Minutes for January 8, 2015

Minutes for January 8, 2015

Date: January 8, 2015
Location: Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Time: 9:30 a.m.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:32 a.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions

Missouri Spatial Data Information Service Mark Duewell—excused
USGS Shelly Silch—teleconference
OA ITSD GIS Paul Wright—teleconference
SEMA Debbie Briedwell, Past-Chair—present
MoDOT Joe Carter—present
OA ITSD Economic Development Colin Duewell—excused
OA Budget and Planning Matt Hesser—present
Missouri National Guard Wiley Howell—present
OA-ITSD Health and Senior Services Tracy Schloss—teleconference
Department of Conservation Tony Spicci, Chair-Elect—present
OA-ITSD Revenue Beth Struempf—teleconference
Missouri Dep’t of Natural Resources Michael Weller—present
Washington University in St. Louis Aaron Addison—excused
Sanborn Mapping Brad Arshat—teleconference
SEMO RPC Stan Balsman—teleconference
Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors Joe Clayton—absent
USDA-NRCS Elizabeth Cook, Treasurer—present
Surdex Tim Donze—excused
MOREnet David Drum, Secretary—present (proxy for C. Duewell, White)
Mark Twain National Forest Tom Forbes—teleconference
City of Columbia Matt Gerike—excused
Camden County Jennifer Gordon—teleconference
Woolpert, Inc. Rick Hammond—teleconference
Northwest Missouri State University Ming-Chih Hung—excused
Cole County Melissa Johnson—present
City of Lee's Summit Steve Marsh—present
Jackson County Amber Reynolds, Chair—teleconference
City of Jefferson Greg Resz—teleconference
MoRAP Diane True—teleconference
City of Maryland Heights Andy Wagner—teleconference
Boone County Jason Warzinik—present (proxy for Gerike)
MU Extension Shannon White—excused
Other Attendees
Esri Joe Eckmann
MU Tim Haithcoat
Custom Meeting Planners Jamie Schieber
OGI Arnold Williams

3. Approval of Minutes
December minutes available on the web site. Motion to approve from Johnson, seconded by Warzinik, approved by vote.
4. MGISAC Administration
4.1 Missouri OGI Report — Paul Wright

  • We are continuing to work on various projects for DESE, DMH, DNR and others. Two new projects for OA inventory tracking and leased space is underway and we will be providing services for that project.
  • There have been some initial requests from legislative staff for map updates. Session begins afternoon of January 7 and there will be new legislators making requests.
  • Tim Robyn asked for input as to which State departments were still interested in imagery and how much funding they had. He is still trying to determine what ITSD can get to help fund for 1/3 of the state. Still awaiting input from the organizations that have the most vested interest.

Carter: what funding amount is being discussed? Wright: based on recent state-wide Indiana flight, approximately $300,000. Cook: is your office offering to broker this? Wright: yes, we would handle this. Cook: 2015 leaf-off timing is critical, is there anything we can do to facilitate? Wright: need to gauge interest. Spicci: can it be put in terms of, “We need $100,000 for $300,000 project.”? Wright: we need to determine how much we can contribute on our side. Weller: DNR supports and is interested in the project but are concerned about the limited amount of time and a dollar amount would be helpful. Generally there was interest in having exact dollar amounts and selling points for talking to management.
4.2 MSDIS report — Mark Duewell

  1. MSDIS Servers: Because of the new MST (Rolla) site’s availability as a backup, our hands are freed to begin the reconfiguration of the TC server’s storage. The end result will eventually be a single storage solution that NN and TC will draw from. That same full solution will be replicated at MST. TC is currently down to begin striping its drives for the final solution.
  2. MSDIS will be a Silver level exhibitor at MOGISCON2015. MSDIS staff (Tim, Tom, and myself) are teaching a number of short courses and/or presenting at a number of sessions. MSDIS is in the process of purchasing an 8′ conference display booth.
  3. The Broadband Tall Structures Project: This project is winding down. Only Lindlie Haithcoat is now working on this project and that is in a cleanup role. The total number of Tall Structure points is still being determined and will be included in the next report.
  4. The 2007-2009 2′ Imagery into the GeoPortal: while this project is still on hold, we are in the process of hiring new student staff and hope to restart the loading of this data in the near future.
  5. Reminder: Mark Duewell will be out of the state until Monday, January 12th, 2015.

Cook: I have made county mosaics of all available LiDAR datasets. The total amount of data is around 8TB. Is your network up to the task when someone downloads a county? Also, metadata is not FGDC compliant due to the nature of the data. When could MSDIS be ready to take this on? Haithcoat: we can have a separate interface for the mosaics, should be able to take them now. Yes, FGDC standard does not support multi-source data well.
4.3 Treasurer's report — Liz Cook

