Minutes for August 10, 2023

Minutes for August 10, 2023

Call to Order 10:00am
MSDIS – Tom Vought – David Nail (USGS) Proxy
MU CARES – Chris Barnett
MDC – Tim Bixler – Jennifer’s (Mid-MO RPC) Proxy
Tara Vansell
Michael Mosier
Cole County – Melissa Johnson
BCFPD – Jason Warzinik
MoDOT – Colin Duewell
Drew LeMasters
Jean Ponzi
City of Branson – Curtis Copeland
Sanborn – Brad Arshat
Misty Perry
Census – Craig Best
MDA – Jacqueline Walter
David Nykodym
US ACE St. Louis – Mike Gawedzinski
Northwest Missouri State – Ming Hung
Andy Schiller
Sam Moffat
Jill Moes
ESRI – Joe Eckmann
MO 911 Service Board – Shawn Penman Proxy for Brian Maydwell
Surdex – Steve Kasten
USDA-NRCS – Katie Philbrick
GISCI – Tony Spicci
Surdex – Jack King
Wilson & Co – Derek Smith
Michael Mosier
City of Jefferson – Jill Ryan
Economic Development – Amelia Aubuchon
MO Botanical Gardens – Kayla Flamm
Washington University – Sarah Swanz proxy for Mollie Webb
Steve Williams
City of Springfield – Nate Huggins
MOARNG – Wiley Howell
City of Columbia – Dan Rose
OA ITSD GIS/NSCIC Liaison – Tracy Schloss
City of Jefferson – Buster Schrage
Marilyn Belm All State Consultants

Approval of Minutes – Motion made and seconded to approve the meeting minutes from the June meeting. Motion passed unanimously.

MGISAC Administration

OGI Report – 3 vacancies to fill again. DHSS and DNR positions. Looking to do an expansion for the agencies that they support. Have tried before but not gotten past governor in past. The SAG award may help get this through.

MSDIS Report – July 2023.

Updated Data
– MO Adult Daycare
– MO Ambulatory Surgical Centers
– MO Hospitals
– MO Licensed Pharmacies
– MO Local Public Health Agencies
– MO Long Term Care Facilities
– MO WIC Satellite Offices

New LiDAR Data
– MO_Southwest_2021_D21_UTM
– MO_WestCentral_2018_D19_UTM
NOTE: An updated copy of MO Local Public Health Agency Districts was received during July 2023 but was not published due to a geometry error. A corrected copy has been secured and was posted in early August 2023

MSDIS General News
Thanks to our good friend Dave Nail, MSDIS received a shipment of four new (to us) LiDAR data towards the end of July. Three of these data sets have been prepped and deployed to the MSDIS Imagery server and can be found in the LiDAR directory. These data cover a significant number of Missouri counties that we were missing coverage for. For reference, the new datasets are named MO_FEMANRCS_2020_D20_UTM, MO_Southwest_2021_D21_UTM, and MO_WestCentral_2018_D19_UTM. The names for these services were copied directly from the drive they were delivered on.

The fourth data set we received appears to be a copy of an existing project that MSDIS was already serving out (albeit with a different tile size). We are investigating what differences (if any) exist between this new asset and our existing version. Unless we discover a meaningful distinction, we will not replace the existing service with a newer one as doing so could cause workflow interruptions to anyone currently connected to the existing service.
These data have not yet been prepped to be made available via downloads, though that is on our to-do list. Additionally, there are no plans to merge these LiDAR services into a single, statewide coverage.

Treasurer’s Report – Beginning balance for this fiscal year on July 1 was $41223.75. We’ve had one expense $1500 NSGIC membership fee for July 1, 2023 through June 3, 2024. Increase by 10% for the next membership. We have 5 members for the council. Anticipated expense to come through will be for the SEMO workshop. Tim will be attending to present at the symposium. We support this symposium each year in September by providing funding toward the meal. Question regarding reimbursing MGISAC members who go to these things. We don’t usually do so. Depends on what they are going for. We have always allocated some funds to support conferences and symposiums but not necessarily members attending. Current balance is $39723.75

Membership Report – We have added some members since the June meeting. 34 member quorum at 17. All the renewal letters have been sent out. If you should have gotten one but didn’t let Wiley or Tracy know.

