Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – November 14, 2002

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – November 14, 2002


Members Present

Kevin Kulhmann, Boonslick Regional Planning Commission
Gary Mook, East/West Gateway
Greg Dorge, City of Jefferson
Michelle Carey, City of Kansas City
Jeff Schloss, Department of Natural Resources
Jim Davis, Department of Mental Health
Janet Duncan, Department of Insurance
Arnold Williams, Department of Transportation
Steve Daw, Shafer, Kline and Warren
Don Yoest, Department of Agriculture
Tim Haithcoat, Missouri Spatial Data Information Service
Elizabeth Cook, USDA-NRCS
Tony Spicci, Department of Conservation
Mark Duewell, Department of Health and Senior Services
JimLaScala, City of Liberty

Members Excused

Ray Fox, US Geological Survey
Ryan Burson, Office of Administration (gave proxy to Elizabeth Cook)
Jeff Falter, State Emergency Management Agency (gave proxy to Mark Duewell)
Jennifer Peterson, City Utilities of Springfield
Patti Martin, Department of Revenue (gave proxy to Janice Nilges)

Members Absent

Gary Beahan, Department of Economic Development
David Drum,MOREnet

Others Present

Joann Shaw, Dept. of Natural Resources
Scott Russell , Surdex
Ann Peton, University of Missouri – RUPRI-CIRC
Renee Holder – Department of Natural Resources
Janice Nilges, Department of Revenue

Call to Order

Chair Tony Spicci called the meeting to order at 9:05 am in the Forest Room at the Runge Nature Center, Jefferson City, MO.

Approval of Minutes

Approval of the October minutes was deferred until the December meeting.

Subcommittee Reports

By-Laws – Jim Davis

Jeff S. had previously distributed three suggested changes to the by-laws. First, he suggested changing biannually to biennially regarding support of the MAGIC Conference. A motion was made to accept the change. The motion passed. Secondly, he suggested changing section 5.3 regarding the timing of nomination of officers. The change suggests waiting for membership approval before the officer nominations are made. A motion was made and passed. The third change regarded filling the vice-chair through an election if the elected vice-chair can not fill the entire term. A motion was made and accepted. Discussion included the need for an additional similar change made regarding secretary. Changes to the by-laws will be posted to the web page after the additional change regarding secretary is recommended and voted on next month.

Communications – Liz

Scott Russell suggested that an email be sent out reminding non-committee members about upcoming meeting. Renee wanted “discussion” emails sent to a wider distribution than just voting members.

Education and Outreach – Jim

JimLaScaladiscussed GIS Day, and members reported their proposed activities. Tim brought copies of the completed MGISAC brochures. Renee brought up conferences and representation of MGISAC. Tim said Missouri Association of Counties meeting was coming up at Tan-Tar-A Nov. 24-26, 2002. Steve will put up MGISAC brochures and display. Please forward information about conferences to Jim.

Federal Initiatives – Ray

Tony discussed Missouri’s prioritization on NAPP within the NDOP committee. Missouri came out low in priority at NDOP because they did not feel that the state was committed to co-funding. A meeting on our next step will follow this meeting. USGS has announced a funding opportunity for digital geospatial data. Greg said that FEMA was making FIRM data production funding available.

GIS Merit System Positions – Jeff S.

Currently, two people are in the GIS Coordinator register, eight are in the Specialist register, 20 analyst, 36 technician II and 41 technician I. If a register is not full, an agency may want to ask OA to open it to have more candidates if they anticipate hiring. Jeff also reported that 8 people had been hired or reassigned to these positions to date, in Economic Development, Health and Senior Services and Natural Resources.

GIS Standards – Renee

A meeting was held Oct. 29, 2002. The focus was on prioritizing layers in relation to I-Team.DOQscame out number one. An addressing standard was distributed last year for public review but there were no procedures for review and acceptance. Renee discussed recommended procedures for standards acceptance. Suggested additions to the procedure are to add ‘agree to adopt’ to Step 1 and to add a Step 9 to send standards to OIT. Renee will revise the document and send it out. Renee has scheduled a meeting in Rolla for Nov. 19, 2002. The December meeting was scheduled for the 13th at 9am at DNR.

