Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – June 11, 2009

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – June 11, 2009

Department of ConservationCredit Union Building9:00 a.m.

Call to Order

Called to order at 9:04 a.m.

Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees

Ex-Officio Members

Mark Duewellpresent
Tim Haithcoatpresent

State Members

Debbie Briedwellpresent
Colin Duewellpresent
Matt Hesserexcused
Renee Robinsonpresent
Jeff Schlosspresent
Tracy Schlosspresent
Tony Spiccipresent (proxy for Jim LaScala)
Beth Struempfpresent
Arnold Williamspresent

Cooperating Members

Aaron Addisonexcused
Mark Allenpresent
Elizabeth CookTreasurerpresent
David DrumSecretarypresent
Ray FoxVice-chairpresent
Pam Kelrickpresent
Kevin Kuhlmannpresent
Jim LaScalaexcused
Steve MarshChairexcused
Greg Reszabsent
Diane Truepresent

Other Attendees

Leslie Chamberlin, Camden County
Tim Donze, Surdex
Joe Eckmann, ESRI
Eric Foster, MoDOT
Ming-Chih Hung, NWMU
Michael Sunde, MOREnet
Shannon White, University of Missouri
Andy Wagner, Maryland Heights

Approval of the Minutes

May minutes available on the web site. Motion to approve from Tony S, seconded by Tracy S. Approved by vote.

MGISAC Administration

State GIO ReportTim Haithcoat

Working with ITSD on broadband mapping proposals and RFP. Membership letters are back for almost everyone. Explanation of State capacity for signing conference contracts. The upshot is that it would be simpler to have the University to sign the contract. Discussion. Liz Cook signed the addendum for site selection for the 2011 Missouri GIS Conference. Jeff S: What is the status of the GIS Council proposal? Tim H: the CIO is still reviewing those, don’t have any feedback yet. Met as recently as Monday. Pam K: what is the progress on the meeting of academic entities? Tim H: none. Explanation of goal of coordination. Tim D: Do you have an update on Google Earth for Missouri imagery? Tim H: building a foundation within state agencies. There is a desire to have web standard services that can be pulled in by any entity. Discussion. Please remember that the GIO has no budget and no staff. Craig M: Is Google paying anyone for imagery? Tim H: No. Tony S: Microsoft has paid for some flights. The one nice thing Google has done is publish data if you ask them to. Craig M: I have heard that Google will ship two sets of drives and only ask for one back. Discussion.


No amendments submitted

NominationsMark Duewell

Nominations will open on Monday

Project Updates

Review of 2009 conference and set action item for 2011

Tony S: Waiting for addendum to contract with Custom Meeting Planners to be signed. Discussion.

Discussion Topic/Presentation

Development of 2009 work plan, subcommittee plans discussion

No report

Subcommittee Reports

Data DevelopmentRay Fox

Met Tuesday. Sent minutes out to the group, will be posted after comment period. Discussed 2009 imagery update. Surdex is progressing on that, working on triangulation. USGS has reviewed data, will send to USDA and MoDOT next. 2009 NAIP, looking at band 4. Liz C: FSA has moved up 15 states to 2009 including Missouri. Working on a CIR buy-up. NRCS is funding 50%, about $51,000. Tim H will front remainder through OA, and collect from partners afterward. MoDOT, Forest Service, DNR, MDC likely partners. NRCS separately purchasing a county mosaic CIR. Expecting flights between June 15 and August 15. Forest Service bought up to have the whole state flown. Total cost for whole state is about $1.2 million, of which state government is paying $51,000. Ray F: visible ground control proposal ongoing. USGS has announced imagery and LiDAR funding, $50,000 to $500,000 available through a matching program. Interest in New Madrid area partnership. Elevation plan almost ready for release.

FinanceLiz Cook

No bills came in against account. Was expecting bills from Homeland Security and Rural GIS Summit. Balance remains at $11956.71. Have not received proceeds from Missouri GIS Conference.

Funding & GrantsPam Kelrick, Tony Spicci, Mark Duewell

Mark D: Florida is holding a stimulus meeting with extensive preparatory information. Feel that a lot of that could be applied to Missouri. Will send link out.

Homeland Security/Emergency ManagementDebbie Briedwell

Met Tuesday. Update on New Madrid seismic zone. Visit the Homeland Security page for more information. Attended US National Grid training. Have met with Public Safety and National Guard about the National Grid. Working on National Grid-based mapbooks, imagery, topo, and vector data combinations. Will promote when available to state, regional, and local entities. GIS collaborations in regions A and F. Discussion. Taking proposal to officially adopt the National Grid to the Homeland Security Advisory Committee.

Local Government GroupMark Allen

Working on local data acquisition in region A. Discussion of phase 0, 1, and 2 wireless locating in E911. There is no funding solution in Missouri, unlike all other 49 states. Discussion.

Outreach & EducationMark Duewell

Northwest user group meeting scheduled in St. Joseph, Friday, June 26, 10 a.m.3 p.m. at the Remington Nature Center. St. Louis user group also. Mark and Ray will attend both. Reviewed Emergency Response workshop survey in St. Louis. Looking at September or October for a Northeast Regional Workshop. Pam K: had nearly 70 people, a few walk-ins. Very surprised at the range of attendees, had focused on county officials. Interest in more rural GIS summits, both in southern Missouri and in other states. Discussion. Iowa Rural GIS Summit on September 2223.

Strategic PlanningEric Foster

Draft reports not finalized; will appear on the web site when done.

Missouri GIS ConferenceTony Spicci

Previously Discussed

Liaison Reports

GIT Architecture (MAEA)Tim Haithcoat

No report

Policy & LegislationTony Spicci

Tim H: discussing relaunching cadastral standards since legislation did not pass. Tony S: COGO meeting July 12. Considering putting together language that would meet the needs of URISA, MAPPS, etc.

MSDIS ActivitesMark Duewell

Western Missouri 2-foot imagery now available. Looking at building the local government web page. Ongoing effort to clean up metadata and data files to achieve consistency. Discussing a comprehensive state data inventory. Discussion about creating county mosaics of 2-foot imagery; issue is whether to produce incomplete mosaics of just 2008 imagery. Question about availability of NRCS data.

MAGIC ConsortiumTony Spicci

No report

Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports

Federal/NRCSLiz Cook

Tony S: is the Common Land Unit (CLU) data available again? Liz C: sometime soon.

Federal/USGSRay Fox

Digital Map beta handout. Updated Digital Map, formal announcement in the fall. Some stimulus (ARRA) money for imagery and LiDAR. Working with Rock Island district on LiDAR.

Missouri Association of Councils of Government

No report

Missouri Resource Assessment PartnershipDiane True

Still looking for money to do the rest of the state land cover. Have done Bootheel to St. Louis. Much higher spatial and thematic resolution: 10m and 150 classes.

Missouri Mappers AssociationJim LaScala

MMA Conference is July 28-31 at Port Arrowhead.

Missouri Society of Professional SurveyorsJohn Teale

No report

National States Geographic Information CouncilTony Spicci

Tim H: Minnesota got their GIO office and bill passed.

Round Table Discussionall

Mark Allen: The Rural GIS Summit was outstanding. Thank you, Pam.
Andy Wagner: Would like to put together a data consortium in the St. Louis area.
Liz Cook: Trying to get a combined CAD/GIS product from LiDAR data. Can anyone help?
Renee Robinson: National Grid training at the end of July. Email forthcoming.

Announcement of next meeting

July 9, 2009 @ Conservation Credit Union


Meeting adjourned at 11:18 a.m.

Comments are closed.