Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – April 11, 2002

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – April 11, 2002


Members Present

Beahan, Gary – Dept. of Economic Development
Carey, Michelle – City of Kansas City
Cook, Liz – USDA – NRCS
Cole, Julia – East West Gateway Coordinating Council
Dorge, Greg – City of Jefferson
Duewell, Mark – Dept. of Health & Senior Services
Falter, Jeff – SEMA
Haithcoat, Tim – MU – MSDIS
Holder, Renee – Dept. of Revenue
Peterson, Jennifer – City Utilities of Springfield
Schloss, Jeff – Dept. of Natural Resources
Shaw, Jo Ann – Dept. of Natural Resources
Spicci, Tony – Dept. of Conservation
Williams, Arnold – Dept. of Transportation

Others Present

Duncan, Janet – Dept. of Insurance
Flack, Wes – Census
Fox, Ray – USGS
Peyton, Ann – MU – RUPRI
Stewart, Helen – SEMA

Members Not Present

Pitts, Debbie (excused) – MO State Library – Census Data Center Davis, Jim Dept. of Mental Health
Barnett, Chris MU – CARES
Daw, Steve (sent proxy) – Shafer, Kline, & Warren
LaScala, Jim (excused) – City of Liberty
Williams, Darryl (sent proxy) – USGS – MCMC

Call to Order

Tony Spicci called the meeting to order at 9:10 a.m.

Reading of Minutes / Approval of Minutes

Minutes with one minor adjustment were approved.

Subcommittee Reports

GIS Position Development

Jeff Schloss informed the group that Tom Ward said they are still working on the language for the GIS positions. Their group will be meeting this afternoon. The Personnel Advisory Board (PAB) will meet the second Tuesday of next month. GIS positions should be on the agenda then. Tim asked if we could make sure someone from the committee is available to answer any questions. Jeff replied that if OA offers us a presence at the PAB meeting, he will seek attendees from the subcommittee.

Strategic Plan

Mark reported that everyone on the original strategic planning committee except JimLaScalahas agreed to serve again. Julia has agreed to serve remotely via conference calls. Mark will be scheduling a meeting in early May. Ann asked if the committee would accept input from willing participants. Mark said that he would welcome participation, but wants to keep the committee small enough to get the work done.

Tony said that Gerry Wethington would like to see the committee come up with a strategic plan. Tim said that he thinks that Gerry wants to see our vision for GIS for the next few years, and Tim Daniel would like to see what areas we feel are priorities.

Education and Outreach

Renee asked for any procedures written up on projects that people have. Michelle said that they want successful project documentation and things that we have learned that others could benefit from.

Tim asked for the status of the MGISAC display and brochure. Tony said that JimLaScalais in charge of the display and brochure. Renee will follow up with Jim to check the status.

Federal Initiatives

Ray told the group that the federal agencies are trying to coordinate the data calls. He is involved with the National Digital Elevation program, and they are looking at another data call. They are trying to bring several agencies together so they can partner on these things. Then they can acquire more data, and everybody wins.

Wes Flack stated that the Census Bureau has been charged with taking an inventory of all of the geospatial databases that exist now and those that are being planned. It has been piggybacked on TIGER modernization. They want to incorporate GPS data and locate every housing unit in America. In order for that to work, they have to make TIGER more accurate with street centerlines +/- 5 meters. With the homeland defense concerns, they are trying to integrate efforts between federal, state, and local agencies. They have decided that the first thing is to find out what is out there. This is a nation-wide effort. The same needs exist at the state level. Wes stated that Census wants to work together with the other players.

Ann asked who is going to maintain the inventory. Wes said that he didn’t know. He has a deadline of mid-July. At that point, the inventory will be turned over to a contractor to develop data to fill in the holes. A state GIS Coordinator would be the logical person to maintain the inventory. Tim said that MSDIS could house the inventory. Tim has the inventory that was done in 1998 for NSDI. Mark said that he would like to see a state GIS Coordinator. Tim said there is a pot of money viewed as one-time money for homeland security. Once we had a state GIS Coordinator in place, Tim feels the value would be seen.

