Minutes for February 11, 2016

Minutes for February 11, 2016

Date: February 11, 2016
Location: Conservation Research Center/Columbia Regional Office, Columbia, MO
Time: 9:30 a.m.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:34 a.m.
2. Welcome and Introductions

Missouri Spatial Data Information Service Mark Duewell—present
USGS Shelly Silch—present
OA ITSD GIS vacant
SEMA Debbie Briedwell, Past-Chair—present
MoDOT Joe Carter—present
OA ITSD Economic Development Colin Duewell—present
OA Budget and Planning Matt Hesser—present
Missouri National Guard Wiley Howell—present
OA-ITSD Health and Senior Services Tracy Schloss—telephone
Department of Conservation Tony Spicci, Chair—present
OA-ITSD Revenue vacant —
Missouri Dep’t of Natural Resources Michael Weller—present
Washington University in St. Louis Aaron Addison—telephone
Sanborn Mapping Brad Arshat—excused
SEMO RPC Stan Balsman—present
USDA-NRCS Elizabeth Cook, Treasurer—present
Surdex Tim Donze—present
MOREnet David Drum, Secretary—present
US ACE St. Louis Michael Gawedzinski—present
City of Columbia Matt Gerike—present (proxy for White)
Camden County Jennifer Gordon—present
Northwest Missouri State University Ming-Chih Hung—excused
Cole County Melissa Johnson, Chair-Elect—present
City of Lee's Summit Steve Marsh—telephone
Woolpert, Inc. Kent Park—telephone
City of Jefferson vacant—
MoRAP Diane True—absent
City of Maryland Heights Andy Wagner—telephone
Boone County Jason Warzinik—present
MU Extension Shannon White—excused
Other Attendees
USDA-NRCS Marty Comstock
OA ITSD GIS Alexis Giesecker
MU Tim Haithcoat
City of Columbia Kenny Legleiter
St. Louis County Melisa McLean (telephone)
US ACE St. Louis District Ted Stanton
OGI Arnold Williams (telephone)

3. Approval of Minutes
January minutes available on the web site. Motion to approve from Johnson, seconded by Cook, approved by vote.
4. MGISAC Administration
4.1 Missouri OGI Report — Arnold Williams

  • Imagery Collection: Surdex continues to provide updates weekly. Flights will start as soon as snow has melted and skies clear. Western half of the state imagery QA/QC first round review is finished. Quantum Spatial is reviewing the areas marked as needing attention.
  • Beth Streumph retired.
  • Beth Kelly is resigning as of 2/29/2016.
  • Hopeful that these two positions will be filled.
  • No word on the OGI Director position, aside from second interviews being held.

4.2 MSDIS report — Mark Duewell

  1. Moving role of servers around in such a way as to free up a server for development. Changes will also reduce costs.
  2. Local governments are beginning to share data, especially the St. Louis area.

4.3 Treasurer's report — Liz Cook
No income or expenses this month.

Outstanding bill: $500 to MAGIC Symposium sponsorship
Outstanding bill: Cook retirement cake and party ephemera

Ending balance   $34,382.41

4.4 Membership report — Tony Spicci
Will need to approach Jefferson City and OA – Revenue about replacement members once those positions are refilled. Cook: Marty Comstock and/or Tracy Wiggins will replace me as USDA MGISAC representative until my position is refilled in a few months.
4.5 By-laws — Joe Carter
No conflicts between strategic plan and existing by-laws.
5. Project Updates/Action Items
5.1 MAGIC Awards — Steve Marsh
Voting conducted; votes of those in attendance tallied by Haithcoat to be forwarded to Marsh.
6. Committee Reports
6.1 Data Development — Liz Cook, Jason Warzinik
Several participants met on January 22nd by teleconference. Donze reported on the status of imagery collection, then left call. Williams gave a status report (see OGI report). Update from Cook on status of MO-AR flight status. It is getting close to done. MDC is acquiring imagery for the SE portion of the state. Spicci: MDC has received responses from 2 of 4 vendors, one no bid and one no response. One bid is within the budget. Cook: discussed what to pursue besides imagery and LiDAR.
6.2 Local Government — Melissa Johnson
Minor revisions made to committee strategic plan. Turning attention toward the next local government survey.
6.3 Education — Shannon White
No report.
6.4 Outreach — Tim Donze, Mark Duewell
Beginning to work with local support on arranging new regional workshops.
6.5 Marketing and Communications — Jason Warzinik
Old booth display is probably going to be purchased by Boone County HR department. Conference phone sale is still up in the air. MAGIC Symposium sponsorship is all set and we will have to decide how to assign the complementary registration. Question about whether or not to
6.6 Policy and Legislation — Aaron Addison
HB1956 related to geographic records. Geared toward CAMA systems. Some mention of restricting/licensing GIS data. Warzinik: we too are concerned about the language in that bill. Spicci: we need to draft a letter for the committee to send to legislators. Haithcoat, Warzinik, Gerike, Spicci volunteered to help Addison.
6.7 Strategic Planning — Matt Gerike
Review of changes made since the prior draft was distributed.
6.7.1 Strategic Plan Approval — Matt Gerike
Motion from Carter, seconded by Cook, to approve changes and accept strategic plan.
6.8 Missouri GIS Conference — Melissa Johnson, Steve Marsh
Marsh: Need someones to lead Program and Awards. Would very much like to have co-chairs to bring in new blood. Johnson: I am hoping to document the different conference planning roles.
6.9 Emergency Preparedness — Debbie Briedwell
Working to schedule a lessons learned from recent flooding. Doodle poll available; contact Briedwell if you haven’t received it.
7. Liaison Reports
7.1 MAGIC Consortium — Steve Marsh
Registration is open, please register! Register for short courses.
7.2 National States Geographic Information Council — Tony Spicci

