Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – October 8, 2009
Department of ConservationCredit Union Building9:00 a.m.
Call to Order
Called to order at 9:09 a.m.
Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees
Ex-Officio Members
Mark Duewellpresent
Tim Haithcoatexcused
State Members
Debbie Briedwellpresent
Colin Duewellpresent
Matt Hesserexcused
Renee Robinsonpresent
Jeff Schlossabsent
Tracy Schlosspresent
Tony Spicciexcused
Beth Struempfabsent
Arnold Williamspresent
Cooperating Members
Aaron Addisonpresent
Mark Allenpresent
Leslie Chamberlinpresent
Elizabeth CookTreasurerpresent (proxy for Ray Fox)
David DrumSecretarypresent
Ray FoxVice-chairexcused
Ming-Chih Hungpresent
Pam Kelrickpresent
Kevin Kuhlmannexcused
Jim LaScalaabsent
Steve MarshChairpresent
Greg Reszpresent
Diane Truepresent
Other Attendees
Josie Bock, Great River Associates
Dave Bullington, Surdex
Tim Donze, Surdex
Joe Eckmann, ESRI
Melissa Johnson, Cole County
Shannon White, University of Missouri
Approval of the Minutes
September minutes available on the web site. Motion to approve from Liz Cook, multiple seconds, approved by vote.
MGISAC Administration
State GIO ReportTim Haithcoat
No report
No changes submitted
Project Updates
Discussion Topic/Presentation
Update and discussion of the membership document
Tony is attending NSGIC
Update and discussion of the Missouri GIO Plan
Tim is unavailable
Discussion of State-focused point address data collection
Steve M: provided background information. Extended discussion (see below). Motion from Liz C that Chair summarize discussion in a letter to the GIO, to have one review by the committee prior to submission. Seconded by Leslie C. Friendly amendment from Steve M that a copy of the letter be sent to Matt Hesser, state demographer. Discussion. Friendly amendment withdrawn. Motion passed by vote. Steve M: send Tim H an email with your own thoughts.
Time/Money issues
- Time/manpower it takes to reformat existing data into requested format(s)
- What is the larger timeline that is in place? This may help those who are reading the request understand
the big picture and the need for the timeliness in their response.
- For those counties selling or pricing data according to state statute, there are concerns that this
revenue stream will be counteracted if the data gets out of the hands of the state (see legal issues with sunshine laws below)
- Some counties do not outright own their own data, they may have a binding contract with a company or
contractor that explicitly states the data can not be shared. Will the state be contacting those data providers? Will those locales need to provide that information?
Technical/Knowledge Issues
- Some counties do not have GIS nor 911 therefore the data may not be in the electronic formats requested
- Request to reformat data into a specific format (how do they get info out of the existing systems)
- Merging multiple data sets if they are not already merged (i.e. assessors data + 911 data)
- Addressing issues were not taken into account (ie. corn fields addressed for insurance purposes, 2nd homes
in vacation areas)
- This may be an overwhelming technical burden for some counties that do not have the technical know-how or
wherewithal to support this request. If such data is needed, then there needs to be technical assistance support set up to aid in the process.
- Each locale does this type of business differently and their workflows and processes are different thus it
is a more difficult task across the state
- he addressing entity in each county is different and this should be taken into account (see related GIS
professional comment in Professional etiquette comments below)
- Acknowledge the “shelf life” of the datasets
Legal issues
- Concerns that when sharing data with the state for a specific intended purpose will not enable the state to
redistribute (or what will happen if the state forced to distribute through Sunshine law)
- State MOU – if used and counties note they do not want parts shared
- Members of MGISAC voiced the need for a decision from the AG’s office rather than an opinion (not in
writing) regarding data, data sources, digital assets and Sunshine law as it applies to the requested data and data sharing agreements
- Privacy issues for those individuals in 911 databases where the data is not public knowledge (e.g. can the
state be requested to turn over to a mailing list service if “sunshined”?)
