’t exist to fill solicitation/bidding requirements.

MSDIS Report – June 2024
Updated Data
– LiDAR.
– So much LiDAR.
– Half a state worth of LiDAR.
– See below for more details.
MSDIS General News
My primary goal during the months of May and June have been to make sense of the current LiDAR collection. To that end, and with help from Katie Phibrick, I have begun parsing through what new data have been delivered to MSDIS, what new county mosaics have been delivered to MSDIS, and how both of those things compare to data already available to/from MSDIS.
As I am writing this report (literally, it’s going in the background) I have begun moving new county LiDAR mosaics onto the MSDIS Downloads server. These mosaics will be added to the MSDIS Download Tool, either as a completely new download (for counties that do not currently have a mosaic) or as a replacement download (for counties that did already have a mosaic).
I mentioned previously that this would be a slow process and that remains true. I have no estimate for when the rollout of the new files will be completed. At the moment, I have around 60 new mosaics to add to circulation and I have not finished reviewing everything available on the new LiDAR hard drive.
With the above being said, much of the data that I have recently received does duplicate previous collections. For example, the large drive that I received some months ago with several LiDAR projects included is mostly (though not entirely) repeats of data that are already available as services on the MSDIS Image Server. In these cases, the drive appears to do a better job of organizing these projects, and seems to universally include more supporting files. I am currently plotting and planning how best to integrate these alternate versions into the MSDIS collection without upsetting any existing services.
MSDIS Downtime
No downtime was reported during May 2024.
Image Server Statistics
Since the replacement of the MSDIS Image Server, we have struggled to find a software to provide a comprehensive breakdown of server and service usage. We had hoped that the statistics pulled directly from ArcGIS Server Manager would be a suitable substitute, but the very bare-bones records were significantly less than what we wanted.
Moving forward, we will no longer publish these numbers in our monthly reports. We will remain on the lookout for a reliable option for parsing the server usage in the hope that we can publish these numbers again. The raw server logs are still being saved if anyone requires them. Should anyone need a rough estimate of usage for certain specific services, we are more than happy to run those numbers via Server Manager.

Treasurer’s Report – NSGIC membership renewal came out to the tune of $1699.50. $49.50 in credit card fees. Ending balance is $33,444.86.

Membership Report – 911 Service Board Rep has been changed to Shawn Penman. 2 vacancies. Lee’s Summit and SEMA. If anyone has any questions about if their term is due it can be found on our website or ask Wiley. The letters are currently going out and those that are due should be on the lookout for them.

By-Laws Report – No Report

Committee Reports

Data Development – Imagery Stakeholder meeting was well attended. The general consensus was cut state into thirds at $1/year and it be recurring. Complication is it really needs to be someone’s job. Most counties also fly on even years so assessments are done on odd years, so a 3-year turnover doesn’t always line up with some counties. Quarters might work but hard to communicate. DNR and MDC have put a bid out for elevation derived hydrography project. Sending out on qualified vendor list for photogrammetrics.

NG911 – Continuing GIS grants. 3 or 4 to approve at the next board meeting. Almost up to 1 million address points in the portal. QA/QC is open for the 2024 southern 6 inch imagery. Need more folks to help. Send Shawn email to get setup to look at the imagery. Will eventually get to MSDIS.

Legislative – No Report.

Outreach – Continued website updates. Membership page updated.

Education – School’s still out. Prime day coming up so thing about your teachers. User Conference will have Harris-Stowe students at it. NGA reopened internship application window for 2 weeks.

MOGIS Conference – Had a meeting and set the motto and started logo concept for the conference. Since this will be 30 year anniversary for the MGISAC the motto is 30 Years and Mapping Forward. General logo concept was roughly put together using zoom whiteboard. Tracy has sent the draft to her graphic design team so they can finesse it into something usable. Once we have a logo back then we can start really putting together media blasts and updating the conference website.

Liaison Reports

MAGIC – New executive committee for 24-25 took effect July 1. Steering committee elections are soon. Clearinghouse Summit late summer in St. Charles. Consortium retreat late August.

NSGIC – September 22-27 conference in San Antonio. Our membership covers 5 people. Need to update list since there’s been MGISAC change and one name was situational.

Cooperating Agency Reports

USGS – SE 11 counties project will be getting some sample pilot areas for review. A couple river bend areas are of interest.

NRCS – Buy up program went through. May have extra next year for Lidar or EDH. Engineers interested in EDH more than Lidar.

Surveyors – No Report

Open Discussion

Please reach out if interested in being part of MGISAC leadership. We are in need of a new Vice Chair. Next meeting is August 8th at Credit Union in Jefferson City.

Adjourned – 11:18am

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