Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – August 16, 2001

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – August 16, 2001

Members Attending:

Arnold Williams, Dept. of Transportation; Renee Holder, Dept. of Revenue; Jeff Falter, State Emergency Management Agency; Jo Ann Shaw, Dept. of Natural Resources; Mark Duewell, Dept. of Health; Tony Spicci, Department of Conservation; Steve Daw, Missouri Mappers Association; Jim Davis, Dept. of Mental Health; Debbie Pitts, State Census Data Center; Jeff Schloss, Dept. of Natural Resources; Julia Cole, East-West Gateway Coordinating Council; Michelle Carey, City of Kansas City; Liz Cook, NRCS; Darryl Williams, USGS; Gary Beahan, Dept. of Economic Development; Chris Barnett, CARES; JimLaScala, City of Liberty;

Others in attendance:

Helen Stewart, SEMA; Don Yoest, Dept. of Agriculture; Jason Smith, Dept. of Health;


  • Call to Order
  • Reading of Minutes/Approval of Minutes
  • Committee Reports
    • GIS Position Development Jeff Schloss
    • ITAB Liaison Jeff Falter
    • Strategic Planning Mark Duewell
    • Education & Outreach JimLaScala& Debbie Pitts
    • Federal Initiatives Darryl Williams
    • Data Standards Arnold Williams
    • SMAC Liz Cook
    • Bylaws Jo Ann Shaw
    • Internet Chris Barnett
  • NSGIC Update
  • MSDIS Activities
  • OIT Related Activities: State Architecture Plan
  • MAGIC Update
  • Round Table Discussion
  • Open Discussion
  • Adjournment

Call to Order: The call to order was made at approximately 9:00 a.m.

Reading of Minutes / Approval of Minutes: Minutes were not read.

Committee Reports:

GIS Position Development: According to Jeff Schloss, GIS positions should be on the agenda for the ITAB meeting on August 29. He stated that the CIO is supportive. OA Administration wanted to have class concepts included (what the various positions do). Jeff talked with them, and he has some examples to work from. Tony and Jeff will probably attend the ITAB meeting on Aug. 29. The next step will be a comment period for merit agencies. After that, the positions will go to the Personnel Advisory Board. OA would then determine the method of scoring the positions. A motion to approve the position descriptions was made and passed with one dissension. Tony will draft a letter of support from the MGISAC.

ITAB Liaison: Jeff Falter reported that ITAB is supportive of GIS position development.

Strategic Plan: Mark asked for any input on the strategic plan to be sent to him. At this point, the committee is still waiting on information from Tim.

Education and Outreach: Tony raised the question about how the MGISAC should be involved in the upcoming NSGIC Conference to be held in St. Louis. Since we expect it will be 49 years before another NSGIC conference is held within our state, the committee discussed what type of presence would be most appropriate, whether or not we should become a conference sponsor, and, if so, at what level. After discussion, a motion was made and passed to send a maximum of four additional people to the NSGIC conference in St. Louis if money is available. Those people would be responsible for setting up the MGISAC booth.

In addition, a motion was made and passed to partner with MAGIC as a bronze sponsor of the 2001 NSCIC conference at a cost of $2500. If MAGIC does not sponsor NSGIC, the MGISAC will go ahead with a silver sponsorship. There will be one free registration with a silver sponsorship.

Jim asked that members send an email to Debbie and him with conferences that they want the MGISAC to be represented with a booth.

Debbie said that the new members have been added to the MSDIS website. Brochures have been sketched. When she gets the background information, she will send it to Steve Daw for completion. Debbie sent around a sheet for members to give her telephone numbers, so she can add them to the member information on the Internet.

Debbie asked what we wanted to do this year for GIS day in November. The group agreed that we would each choose a school for a presentation to children. Tony said that any day during geography week would be fine. Liz reported that she did a GIS presentation at her daughters school last year, and the kids loved it. Steve suggested making we have people in each section of the state.

Motion was made and passed for MGISAC members to do a presentation in a school this year for GIS Day. Darryl asked if the Education and Outreach Committee could do some research about where to place a MGISAC booth for GIS day. Jeff suggested that the committee work on a canned presentation.

