Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – September 14, 1999

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – September 14, 1999

Meeting held at State Information Center, Jefferson City, Mo.

Attendance: Tony Spicci, Jeff Davis, Jim Webber, Mark Duewell, Liz Cook, JoAnn Shaw, Gary Beahen, Jeff Falter, Glen Barber, Mary Ritter, and Tim Haithcoat


1. Reading and approval of August Minutes

2. NSGIC Meeting Summary – Tim Haithcoat

3. MSDIS Activities – Tim Haithcoat

  • 2000 Workplan
  • MSDIS 2001
  • Hardware upgrade for MSDIS and IMS

4. Status of GIS Standards for Missouri – Liz Cook

  • Presentation by Robert Reinhart of USGS
  • Address Standards – Tim Haithcoat
  • Metadata Standards – JoAnn Shaw
  • Other Standards – all

5. GIS Education Meeting – Tony

6. GIS Day – Tony

7. Other business

8. Open discussion

Minutes from the August meeting were not available. Tony will forward those minutes to Tim Haithcoat for posting.

NSGIC 99 Conference Report

Topics reviewed – If more information is needed contact Tim Haithcoat or Tony Spicci.
a) Community / Federal Information Partnership – Not funded at this time
b) FGDC 2000 Focus items
c) National GeoData Forum review – far too late for pessimism
d) NPR – National Partnership for Reinventing Government – Public Safety Initiative
e) Census update
f) GIS professional discussion – NCEES model law
g) GIS Day – November 19, 1999
h) Landsat 7 distribution policy
i) National GPS issues
j) GIS Certification
k) GDT / ESRI Community Update Program
l) NASA Local and State Government Program

MSDIS Activities:

Tim Haithcoat distributed the workplan as ranked by committee members. This was reviewed then by those in attendance. The workplan tasks will be posted to the web. Discussion was then moved to possible additions to the MSDIS budget items for FY00-01. It was brought up that the education committee has suggested a full-time trainer / educator be brought on board. Tim hoped that the full committee would pass any such requests to him as soon as possible as it was already passing the time for budget alterations. Tim Haithcoat then quickly reviewed a budget item request for MSDIS to obtain a new machine for serving the MSDIS and Clearinghouse data out of as well as support the distribution of the DOQQs and MrSID files. This purchase would also allow MSDIS to add internet mapping (IMS) capabilities to the site for agency use.

Robert Reinhart of USGS, Rolla came and gave a presentation on the activities of the USGS and standards work in the region. He provided a review of the Kansas Standards process and provided some other standards and sources for the working committees to investigate.

The GIS Standards Committee update report was given by Liz Cook. A separate report was given by JoAnn Shaw of DNR on the status of the metadata standard. She will provide a digital copy for posting on the MGISAC web site. Tim Haithcoat gave a brief report on the progress of the addressing standard. Current committee members are reviewing the Kansas standard as the base for the Missouri standard. Tony Spicci then opened the floor for any other groups to organize on a standards topic.

Tony Spicci then gave a report from the GIS Training and Education Committee. They are putting forward a recommendation that a full-time GIS trainer be hired. This person would conduct regular training sessions and coordinate a state training program. There would be core classes and training would be provided on software. Other GIS programs could be implemented based on needs. The training would be my data based. A steering committee would be formed to provide oversight and direction to this individual.

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