By-Laws Report – The proposed by-laws change was sent out prior to meeting for folks to review. The change reads as such:
“4.2 “Ex-officio” Members
There shall be up to four (4) ex-officio members on the MGISAC. The Director of GIS from the Missouri Office of Administration–Information Technology Services Division (ITSD), a representative from the Missouri Spatial Data Information Service (MSDIS), the USGS Liaison covering Missouri, and the NSGIC Liaison. Ex-officio members shall not be an elected officer of MGISAC, but will be active members through committee, workgroup, and other event participation. Ex-officio members shall provide a report of the related work of their entity or organization to the membership.”
This change will adjust the verbiage “will be” four ex-officio members to “shall be up to” four ex-officio members. This gives the council more flexibility.
*VOTE – Wiley made a motion to approve the change as sent out. Chris seconded the motion. Motion is approved unanimously. By-laws will be updated to reflect the change.
Discussion Topics/Presentation
St. Louis Zoo, Botanical Gardens (Gene Ponze), Lindenwood University (Tara Vansell) – Topic is the Biome St. Louis Hub site. Lindenwood interns have been utilized in the creation of the site. Looking for feedback about anything useful in working with Hubs and are interested in links and data that may need to go to Tom with MSDIS as well as any ethics practices about adding links to their Hub site. Bio Diversity St Louis was launched by the MO Botanical Gardens. They have several partners that they have worked with on both sides of the river. This is predominantly part of the East-West Gateway COG region. It started with funding that was had for a Regional Sustainability Plan in 2009. Targets were established in 2017 that eventually led to the Hub. Meant to be used by the general public as well as local government and other decision makers. Biome tour is given. The 6 goals of the Hub are out front. Species inventory is a large part of the site. Case studies are available. There are research findings options. Policies and practices give examples of ordinances that can aid native growth. Corridors projects and plans show viewers various ways the St. Louis region is creating a more natural system. Stewardship opportunities tell viewers how they can get involved as well as organizations and initiatives involved currently.
Discussion about the Hub starts with ethics statements. Recommend keeping broad statement or you will end up spending a lot of time fiddling with it. Concern about inventory locations for possible endangered species. Since the species data is downloaded from Inaturalist the source site has already done their own scramble of location data to protect species from being singled out. GISCI has a code of ethics for GIS professionals to reference if needed. The bigger question is around governance. Who gets to manage the data, who has permissions, where data will continue to come from and be updated, etc. This will be a longer-term challenge more so than ethics. May want to consider tiered access for researchers and others for more sensitive data. The not-for-profit ESRI license level could be viable for some collaborators to get their foot in the door.
Committee Reports
Data Development – Getting busy. Just had the kickoff QC discussion yesterday. 5% through the tiles. About 24,000 more to go. So far it’s looking good and clean. Lidar discussion going on. Focus is on the southeast region due to the age of the current Lidar there. Potential workshops still of interest. There’s things going on down south, might be worth doing something up north outreach wise. Question about the workshops concerning how many we used to have. A lot depended on if we could find suitable locations for free and if the opportunity for something or a need was there.
Legislative Report – Plan to start with new legislation language in September. If you aren’t on the listserv to get emails get on that now. Veto session is starting in a couple weeks then will be quiet until next year.
Outreach – No Report.
Marketing and Communication – Have about been through the 12 stages but haven’t been successful getting into the site. May have to physically go to Jefferson City and have a sit down in-person to get through some of the security stuff. This is a bigger challenge because Chris is not on the State network.
NG911 – RFP for qualified vendor list closed Monday. Had 14-15 applicants. GIS data management RFP is still open. It’s exciting to see stuff moving forward. Taking part in the QC process currently. Thankful for the avenues that put money toward that process. Discussion about addressing standards such as what is out there and working toward getting everyone on board. Sometimes things become standard because they are what is easy to find or access.
Education – Did two different drone workshops this summer. September 12 at 3pm via Teams will be the back-to-school committee meeting. 2nd Tuesday of every month with new topics all year. Good for those interested in teaching GIS in the classroom. SLU georesolution site has launched that has student opportunities there. Registration is free. Save the date for Lindenwood GIS day is Nov 14th all day. More news on this to come. OA’s GIS day at the Truman Building will be the 15th. Actual GIS day is always the Wednesday.
Liaison Reports
MAGIC – going to be meeting in a few weeks after which official announcements should start coming out for the conference that will be in Omaha.
NSGIC – Annual conference at end of September in New Orleans. Tracy will be going to represent MO. There’s a lot of emphasis on elevation programs such as 3DEP. If there’s any content that can’t be accessed without the NSGIC login so let Tracy know if you need into one of the webinars that is asking for that and you can’t get in.
Cooperating Agency Reports
USGS – 3DHP call coming about the next proposal announcement for elevation and EDH hydrography project for fiscal 2024. Expecting to hear that USGS will fund QL1/QL2 Lidar and similar projects to what MDC has going on. Not allowing states to apply for both Lidar and EDH. Not enough funding for everyone to have both so you must choose between them.
NRCS – They have about the same turn around time on Lidar that USGS has which is 2.5 to 3 years. Smaller projects can have shorter turn around but they usually buy large areas at a time extending the time out.
Open Discussion
Tim went out with MU group in the geology program and flew small scale lidar with a drone. Got 390m points just in one area. They used a special use permit to fly the drone in the conservation area. They are utilizing them to do a number of tasks.
Nathan Mattox no longer works for Boone County. He has now moved to the GIS Coordinator position at Boone Electric.
Adjourned – 11:45am

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