  • Continue to work with NENA and Feds on the national address database. This will be the biggest topic at the NSGIC mid-year conference. Working very hard to avoid redundancy. NENA has put effort out as RFP. Look for NEAD, LLC. Will be talking to DOT, Census at mid-year.
  • NSGIC has adopted a knowledge management tool for collecting information.
  • Mid-year meeting in two weeks, registration is still open. Hoping to get the White House to attend, Office of Science and Technology Policy. Also a renewed interest in broadband.
  • Still talking to MAPPS about privacy issues, what is private data.
  • Geomaturity assessment is nearly complete. 2015 is not up yet. 96% response; California and North Dakota did not submit.
  • NAPSIG homeland security summit in Seattle in July.

8. Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
8.1 NRCS — Liz Cook
Cook: Big LiDAR acquisition in process by the Atlantic group. Looking good so far. Comstock: looking forward to continuing USDA participation.
8.2 USGS — Shelley Silch
MO-AR LiDAR project list of accepted data available by request. NOAA web site showing all available LiDAR nationally, being populated by USGS liaisons. Cook: a lot of midwest data, 80-90%, is being excluded because it does not quite meet Q2 standards required by the 3DEP.
8.3 Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership — Diane True
No report
8.4 Missouri Mappers Association — Melissa Johnson
Met yesterday, arranging annual conference August 9-12 at Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City.
8.5 Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors — Jon Cole
No report
9. Round table Discussion
Spicci: think we will have a position open after Philip Marley (?) leaves. Updating Atlas database, reintroducing geospatial features. Conservation has been releasing updates to a lot of mobile apps that have been getting good reviews.
Drum: what should we know about the Jefferson City bridge repairs?
Comstock: have worked for USDA-NRCS in Missouri for 28 years, work in engineering staff, wetland restoration, some other areas.
Carter: have been interfacing with FEMA to help with flood claims. Also state tax commission related to airport openings and closings. Have a lot of people scanning 70 years of records that have been piling up.
Howell: John Platte has moved positions, hope to have the position reposted with a new title by springtime, Analyst or Tech 2.
Gordon: miserable weather for our Modelbuilder class but 7 of us made it and Ken Wilkerson did a great job. May have him back out for Spatial Analyst or other topics.
Balsman: Symposium on September 21st.
Cook: have conservation interests in addition to travel interests. Conservation groups need GIS help so I will continue to dip my toe into the GIS pool.
Silch: Have almost 33 years of Federal experience.
Johnson: Jefferson City has 3 GIS positions open. Cole County web site moving to HTML5. Goes live on February 25th.
Warzinik: Public Works department dug into historical imagery to respond to a question. Got imagery from USDA-FSA which was really good. Bought entire county’s worth of tiles for $2500 per year. Will be at NACO next week. GIS subcommittee will have National Address Database contacts from DOT, Census, 3DEP.
Cook: If imagery predates 1950, those are available from the National Archive. Email carto@nara.gov
Fox, Haithcoat, Blodgett, Stanton: reminisces and accolades for Cook.
Gerike: staff from five different departments on mapping city neighborhoods. Seeing non-GIS staff excited about maps has been very rewarding.
10. Next meeting: Thursday, March 10, 2016, 9:30 a.m., Conservation Employees' Credit Union Auditorium, Jefferson City, MO
Motion to adjourn by Cook, seconded by Johnson, approved by vote.
Meeting adjourned at 11:51 a.m.

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