Minutes for July 12, 2012

Minutes for July 12, 2012

Date: July 12, 2012
Location: Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Time: 9:00 a.m.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:01 a.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions

Missouri Spatial Data Information Service Mark Duewell—present
USGS Ray Fox—present
OA ITSD GIS Paul Wright—excused
SEMA Debbie Briedwell—present via teleconference
MoDOT Joe Carter—present
OA ITSD Economic Development Colin Duewell—present
OA Budget and Planning Matt Hesser—present via teleconference
JFMO-EM Renee Robinson—present via teleconference
OA-ITSD Natural Resources Jeff Schloss—absent
OA-ITSD Health and Senior Services Tracy Schloss—present
Department of Conservation Tony Spicci—excused
OA-ITSD Revenue Beth Struempf—present
Washington University in St. Louis Aaron Addison—present
SEMO RPC Stan Balsman—present via teleconference
Great River Associates Josie Bock—present via teleconference
Camden County Leslie Chamberlin—present via teleconference
Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors Joe Clayton—present
USDA-NRCS Elizabeth Cook—present
Surdex Tim Donze—present
MOREnet David Drum—present
City of Columbia Matt Gerike—excused
Northwest Missouri State University Ming-Chih Hung—excused
Cole County Melissa Johnson—excused
Sanborn Kevin Kuhlmann—present
MARC Steve Marsh—excused
Jackson County Amber Reynolds—present via teleconference (proxy for Tony Spicci)
City of Jefferson Greg Resz—present
MoRAP Diane True—present via teleconference
City of Maryland Heights Andy Wagner—present
Boone County Jason Warzinik—excused
MU Extension/Department of Geography Shannon White—present
Other Attendees
City of Columbia LeeAnn Bullard (proxy for Matt Gerike and Jason Warzinik)
Esri Joe Eckmann
Woolpert Rick Hammond
FEMA Region 7 Cory MacVie
Custom Meeting Planners Jamie Schieber
OGI Arnold Williams

3. Approval of Minutes
June minutes available on the web site. Motion to approve from White, seconded by Clayton, approved by vote.
4. MGISAC Administration
4.1 Missouri OGI Report — Paul Wright

    Aerial Imagery/LiDAR RFP: Had an initial discussion with Purchasing. They provided suggestions for adding pricing and giving scenarios for vendors to reply to in order to help with determining cost and expertise. It was determined that we should only have 2-4 vendors that would be selected as pre-approved to provide the services through this contract. Working on the scenarios.

  • MSDIS reviewed the draft MOU and made some modifications. We met to discuss and this is now back with OGI. We hope to have a next draft by end of July.
  • The State EOC has been activated because of the fire hazards and OGI is providing support. Working with DPS the OGI has provided a method to identify MO fires online for easier coordination.
  • Continuing work with Dept of Ag to develop a map for the state fairgrounds. We were able to get some data from Sedalia and Pettis County as well as DHSS. We should have a good first draft by 7/16.
    Google and ESRI continue to provide demos of their various products. ESRI most recently met with Tim Robyn and Judd Slivka of DNR to show the capabilities of ArcGIS Online.
  • Google and ESRI continue to provide demos of their various products. ESRI most recently met with Tim Robyn and Judd Slivka of DNR to show the capabilities of ArcGIS Online.

4.2 MSDIS report — Mark Duewell

  1. MSDIS site failovers. MSDISWeb has been successfully tested – the sites were switched last week for several hours – and then switched back. The return to the Web NN server was made because there are still some robo-copy scripts being written that will insure the data – and particularly the web pages are the same on both servers. The Imagery servers will be next as soon as the robo-copies are functioning normally.
  2. OGI\MOU status. No update.
  3. Geoportal – A significant amount of work went into fixing the large number of issues that cropped up when the I.P. addresses of the servers were changed – prior to the fail-over testing. The addresses filtered into areas of the portal we weren’t expecting. Thankfully most of the functions were unaffected but for several users the issues caused some delays. MSDIS apologizes for any inconvenience – while we have a pretty good handle on “normal” operations – issues still crop up that are learning experiences for staff here.
  4. Congressional boundaries are now available.
  5. MSDIS presented geoportal functionality at the SEMO Symposium on June 20th for 50 attendees. The same presentation will be made to the St. Charles County GIS User Group on July 18th.
  6. MSDIS will be ordering 2 new servers to replace the aged MSDIS Web servers. Each will have 11TB of storage under Raid 5.
  7. ArcGIS Server training – June 25th – 27th Mark, Wenbo, Martin (with Steve Vance, Chris Distler and Colin Duewell from OGI) attended this training in Geography’s SPAM Lab.

4.3 Treasurer's report — Leslie Chamberlin

Previous balance $22,987  
Income None $0.00
Expense Meeting expenses $254.83
Expense NSGIC Dues $1000.00
Ending balance $21,540.22

