Data Development Subcommittee Imagery Team MinutesMarch 8, 2007
Meeting called to order at 11:04 am Attending: Ray Fox-USGS, Jeff Schloss-DNR, Mark Duewell-MSDIS, David Drum-MOREnet, Stan Balsam-SE RPC, Tony Spicci-MO GIO, Elizabeth Cook-NRCS, Greg Reitz-Jefferson City, Nathan Mattox-MU Extension, Arnold Williams-DOT, Brian Parr-MARC(phone), Eric Foster-DOT(phone), Tim Donze (Surdex), Tim Bohn (Surdex) Agenda: There was no formal agenda, meeting called to discuss the Missouri Imagery Project and specifically how to involve local communities for the western half of the state which will be flown in 2008. Ray Fox opened the…