Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – December 12, 2002
Members Present:
Kevin Kulhmann, Boonslick Regional Planning Commission
Greg Dorge, City of Jefferson
Michelle Carey, City of Kansas City
Jeff Schloss, Department of Natural Resources
Arnold Williams, Department of Transportation
Elizabeth Cook, USDA-NRCS
Tony Spicci, Department of Conservation
Mark Duewell, Department of Health and Senior Services
Ray Fox, US Geological Survey
David Drum,MOREnet
Tim Haithcoat, Missouri Spatial Data Information Service
Ryan Burson, Office of Administration
Members Excused
Jennifer Peterson, City Utilities of Springfield
Patti Martin, Department of Revenue (gave proxy to Janice Nilges)
Gary Mook, East/West Gateway
Janet Duncan, Department of Insurance
Steve Daw, Shafer, Kline and Warren (gave proxy to Dan Koch)
Don Yoest, Department of Agriculture
JimLaScala, City of Liberty (gave proxy to Renee Holder)
Gary Beahan, Department of Economic Development (sent proxy Zach Johnson)
Members Absent
Jim Davis, Department of Mental Health
Jeff Falter, State Emergency Management Agency
Others Present
Joann Shaw, Dept. of Natural Resources
Scott Russell, Surdex
Renee Holder Department of Natural Resources
Janice Nilges, Department of Revenue
Maggie Turpin, Department of Revenue
Wes Flack, U. S. Bureau of Census
Diane True,MoRAP
Zach Johnson, Department of Economic Development
Dan Koch, Shafer, Kline and Warren
Call to Order
Chair Tony Spicci called the meeting to order at 9:15 am in the Forest Room at the Runge Nature Center, Jefferson City, MO
Approval of Minutes
October and November minutes were approved
Subcommittee Reports
By-Laws Jim Davis
Jeff S. had previously distributed a suggested change to the by-laws. The change says that if the secretary steps down prior to the end of his/her term, an election for a replacement will be held. A motion was made and passed to accept the proposed change. Amended by-laws will be posted to the Web soon.
Communications – Liz
We need to update subcommittee chairs on Web page. We need to expand the email lists so non-voting members receive committee information.
Education and Outreach – Jim
Renee reported that Mid-Missouri GIS Users Group met in Cooper Co. December 11, 2002. Tom White with the Cooper County Emergency Management Agency encouraged those present to consider presenting GIS information at a 9-1-1 conference to be held March 9, 2003 at Tan-Tar-A. He believes that the emergency response community could really benefit from some general GIS knowledge and from the expertise available in the GIS community. It was suggested that MGISAC display the booth the conference as an outreach activity.
Federal Initiatives – Ray
Wes reported on TIGER modernization plans. Street centerline accuracy is proposed at better than 5m. Moniteau and Taney counties are planned forFY03. The 120-cities USGS project is now 133 urban areas, and Jefferson City has been included as a capital city. They plan to complete all framework layers for St. Louis, and possibly Kansas City, this year. Ray gave satellite imagery to MSDIS for distribution. USGS is encouraging volunteers to help with verifying feature names for the cities. Footprints of the 133 urban areas have been expanded. USDAs 30 counties of orthoimagery (true color, summer 02) will be available soon from MSDIS.
GIS Merit System Positions – Jeff S.
Mark said he had two GIS Analyst positions to hire soon, and would be reopening the register.
GIS Standards – Renee
A meeting will be held December 13, 2002, 9am at DNR-Elm Street. The meeting will focus on DOQ and soils standards.
Homeland Security Mark
The plan will be finished by the end of 2002 or early 2003. Updates need to be sent to the committee soon. A revised draft will be compiled from those updates and should be available for the subcommittee to review sometime in January.
I-team Jo Ann
Jo Ann will be sending in a status report to the national coordinator. Invitation to participate is on the Web.
Nominations – Tim
No report
No report
Strategic Planning
Mark reported that the plan is in a critical stage. We need to clarify the relationship of MSDIS and MGISAC. Items not in MGISACs strategic plan may need to go separately into the MSDIS plan. We may also need to broaden the role of other organizations within MGISAC. MSDIS will be accountable for work plan items, not broad strategic items of the MGISAC. Mark said MGISAC would like a unique Web address. Greg Breur has established www.mgisac.org. Another issue that came up is how much consultative guidance does MGISAC want to have, such as getting Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) started in GIS. The committee decided to wait for later versions of the plan to formalize it.
State Architecture
Tim has a committee formed. A proposal is going to NASCIO for a GIS architecture template.
Liaison Reports
No meeting will be held in December. In November, they approved funding for addressing workshops in states. We will be requesting for MAGIC to sponsor the Missouri GIS conference.
MACOG received an ESRI planning grant that should jumpstart activities.
No report
No report
No report
No report
Missouri 2003 GIS Conference Committees
Program Jim LaScala
We have 7 papers and 2 posters submitted. We have Craig Neidig as a keynote speaker, tentatively. Tim will ask Gerry Wethington and Col. Tim Daniel. Please send abstracts in as soon as possible.
Budget Tim Haithcoat
We need to post the registration fee on the Web soon.
Exhibitors Renee Holder
We have 7 exhibitors signed up.
Publicity Steve Daw
Geoworld announced our conference. Dan asked for other suggestions on publications to notify.
Posters Liz Cook
No report
Shortcourses Tim Haithcoat
We have all but addressing session covered. Computers are an issue because of RAM limitations. We will use 40 128-RAM computers. Tim is going to try to borrow memory from Compaq. Arnold needs to get course data from instructors.
Social Liz Cook, Mark Duewell
No report
Awards Michelle Carey
The nomination page is on MSDIS. Jim suggested adding a category for a companies or entities award. We decided it was already covered and to leave the 4 categories as is. Michelle asked for a notification to go out via email about the awards program.
MSDIS Activities
Tim distributed a proposal for software upgrade for MSDIS and a letter of support Tony provided for an ICREST proposal. Tim discussed another proposal submitted to Raytheon. Web redesign will be coming in early January.
Round Table Discussion
Mark, Tony and Liz will discuss a strategic partnership with ESRI and the state with Gerry Wethington in January. Tony will teach anArcGISclass Jan 2-3, 2003. The National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) is done for Missouri the first state to be completed.MOREnetis working on terrain visualization. Arnold distributed the latest roads theme fromMoDOT. Arnold asked for us to evaluate it in terms of justification for a street centerline file. Arnold also asked for a list of agencies using Trimble products for contracting purposes. Greg emphasized the need for a state street centerline file, especially for 9-1-1. DNR has produced 17 data layers under contract which are currently being reviewed. They will go to MSDIS in early 2003.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am. The next meeting isJanuary 9, 2003 at 9am. Location will be Runge Nature Center.