Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – March 11, 2010
? Department of ConservationMain Building Auditorium9:00 a.m. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 9:14 a.m. Meeting was displaced from the Credit Union at the last minute and moved to the Main Building Auditorium. Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees Ex-Officio Members Mark Duewellpresent Tim Haithcoatexcused State Members Debbie Briedwellpresent Colin Duewellexcused Matt Hesserexcused Renee Robinsonpresent Jeff Schlosspresent Tracy Schlosspresent Tony Spicciexcused Beth Struempfpresent Arnold Williamspresent Cooperating Members Aaron Addisonpresent Mark Allenpresent Leslie Chamberlinpresent Elizabeth CookTreasurerexcused David DrumSecretarypresent…