Federal Initiatives: Darryl reported that the Forest Service and USGS reached an agreement for NHD to be prepared from existing maps.

Liz agreed to be on the Federal Initiatives Committee. Liz reported that USDA has a contract for GIS software, GPS, and digital cameras. ESRI software will be used, so it will be easier to partner with USDA in GIS.

Jeff Schloss asked about the status of I-Teams. Darryl stated that the Nebraska GIS Steering Committee has agreed to form an I-Team. Tony said that MAGIC was going to handle the I-Team issues, but he hasnt heard anything on it for a while.

Darryl mentioned that NSGIC is very important from a federal agency perspective, because this is the way they find out what is important to the states. The states that are represented at the conference will most likely get their issues heard and addressed by the federal agencies. Darryl said that the NAPP Steering Committee met, and Missouri was not listed as a high priority for 2002. They are looking at ways to revise or modify the NAPP program.

Training: Renee reported that the training committee has an outline forArcView8 training. They are putting together one project with Missouri data. They are working on a web page for the MSDIS site with common questions such as system requirements. They will have links to other sites.

Data Standards: Arnold reported that the data standards committee will be looking at an addressing standard first. The group is researching what federal standards are already in place. Other standards will be reviewed and prioritized. SMAC: Tony, Mark, Steve, and Jeff Schloss volunteered to assist Liz with the SMAC committee. Tony said that some remote sensing vendors have approached him about making presentations. The SMAC meeting might be a good place for these presentations.

Internet: Chris asked for volunteers to be on the Internet committee and sent around a sign-up sheet.

Bylaws: Jo Ann presented the fourth iteration of the bylaws for approval. Section 3.3 passed. Section 3.5 was passed with the change of monthly to quarterly. Section 4.1.1 passed for the two standing appointments. Sections 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 (Members and Ex-Officio Members) generated debate and were not passed. There was discussion about preserving a state majority in membership versus a majority of votes for every meeting. The group asked again to have language written in the nomination section to ensure a state majority is maintained on the MGISAC. Tony and Jeff Falter stated that the CIO specifically asked for five votes from the Ex-Officio Members (federal, local, education, etc.). This would mean that the sectors would have to have caucus to provide input to the representative who has the vote. There was discussion about the use of the term ex-officio members. Darryl stated that an ex-officio usually does not have a vote; therefore, the language should be changed to other members. Motion was made and passed to maintain a state majority on the MGISAC.

The bylaws committee was asked to meet again to rewrite the member composition sections to reflect the CIOs directive and the MGISACs wishes simultaneously.

Jo Ann asked Tony and Jeff Falter to attend the meeting. Darryl suggested calling a special meeting of the MGISAC to discuss the issue of committee composition after the bylaws committee meets again and the fifth revision of the bylaws document is completed. Tony agreed to call a special meeting.

NSGIC Update: Tony reported that the NSGIC agenda is now online. Gerry Wethington (CIO) will be participating in a CIO panel that will be interesting to attend. Tony passed out the ballot for the NSGIC board and asked for input. He will be casting the votes from Missouri. Since Tony is a candidate for the NSGIC board, he asked that everyone email Mark with their votes by close of business next Friday.

State Architecture: Jeff Schloss mentioned that he had asked Tim if he could be on the State Architecture committee, and he had not heard anything. Tony said that there will be a committee.

Magic: Tony informed the group that the van will be leaving Columbia at 7:00 a.m. on Sept. 23 for the Magic meeting at Burr Oak Conservation Center in Blue Springs.

Other: Tony appointed Jo Ann to serve as secretary. He asked that committee chairpersons provide him with written committee reports which can be posted on the web. These do not have to be more that a few sentences. Debbie will talk with MSDIS staff about setting up links to committee reports.

Round Table Discussion: Julia Cole informed the group that the East-West Gateway Coordinating Board of Directors has established a Regional Water Resource Advisory Board to collect and coordinate information in an effort to better protect water resources. Tony wants to send a representative from the MGISAC to this group. Liz volunteered to serve as the representative. Jo Ann will check to see who DNRs representative on the board is.

Adjournment: Motion carried to adjourn.

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