Homeland Security – Mark

Mark feels the meetings have gone off track from the goal of preparing a plan for Tim Daniel, although the discussions have been useful. Mark reported that a state GIS coordinator has been asked for as a position at MSDIS, as well as 2 additional positions at DNR (per ITAB- Jeff Falter). Ann mentioned 2 proposed federal legislation. One discusses coordination of homeland security through regional Councils of Governments. Ann is working on a redraft to include roles of state clearinghouses and coordinating committees. Another legislation outlines responsibility of homeland security CIO.


The team has identified 11 themes; 7 are framework themes and 4 are Missouri’s additional high priority layers. Chairs have been named for each theme workgroup. Each workgroup chair will work and communicate as they choose, and then forward information to Jo Ann to present to the MGISAC. A discussion was held about the role of the Web for I-team information and inputs. Tim suggested that Jo Ann work with Martin to improve the I-team web page. Jeff suggested that the I-team membership be considered broader than MGISAC. He also pointed out the interaction of standards and I-team. Renee mentioned that Arkansas is getting a street centerline file through Health. Mark said that Missouri has different priorities.

Nominations – Tim

Tim asked if any state agencies need representation on the committee. Jeff and Tim will investigate. Kevin said a new state Representative who was interested in participating with this committee had approached him.


No report

Strategic Planning

Mark is waiting for comments on the draft he recently sent out. When he gets them he will revise and report.

State Architecture

Tim reported that he has a call for participation out for state architecture issues. He will call a meeting for interested parties. They will follow a document of guidelines for preparing an architecture plan. Tim also reported on an opportunity for funding for developing national templates regarding GIS, architecture, etc. Gerry Wethington is interested in putting the in-state work on state architecture in as a national proposal.

Liaison Reports


A planning meeting will be held Nov. 16-17, 2002, at Big Cedar Lodge. MAGIC is working on a coordinating role for state street centerline efforts.


Kevin reported things are happening.COGsare working with ESRI for software in a grant opportunity.


No additional report.


Missouri GIS conference was not mentioned in the MMA newsletter. Steve will try to find out why. Jim says fostering GIS in MMA is a steep battle. Tim suggested getting some time on the agenda for new state congress orientation to discuss GIS. Renee suggested the need for an Expo for legislators.


No report


No report

Missouri 2003 GIS Conference Committees


Jim has 2 papers submitted for the program. He suggested MGISAC committee reports as presentations. Tim said maybe that submitted abstracts are not getting from MSDIS to Jim. Renee will get a Socket dial-up Internet connection for the conference. Awards presentations will be made earlier in the conference for better attendance. Jim wants more detail on the web site about program topics and registration fees because he is getting questions. Jim suggested a SEMA representative for a keynote speaker. Tony also mentioned Gerry Wethington, Tim Daniel or Craig Neidig to discuss street centerline projects.


Last conference’s budget was about $49,000, but we ran a deficit of about $3,000. Full registration was $75, with a $40 speaker registration. Tim wanted to know if we want this to be a break even conference or should MSDIS underwrite more of the conference. We discussed reducing the registration and/or having a no meal registration. We voted to hold the price the same and not to have a no meal registration.


We have 5 exhibitors signed up.


Steve notified pertinent magazines.


No report.


We have 5 full-day and 2 half-day shortcourses. Arnold is arranging for computers and software. The topics for full-day shortcourses are ESRI geodatabase, Intro toArcGIS, AdvancedArcView3.3,AutoDeskWorkshop and Addressing. Two half-day workshops will be RemoteSensing/DOQsand Mobile Computing.


No report.


Nomination page will go on MSDIS soon.

MSDIS Activities

Tim will notify via a document of coming improvements, security, scaling and tools for data collection. Tim has been working on the Cooperative Agreement Network regarding clearinghouses of satellite data. The proposal could fund various strategic activities of MSDIS for 5 years. Gerry has pushed for bringing in outside money. Tim would like a letter of support from MGISAC. It was approved. Tim said reworking of MSDIS is coming.


Tim and Tony attended the recent national meeting and Tony gave a GIS paper. GIS was mentioned often during the conference.

Round Table Discussion

4-H will be getting ESRI licenses. Jim asked if the January meeting could be in Liberty. Don Yoest asked about GIS/IT interactions in state agencies. Jeff S. said it worked well at DNR for GIS to be part of IT. Mark and Tony said GIS was separate in their agencies.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 pm. The next meeting isDecember 12, 2002 at 9am. Location will be Runge.



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