Liz said that there has been a lot of interest in the common land unit. There will be quite a bit of work to meeting the demand for this from NRCS. They are considering stripping some of the confidential information and posting the data on the MSDIS website. This issue will be discussed more at the SMAC meeting next month.

Liz said that the USDA is planning to contract for aerial photography for 23 counties this summer. There is a good possibility that we will have aerial photography for the whole state by 2003. Liz will be giving a presentation on this at the SMAC meeting in May.

Addressing Standards

Renee said that the next meeting will be May 9th at the Dept. of Health. The group is still looking for applications for the centerline files and master address file. Tim Daniel and Gerry Wethington have asked for a prototype for Boone County. This will be for centerline update, migration to TIGER, and the master address file.

State Mapping Advisory Committee (SMAC)

Liz announced that the SMAC meeting will be held at the USGS Mid-Continent Mapping Center in Rolla on May 16th. This meeting will be held in conjunction with the MGISAC meeting. MGISAC will be from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. At 11:30 a.m., the SMAC meeting will begin. Liz anticipates that it will last until 4:30 or 5:00 p.m. There will be a National Map presentation that includes the Cape Girardeau National Map pilot. After lunch, there will be a presentation on Homeland Security / 120 cities activities. There are vendors lined up for ortho-imagery presentations. The vendors will focus on the pros and cons of various formats and what you can do with them. Then, there will be a discussion of where we want to go and funding opportunities.


No report.


Tony stated that Gerry Wethington hasn’t had time to review them yet, but we should have them in the next month or so.

State Architecture

There has been no meeting of this committee.


Renee sent out the Vermont training CD, but she did not receive any feedback. Michelle handed a CD of the training web pages to Tim for posting on the web. She asked that if anyone receives comments on the web pages to forward those to her and Renee. Debbie suggested that we put some fun GIS links in for teacher and students.

Data Standards

Arnold stated that the group is currently focusing on the address standard. The next address standard meeting will be on February 26 at 9:00 a.m. in the OIS Conference Room at the Dept. of Mental Health at 1706 East Elm Street. The group will be discussing the writing assignments which were handed out at the last meeting. Tim will be demonstrating a pilot project of addressing for Boone County.

Homeland Security

Gerry, Tim Daniel, Tony, and Tim Haithcoat had a meeting on homeland security issues. Tim H. provided a lot of background information. Tim D. would like to see a single portal with common view and common standards. He wants the ability to access data and analysis, such as plume analysis, risk analysis, with the ability to ship that out to remote sites. The idea is to house it at the Missouri National Guard. They are considering using Management Incident Command System software. Tim and Tony will be attending the meeting to discuss the software.

Tony drafted a homeland security action plan for GIS.

Tony presented the following plan:

1. House the web tool at the Missouri National Guard;

2. Develop databases that we do not currently have which are needed for this effort;

3. Develop Missouri’s plan for 14 cities with population over 15,000 (similar to the 120 cities plan);

4. Create a mobile GIS unit;

5. Put together a GIS team to operate the GIS unit; and

6. Build a redundancy between DASC and MSDIS


Jo Ann said that the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Implementation Team meeting will be at 12:30 p.m. today. The goals of the meeting are to identify partners and data layers that we will be looking at in the state of Missouri. Jo Ann and Ray will show Ron Matzner’sPowerPointpresentation for an overview of the effort.

ITAB Liaison

Jeff Falter reported that the ITAB met, but there was nothing related to GIS on the agenda.


National Geographic topoquads are now posted on MSDIS at 1:100,000. The first MSDIS newsletter is waiting on one article, and as soon as that gets in, it will go out. Tim would like to put a couple of students on the inventory of data in the state of Missouri. Jeff S. asked Tim to let the group know if this would affect other tasks in the MSDIS workplan.

MoGIS 2003 Conference Committees

Groups are beginning to work on some of the issues for the conference in 2003.


Tony is working on the draft I-Team plan for the state.


Tony asked if anyone needed a ride to the conference. He is taking a van. Renee asked for a list of people who are signed up for workshops. Tony will have Christian Cooley send this out. Tony is pleased with the number of registrations for the conference.


Motion carried to adjourn.



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