Professional Etiquette Issues
- The perception of use of “sunshine law” to gain access to the data is seen as hostile
- Perception of the state “strong arming” local government by hitting multiple fronts (local offices) with
letter (i.e. 911, county commissioners, assessors offices and GIS offices
- Concern that ongoing efforts of the MGISAC and many counties and regions to enter into datasharing
agreements were counteracted by the letter (e.g. the letter sent seemed to move around existing structures that were in place and had been worked on for a long period of time; there was seemingly a lack of respect for how the “locals” do business)
- Does the state know who participated in the LUCA process? Why was this not encouraged of all counties in
- Letter needed to be more explicit in the benefits to the local governments from participating in the
request (e.g. any representation we get matters politically and monetarily at the local level; and the more money for the county may mean more money for data development in that county)
- An expressed need for more coaching or handholding from the state-level in this process rather than blanket
letters out. It was suggested that it might be helpful to ask those counties who are struggling with providing the data requested what issues they are encountering in fulfilling the request.
- Often starting with the GIS professional in a locale would have helped both the GIS professional and the
county in recommendations of how to approach the situation from their perspective
- Concern from the GIS professionals that if the Congressional Seat is lost then the “black-eye” that will
result will be blamed on local non-responsiveness or inability to produce the data in the ways requested without taking into account the complexities of the data/time/money/technical/legal issues as a whole.
Subcommittee Reports
Data DevelopmentRay Fox
Liz C: subcommittee did not meet. Still working on state LiDAR business case, etc.
FinanceLiz Cook
Domain name credit received. Balance stands at $30,078.77. NSGIC dues still to be deducted, $3,000. NE Regional Workshop breaks still to be deducted, up to $100. Looked into conference insurance. Cost would be approximately $525 to cover terrorism, bad weather, venue damage, and a host of highly unlikely items. Does not consider it to be worth pursuing. Insurance to cover low registration does not exist. Discussion. Item tabled.
Funding & GrantsPam Kelrick, Tony Spicci, Mark Duewell
Mark D: have been approached by USGS about writing another partnership grant. Agree with Tim about looking at possibilities in the wider state (previous partnership grant was in the New Madrid fault zone). Discussion. Pam K: FGDC grants are posted with details. Category 5 (business case/return on investment) is intriguing. Discussion. Mark will send out a link to the grant category.
Homeland Security/Emergency ManagementDebbie Briedwell
No report
Local Government GroupMark Allen
No report
Outreach & EducationMark Duewell
Northeast Regional workshop on October 24. Registration full. Building support for a metadata class in St. Louis and Kansas City. Considering a regional workshop in the south central portion of the state, around Ava.
Strategic PlanningEric Foster
No report
Missouri GIS ConferenceTony Spicci
No report
Liaison Reports
GIT Architecture (MAEA)Tim Haithcoat
No report
Policy & LegislationTony Spicci
No report
MSDIS ActivitesMark Duewell
A lot of new data out and pending. Quarterly report will be published to day, fiscal report following shortly.
MAGIC ConsortiumTony Spicci
Awards and registration will open shortly.
Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
Federal/NRCSLiz Cook
2009 true color NAIP is available, MrSID only at this time. CiR on the way. Discussion about MSDIS image server.
Federal/USGSRay Fox
Liz C: USGS is buying LiDAR data for Stone county, all USGS money, no idea why.
Missouri Association of Councils of Government
No report
Missouri Resource Assessment PartnershipDiane True
No report
Missouri Mappers AssociationJim LaScala
Steve M: attended quarterly directors meeting; discussed certification. MMA currently has a PMM certification, all pen-and-ink. MMA wants a GIS version of this certification. Not the same as a GISP; just a GIS version of parcel mapping certification. Discussion.
Missouri Society of Professional SurveyorsJohn Teale
No report
National States Geographic Information CouncilTim Haithcoat
No report
Round Table Discussionall
Mark A: What is the status of the Enterprise Google Earth? Arnold: IS dept seems sold on it, would rather use something else.
Leslie C: could we have forums on the web site?
Tim D: introduced Dave Bullington
Pam K: Iowa Rural GIS Summit was September 29-30, had 50 in attendance. Have some resources available, will see about going on the web site.
Joe E: Tuesday in Jefferson City, 9-12 at Doubletree, ESRI UC Highlight session. Register on the ESRI Events web site.
Tracy S: launched first Adobe Flex GIS application. http://gis.dhss.mo.gov/Website/AGS_WICprovider/WICprovider.html
Announcement of next meeting
November 12, 2009 @ Conservation Credit Union
Adjourned at 11:45 a.m.