4.4 Membership report — Tony Spicci
No report
4.5 By-laws — Shannon White
Proposed changes were distributed via email before the ten-day deadline. A variety of corrections on the level of copy editing were submitted by council members via email. Motion to accept proposed by-laws changes with corrections by Drum, seconded by C. Duewell and Clayton. Discussion about timing of nominations and elections. No further changes adopted.
5. Project Updates/Action Items
5.1 Nominations/Election — Ray Fox, Arnold Williams
Please make certain that you check with the person you are nominating before sending their name on to the nominations committee.
5.2 2013 Missouri GIS Conference — Andy Wagner, Aaron Addison
Hotel site visit tomorrow. Discussion about whether or not to raise conference fees. The consensus is that they need to go up simply because St. Louis is a more expensive venue. Also, the council acknowledged when selecting St. Louis that conference fees would probably go up. Discussion about by how much the conference could conceivably go into the red. Suggestion of $5,000 to $8,000 so that MGISAC would have two years of operating funds left to get it through to the next conference. Conference chairs reiterated that the goal is merely to break even overall.
5.3 K-12 Esri License — Shannon White
We now have a fully executed K-12 statewide license agreement with Esri in Missouri. All public, private, parochial, home schools and youth groups are eligible. The agreement goes through 2014 with a strong likelihood of extending through 2017. Targeting fourth and eighth grade initially. License is valid both for educational and administrative uses.
5.4 Update on Cadastral Mapping Standards
Update moved to August.
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Data Development — Ray Fox
3D Elevation Program: USGS has developed a website, http://nationalmap.gov/3DEP/neea.html explaining the 3DEP program, a multi-federal agency initiative to improve the nation’s elevation data using LiDAR and ifsar for Alaska. This initiative came from the National Enhanced Elevation Assessment from last year.
LiDAR Inventory Update: I am working on an update of the Lidar inventory completed last year. Some additional fields are being requested including vertical accuracy (last year was a range, this year they want actual), products delivered including contours. USGS and NOAA are jointly working on this and when completed I will make Missouri available to MGISAC, and MSDIS. New projects include the 2011 SEMA, multi agency Mo-Grand, 2012 SEMA, Upper Grand (NRCS), New Madrid seismic, and hopefully Bootheel. Missouri is due August 17.
Washington County Imagery: EPA has asked for partners to acquire leaf-off six inch resolution color and black & white imagery for Washington County, MO.
Data Development Meeting: I plan on calling a meeting in early August.
6.2 Homeland Security — Debbie Briedwell
FEMA region VII has a new position dedicated to GIS. We met with the new staff member, Cory MacVie to discuss FEMA’s initiatives and how they can work better with the State. Cory will act as a liaison between the State and NGA, which will give us the ability to request products that we were not able to access in the past. I will set up a meeting for him to demo these products.
Another initiative they are working on is for collection of oblique imagery during disasters, licensed for State and Local use. In the past, use of oblique imagery has been limited in use because of licensing restrictions and cost. I will keep everyone informed as this proceeds.
FEMA Region VII now has an Online GIS Portal through ArcGIS Online. fema.maps.arcgis.com
6.3 Local Government — Matt Gerike, Melissa Johnson, Leslie Chamberlin, Jason Warzinik
No report
6.4 Outreach and Education — Mark Duewell, Shannon White
Report of the SEMO symposia. 58 registered – 50 attended. The presentations were varied and the program seems to be growing stronger. The ignite sessions were put on by Indi Braden and some professors and students from SEMO. Pending Esri session on LiDAR tools in 10.1. Green Hills regional workshop planned for October.
6.5 Policy and Legislation — Joe Clayton
HB1280 has been signed.
6.6 Strategic Planning — Shannon White
The Strategic Planning Committee met June 22nd and worked through the Officer By-laws changes for vote in the July meeting. In addition there was a discussion of the relationship of MGISAC to and with MSDIS. Notes from the meeting can be found online at the strategic planning committe page.
The next meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee was planned to be July 13, 2011 from 1pm-3pm in Stewart 104, University of Missouri. Conference Call Number: (1-866-910-4857 and join meeting 449856) with the following topics of discussion. Please note, the discussion of OGI and MGISAC may be tabled until August meeting.

Agenda for Meeting

  1. Review Notes from June 22, 2012 Meeting
  2. Topics that are still in need of discussion by the Committee (in order of priority):
    • Relationship and role of OGI/MGISAC;
    • What does it mean to be a member of MGISAC?
    • How do our business members “fit” into the operational structure of the Council

7. Liaison Reports
7.1 MAGIC Consortium — Steve Marsh
Reynolds: formally opening call for grant applications next week.
7.2 National States Geographic Information Council — Paul Wright

  • There were some discussions in the forum as to whether GIS is or is not a function of IT. Some good ideas back and forth the best of those summarized as, “We tend to limit ourselves by thinking that GIS = software. It’s way more than that, and we limit ourselves and the thinking of the IT people when we don’t focus on the fact that GIS software is simply a mechanism for displaying data, and that a Geographic Information System is much broader than the software.
  • Another big discussion of the last week has been over ArcGIS Online and the associated costs (licenses/credits) and how it all works. Joe Eckmann has provided us with the license cost and a list of items and how those consume credits. ESRI gave us a demo of ArcgGIS Online on 7/11.

Wright not planning to attend upcoming NSGIC conference. Discussion about who will represent Missouri at the conference and the possible need to send someone. Cook expressed willingness and desire to attend. Drum requested that Cook determine costs for her to attend for August meeting resolution.
8. Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
8.1 NRCS — Liz Cook
No report
8.2 USGS — Ray Fox
No report
8.3 Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership — Diane True
No report
8.4 Missouri Mappers Association — Melissa Johnson
The MMA conference is July 24-27. For more information go to www.missourimappers.org.
8.5 Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors — Joe Clayton
Board of directors meeting tomorrow. Minimum standards workshop on Saturday at Lodge of the Four Seasons.
9. Round table Discussion
White: GeoTech camp was a success; pictures to come.
Eckmann: plenary session will be available to view a few hours afterward on the 23rd.
10. Next meeting: Thursday, August 9, 2012, 9:00 a.m., Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.

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