Expense Southeast regional workshop $347.38
Ending balance   $20,122.30

Outstanding charge for event cancellation insurance yet to be posted in the amount of $383.00.
4.4 Membership report — Tony Spicci
Sanborn (Brad Arshat) and City of Lee’s Summit (Steve Marsh) are now officially members. Unable to reach Joe Clayton, representing MSPS, though MSPS continues to state that Clayton will represent the organization. By-laws dictate that MSPS is no longer a member due to lack of participation. Will continue to reach out to him. Haithcoat will reach out to MSPS.
4.5 By-laws — Tony Spicci
No report
5. Project Updates/Action Items
5.1 Missouri GIS Day — Paul Wright
Event Information The memo for the legislators was forwarded and will be put on their calendars. Once we have more info on what will be presented we will follow-up with a flyer giving that info.
Submissions for Available Tables We need to meet and discuss the submissions. I will send the submission information out for the committee review.
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Data Development — Liz Cook, Jason Warzinik
Cook: concerned that we do not lose the potential opportunity for imagery acquisition. Discussion about how to show support for effort. Wright: a letter of support can’t hurt. Tim Robyn is definitely on board; the audience needs to be other stakeholders. Cook: I will draft something. Taking delivery of MO-ARK LiDAR. Delivery times will be drawn out; if you have interest in a particular area, please contact me. QA/QC workflow has been an issue. There will be a lull when Arkansas counties are completed. Warzinik: mid-Missouri imagery now under contract, seven counties total. Craig Best asking about geographic support system GSSI (centerlines, etc.). Is this being discussed in other places? Hesser: would like to know what Best wants. Discussion. Spicci: NSGIC national addressing conference coming up; logistically this is simple, politically it is not. Haithcoat: finishing up the tall structures dataset.
6.2 NG911 Addressing — Steve Marsh
No report.
6.3 Local Government — Melissa Johnson
State Tax Commission will help get the word out to assessors about the survey. 117 responses so far from a mix of cities and counties. STC shared a spreadsheet of counties they know to have GIS. Many more were listed than we have heard from. Will forward that.
6.4 Education — Shannon White
Carter: conference call yesterday with 4-H, Missouri Geographic Alliance, etc. Hope to attend conferences to promote geography education. Create geomentor map. Improve information about education and training opportunities.
6.5 Outreach — Colin Duewell, Tim Donze
No report.
6.6 Marketing and Communications — Jason Warzinik
Really busy preparing for conference.
6.7 Policy and Legislation — Amber Reynolds
Does anyone know about the Safe at Home program? Warzinik, Silch responded. Following up later.
6.8 Strategic Planning — Matt Gerike
Reynolds: waiting on one more committee. Latest draft will go out today.
6.9 2015 Missouri GIS Conference — Mark Duewell
Quite simply our numbers are down. Registrations are low (hopefully Jamie or Steve will be on to provide actual numbers).
Presentations are down (can be tied to registrations).
Student registrations (Field Trip Proposal) are low, only 8 so far. I have been assured recently though (today) that MST faculty is pushing conference attendance through the Field Trip registrations.
In all other respects the conference is on track and looking good I think. Liz can update the Awards situation. We’ve settled on an electronic agenda app: YAPP. There will be a Welcoming Reception in a suite on Tuesday night. Snacks and beer/wine/sodas will be provided. Location suite to be announced.
Schieber: 35 conference registrants, 1 student (not counting morning session), 5 short course only. Two years ago at this time we were at 62. Registration has picked back up over the last two days. Early registration ends on the 16th. Warzinik: publish the program, push out a blast. Marsh: program is 67% complete, not good. Recommend highlighting some things rather than publishing full program. Discussion. Most other arrangements are made. Need more award nominations. Several people are still waiting for approval to attend before submitting session abstracts. Drum: many registrants are short course enrollees, but numbers are low. Also, do not know if we can get laptops from Dell.
7. Liaison Reports
7.1 MAGIC Consortium — Amber Reynolds
Grant applications being reviewed with announcement soon. Symposium planning will begin after Missouri conference.
7.2 National States Geographic Information Council — Tony Spicci

  • Geospatial data acquisition bill is being refined. Haithcoat: who are the cosponsors? Spicci: dropped to two or three after election. No one from Missouri as far as I know.
  • Conference is the week after the Missouri conference. Final agenda soon.
  • Will be in Kansas City in October. Cost will be $650 but will include almost all meals.

8. Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
8.1 NRCS — Liz Cook
Have already discussed LiDAR mosaicking. Extensive conservation easement program. Need to track ownership. Other states have arrangements to notify USDA, but no disclosure requirement exists in Missouri. Soliciting ideas to simplify workflow.
8.2 USGS — Shelley Silch
The liaison community is meeting in Austin to meet new boss and get new marching orders. Hydrographic data requirements and benefits study starting.
8.3 Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership — Diane True
No report.
8.4 Missouri Mappers Association — Melissa Johnson
No report.
8.5 Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors — Joe Clayton
No report.
9. Round table Discussion
Drum: student employee on the job market in St. Louis. Very talented. Soliciting job leads for him.
Warzinik: Anyone experienced with ArcGIS Pro licensing? Schloss: no floating license option, have set aside the conversion option. Spicci: talk to Chris Wieberg, enormous issue.
Carter: working to educate public about the state of roads and bridges.
Haithcoat: Call with BLM, USDA, State Dep’t of Ag (surveyors). New PLSS layer out at end of March including control.
Howell: section chief asked for natural resources internships opportunities.
Briedwell: Saw interesting demo of feature extraction from LiDAR data. Coniferous/deciduous, roof style, etc.
Cook: Roboflight.com demo, very impressive.
Spicci: looking for parcel data. Haithcoat: MoDOT may have it, 45 counties? Discussion.
10. Next meeting: (may be canceled due to conference) Thursday, February 12, 2015, 9:30 a.m., Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO; Thursday, March 12, 2015, 9:30 a.m., Conservation Central Regional Office, 3500 Gans Rd., Columbia, MO
Meeting adjourned at 11:51 a.m.

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