Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – September 9, 2010
Department of ConservationCredit Union Building9:00 a.m.
Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:06 a.m.
Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees
Ex-Officio Members
Mark Duewellpresent
Tim Haithcoatpresent
State Members
Debbie Briedwellpresent
Colin Duewellpresent
Matt Hesserexcused
Renee Robinsonpresent
Jeff Schlosspresent
Tracy Schlosspresent
Tony SpicciTreasurerpresent (proxy for Steve Marsh)
Beth Struempfpresent
Arnold Williamsexcused
Cooperating Members
Aaron Addisonpresent
Mark Allenpresent
Leslie Chamberlinpresent
Elizabeth CookChairexcused
David DrumSecretarypresent
Ray FoxVice-chairpresent (proxy for Shannon White)
Ming-Chih Hungpresent
Steve Marshexcused
Greg Reszabsent
Diane Trueabsent
Andy Wagnerpresent
Shannon Whiteexcused
Other Attendees
Joe Clayton, MSPS
Tim Donze, Surdex
Joe Eckmann, ESRI
Matt Gerike, City of Columbia
Frank Hutto, OA
Kevin Kuhlmann, Sanborn
Don Martin, MSPS
Amber Reynolds, Jackson Co.
Jamie Schieber, Custom Meeting Planners
Kirk Webb, OA (proxy for Matt Hesser)
Approval of the Minutes
August 12 minutesavailable on the web site. Motion to approve from Tony S, seconded by Leslie C, approved by vote.
MGISAC Administration
Missouri GIO ReportTim Haithcoat
Have scheduled the Information Technology Summit as part of Broadband. October 26-27 at the Truman Hotel in Jefferson City. Pre-registration is free; on-site registration is $30. First fully reviewed set of broadband data will be available on October 1. Still awaiting the final version of the NTIA data model. Have discussed GIO contract with CIO; this contract is renewable in October. Please send any comments on the GIO contract to Doug Young, CIO. Draft of DOQ Procurement will be available in two weeks for review and comment. Hope to also have newLiDARplan at the next Data Development meeting.
MSDIS ReportMark Duewell
MSDIS review still underway; will reschedule the fourth meeting some time after September 20. Still looking at a clip-and-ship geoportal solution, possibly launched around January 1. Documenting staff positions. Discussion about servingLiDARdata.
Treasurer’s ReportTony Spicci
Exact report unavailable because network access is failing. Balance is about $22,000 with no outstanding bills.
No official changes to approve
Membership of private companies
Discussion. Unified private sector model or two-part GIS Industry/GIS Consumers model. Suggestion of working to establish authority of committee through state statute. Suggestion of seeking input from CIO. Tim H will work on this.
By-laws changes
David D will draft new by-laws with help from Mark D and input from the entire committee.
Reschedule November Meeting
November 11 is a Federal/State holiday. Discussion. Will check into moving meeting to the 4th.
NSGIC Election
Dan Widner selected for President-Elect. Danielle Ayan, Andy Rowan, and Phil Worral selected for Board of Directors.
Membership ReportTony Spicci
The subcommittee unanimously approved recommendation for membership for Stan Balsman. Motion from Tony S, seconded by Tracy S, approved by vote.
Process for membership approval
Discussion. Tony will publish subcommittee purpose document on the web site.
Role of membership subcommittee
Discussion. Contacting candidate and asking if he or she is interested in membership.
Pending memberships
Subcommittee will evaluate Chuck Rackers and Melissa Johnson for membership. Discussion of other potential candidates.
Project Updates
MSDIS Review
Status of review; schedule summary report for October meeting?
Update on State-Local Government data sharing and the Sunshine Law issues
Tim H: no movement right now; have provided lots of information to General Counsel.
Cadastral Standards Working Group
Joe C: no new information. Expecting sixteen new legislators due to term limits. Will probably have to wait until December, after elections.
Discussion Topic/Presentation
How/when can we restructure it to reflect strategic goals of the committee and remove some of the cob webs? Volunteers? Discussion.
Subcommittee Reports
Data DevelopmentRay Fox
Meeting on September 21st with a full slate of items. Will develop an action plan at the request of the Strategic Planning subcommittee. Working through issues related to having private companies attend. DOQ contract, data sharing and sunshine law, etc. Discussion.
Funding & GrantsMark Duewell
Just forwarding any information received on funding and grant opportunities.
Homeland Security/Emergency ManagementDebbie Briedwell
Rescheduling upcoming meeting.
Local Government GroupMark Allen
Working on scheduling a region A/F meeting. Conference call week after next. May meet November 17.
Outreach & EducationMark Duewell
Coordinating with Local Government for a workshop location central to the Region A/F area.
Policy & LegislationJoe Clayton
Have over 60 new legislators coming in in January. Second importance of seeking legislative authority.
Strategic PlanningShannon White, Jeff Schloss
Jeff S: met September 2 via teleconference. Discussing how annual work plans fit into the strategic plan. Discussed role of GIO. Subcommittee chairs coordination. Set up on Google Docs to build strategic plan. Hoping to create a work plan to being next summer. Teleconferences are at 9 a.m. the Thursday before MGISAC on the MGISAC teleconference number.
Missouri GIS ConferenceSteve Marsh
ProgramsJeff Schloss
Have requested any materials from 2009 conference from Steve M. Discussion about keynote speakers.
WorkshopsDavid Drum
Have the room schedule from Jamie and have conducted a survey of workshop topics at other conferences that have just occurred or are soon to occur.
ExhibitorsTim Donze
Conference announcement and materials have gone out to vendors, but no one has signed up yet. Surdex has signed on for platinum sponsorship.
Conference AdministrationJamie Schieber
Still planning to have registration open on November 1st.
Liaison Reports
GIT Architecture (MAEA)Tim Haithcoat
Is this still active? Yes, it is being revamped, beginning with Security.
MAGIC ConsortiumTony Spicci
Amber R: getting ready for consortium planning. Please fill out the survey that just went out.
National States Geographic Information CouncilTim Haithcoat
Conference next week in Minneapolis.
Cooperating Agency/Organization Reports
NRCSLiz Cook
No report
Have the NHD MOU signed.
Missouri Association of Councils of Government
No report
Missouri Resource Assessment PartnershipDiane True
No report
Missouri Mappers AssociationSteve Marsh
No report
Missouri Society of Professional SurveyorsJoe Clayton
Annual meeting coming up in early October; will have more information next month.
Round Table Discussionall
Mark D: clearinghouse summit coming up in the 3rd or 4th week of October in Oklahoma City.
Kirk W: redistricting office is up and running and beginning a mock redistricting.
Matt G: Shannon W is now coordinating GIS internships at the University. Please fill out the remote sensing education survey that went out two weeks ago. If anyone has experience with HTE databases, please contact me.
Mark A: Region A RSOC October 7th.
Jeff S: DNR has a new acting director, has reinstated a liaison between IT and DNR who is very pro-GIS.
Joe E:ArcGIS10 roll-outs coming up in October.
Announcement of next meeting
October 14@ Conservation Credit Union
Meeting adjourned at 11:19 a.m.