Minutes for July 13, 2017
Date: July 13, 2017
Location: MDC Credit Union, Jefferson City, MO
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Agenda 1. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 9:31 a.m.
- Welcome and Introductions
Ex-officio | |
Missouri Spatial Data Information Service | Martin Wills – present |
USGS | David Nail— telephone |
OA ITSD GIS | Tracy Schloss— absent |
State | |
SEMA | Debbie Briedwell— absent |
MoDOT | Joe Carter— present |
OA ITSD Economic Development | Colin Duewell— present |
OA Budget and Planning | Matt Hesser— absent |
Missouri National Guard | Wiley Howell— absent |
OA-ITSD Health and Senior Services | Andy Hunter – absent |
Department of Conservation | Tony Spicci – present |
OA-ITSD Revenue | Jason Hinson – telephone |
Missouri Dep’t of Natural Resources | Michael Weller— telephone |
Cooperating | |
University of Missouri
Washington University in St. Louis |
Mike Urban – present
Aaron Addison— absent |
Sanborn Mapping | Brad Arshat— telephone |
SEMO RPC | Stan Balsman— absent |
Wilson & Co. | Eric Cenovich— present |
USDA-NRCS | Marty Comstock— absent |
Surdex | Tim Donze, Treasurer— absent |
US ACE St. Louis | Michael Gawedzinski— absent |
City of Columbia | Matt Gerike— present |
Camden County | Jennifer Gordon— present |
Northwest Missouri State University | Ming-Chih Hung— telephone |
Cole County | Melissa Johnson, Chair— present |
City of Lee Summit | Steve Marsh— absent |
Woolpert, Inc. | Kent Park— present |
City of Jefferson | Buster Schrage— present |
MoRAP | Diane True— absent |
City of Maryland Heights | Andy Wagner— telephone |
Boone County | Jason Warzinik— present |
MU Extension
St. Charles County MSPS US ACE St. Louis |
Shannon White— telephone
Mark Duewell – present Jon Cole – present Michael Gawedzinski – telephone |
Other Attendees |
Esri | Joe Eckmann – telephone |
St. Louis County Census
Les Bevin – telephone
Melisa McLean – absent Craig Best – absent |
- Approval of Minutes: June minutes available on the web site.
- MGISAC Administration
4.1 Missouri OGI Report — Tracy Schloss
- No Report
4.2 MSDIS report — Martin Wills
- Lower Grand River Lidar data has been posted on the Washington University FTP Site
- Received 3 new Datasets from the Office of Administration
- Mike Urban with the University of Missouri Geography Department
- Recently hired a Graduate Assistant to help Martin Wills starting the first week in August 2017
4.3 Treasurer’s report — Tim Donze
- Encumbrances: $584.78 for St. Louis Regional Workshop Lunch and $1,500 for NSGIC membership
Previous balance | $35,855.55 | |
Income | $0 | |
Expense | $0 | |
Ending balance | $35,855.55 |
4.4 Membership report — Tony Spicci
- No report
4.5 By-laws — Joe Carter
- No Report
- Project Updates/Action Items
5.1 Voting for Council Positions
- No Report
5.2 Budget and Vision for next two years
- No Report
5.3 Timing of our meetings
- No Report
5.3 MSDIS Workgroup
- During the June MGIASC meeting it was discussed to create workgroup to help with securing MSDIS; 22 people attended that initial teleconference
- Discussed MGISAC’s mission to guide MSDIS in the future
- First step mentioned was to reach out to MU Extension and other entities within MU to create a partnership for MSDIS
- Jason Warzinik met with Mark Stewart within MU Extension; they have a few initiatives of taking data information and getting it to their constituents;
- Jason Warzinik met with Chris Fulcher of CARES to discuss a potential partnership for MSDIS; opportunities are there for a working partnership
- The big thing for MSDIS will be who would have the budget to support its’ operation going forward
- Mike Urban suggested to look for funding outside of the University of Missouri, this would suggest to the University the importance of MSDIS;
- The State initially funded MSDIS to start it with $158,000 in 1998 to establish it but no future funding has been allocated from the State in support of MSDIS; Since the inception of MSDIS the School of Arts and Science has funded MSDIS
- If another large financial cut occurs at the University next year, cutting MSDIS will be an option
- Mike Urban mentioned he was open to meet with anyone at the State to look for future MSDIS funding and support
- Mike Urban asked for the MGISAC group to offer leadership assistance to the incoming Graduate Assistant
- Jason Warzinik asked for approval to attend the Data Clearing House workshop August 22-24 hosted by MAGIC in Oglesby, Illinois; It was approved for Jason and Martin Wills to attend the conference
- Committee Reports
6.1 Data Development — Jason Warzinik
- NRCS working with USGS and FEMA to finish the QL2 state Lidar coverage
- NG911 – FirstNET Status – in Mid-September a final state funded plan will be sent to the Governor for review, he will have until mid-December to make his decision whether Missouri Opt’s in to the FirstNet operated plan or to Opt out for the state operated plan; Many Governors are asking to by-pass the 45 day window and go ahead and opt-in to the FirstNet/AT&T operated plan.
6.2 Education — Shannon White
- The large Missouri map is under high demand
- The Geographic Alliance will not exist after next fall
- Emergency Preparedness — Debbie Briedwell
- No report
- Local Government — Melissa Johnson
- The GIS survey will need to be released in August
- The Region F GIS Managers are looking at a grant for our local RPC to finish off addressing in the region for areas that do not have 911 data
6.5 Marketing and Communications — Jason Warzinik
- No report
- Missouri GIS Conference — Melissa Johnson and Jason Warzinik
- List of potential 2019 conference locations have been reduced to 3 sites
- Melissa Johnson requested and was approved for site visit expenditures
- Tony Spicci volunteered to assist with the site visits
6.7 Outreach — Tim Donze
- Are there any volunteers to help with outreach?
6.8 Policy and Legislation — Group
- No report
6.9 Service Recognition — Tim Donze
- No report
6.10 Strategic Planning — Matt Gerike
- No report
- Liaison Reports
7.1 MAGIC Consortium — Steve Marsh
- There is a Clearing House Workshop in Illinois next month
7.2 National States Geographic Information Council — Tony Spicci
- Tony Spicci gave an update on the Geospatial Data Act (GDA)
- If passed the GDA will help and strengthen the FGDC and NSDI
- Registration is open for the annual conference in September
- Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
8.1 NRCS — Marty Comstock
- No report
8.2 USGS — David Nail
- Next USGS Lidar solicitation is coming up in mid-late August
8.3 Missouri Resource Assessment Partnership — Diane True
- No report
8.4 Missouri Mappers Association — Melissa Johnson
- Registration open for conference in August
8.5 Missouri Society of Professional Surveyors — Jon Cole
- Board meeting is July 15th
- Round table Discussion
- Joe Carter
- Large amount of information is available for the Solar Eclipse in August
- Tony Spicci
- Missouri Department of Conservation will be shooting off fireworks during the Solar Eclipse
- Jason Warzinik
- Boone County recently purchased 2 Mavic UAS and are currently getting 8 pilots at the county getting certified and 22 others in the works
- Next meeting: Thursday, August 10, 2017, 9:30 a.m., Columbia, MO
Meeting adjourned at 11:45a.m.