Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – November 13, 2003

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – November 13, 2003


Members Present

Gary Beahan, Eco Dev
Debbie Briedwell, DHSS
Elizabeth Cook, USDA-NRCS
Greg Dorge, City of Jefferson
David Drum,MOREnet
Jeff Falter, SEMA
Ray Fox, USGS
Jeff Haney, Revenue
Bobbie Koelling, DESE
Ryan Lanclos, MDA
JimLaScala, City of Liberty
Gary Mook, EWGCC
Jeff Schloss,MoDNR
Tony Spicci, Conservation

Members Excused

Michelle Carey (military duty)
Stephen Daw, MMA
Tim Haithcoat, MSDIS
Jennifer Peterson, City Utilities of Springfield
Arnold Williams,MoDOT

Members Absent

Janet Duncan, Insurance
Kevin Kuhlmann, Village of Innsbrook

Other Attendees

Phani Chilukuri, GRC/MSDIS
Mark Duewell, MSDIS, proxy for Tim Haithcoat
Jason Ebersole,MoDOT, proxy for Arnold Williams
Dan Koch, MMA, proxy for Stephen Daw
Troy Lambert, CAPP
Steve Marsh, Jackson County
Don Martin, MSPS
Nathan Mattox, GRC/MSDIS
Gerry Wethington, OIT

Call to Order

Chair Tony Spicci called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. The meeting was held at the Credit Union, Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson City, Missouri.


Call for Additions to agenda


Approval of Minutes

Approval of Minutes: motion and second , approved by vote.

Comments by Gerry Wethington

He would like to use MGISAC to forward some external-facing projects. An idea was raised at a meeting with county assessors for a pilot project on the state portal for government to government interaction, namely, providing five or six items useful to county assessors related to GIS. Items that would be meaningful to local and state government, to build out the eGovernment arena. Possible topics include DNR data, blueprints, survey results, plat records and ownership records.

The state spends a good deal of money on GIS, for example flyovers and standards development. He would like to see a schedule of events and projects published on the web to foster schedule alignment to save state resources.

He would like the MGISAC web site aligned visually with the state portal.

Within the state, MGISAC needs to look into portfolio management, hardware and software resources, what kind of data exists, what kinds of products are available? How much is spent? How many GIS FTE are employed? These answers need to exist to position GIS correctly within the state’s priorities.

He is submitting four grants to the Department of Homeland Security through Col. Tim Daniels related to GIS. The grants total $2.8 million.

State GIS needs to produce quality product, standards, principles, and guidelines.

He would like some adjustments to be made to the by-laws: quorums, how override votes occur, define the councils (basic housekeeping). Also, procedural issues: need an effective governance model.

He is trying to formalize the relationship between MGISAC and ITAB. Three possibilities exist: user group, subcommittee, and ex officio member. Ex officio is the better choice because the ex officio members are standing agenda items at ITAB, whereas the subcommittee reports lack attention. MGISAC should select a member to serve as the ex officio member of ITAB. ITAB meetings are the last Wednesday of the month 8:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. and all-day in January, April, July, and October.

Questions and Answers

Tony Spicci asked if the DHS grants are 2003 or 2004 money? 2003. Also, let Gerry know about new one-time money being considered.

Mark Duewell asked about the web site. Discussion between Mark, Gerry, and David Drum.

Greg Dorge asked about the state portal guidelines/templates being available to cities and counties? Yes. Gerry discussed the goals of eGovernment, specifically customer service.

Debbie Briedwell asked if the GIS strategic plan was approved? Not sure; meeting coming up the 18th or 19th of November. Would funding for GIS projects hang on strategic plan approval? No, don’t think so.

Tony Spicci asked if GIS could have a representative on the Homeland Security council? It is possible to establish a GIS subcommittee.

Jeff Schloss asked where the GIS DHS grants would be coordinated? They will be coordinated through OIT. Details on the Form 5. The assets and resources will be leveraged as best as possible through OIT using the state’s project oversight program.

Debbie Briedwell asked if other GIS projects have been submitted to the DHS grant proposal? MERGIS, infrastructure help at MSDIS, DNR, eGovernment. Some would come back to MGISAC to determine how best to get the most value.


Tony Spicci covered the items raised by Gerry after he left for another meeting.

Volunteers for assessor project? MSDIS, DNR, David Drum, Steve Marsh, Ray Fox, Liz Cook, JimLaScala, Greg Dorge, Gary Mook.

Schedule of GIS events: David Drum

Look and Feel of web site: David Drum

Portfolio Management: Tony Spicci

Homeland Security grant: Tony will send out updated grant. Discussion of Debbie Briedwell’s concerns. Discussion about money being directed to local governments who do not yet have GIS. Discussion about GIS interest from Hickory county. Suggestion of creating a template for GIS needs assessment.

MSDIS Presentation by Phani Chilukuri

Subcommittee Reports

By-Laws Jeff Falter

No report. Jeff Schloss is withdrawing his amendments until comments from Gerry Wethington become available.

Communications David Drum

Research into visual alignment with state portal has already begun; Gerry’s comments timely. Requested GIS schedule possible, but not without participation of membership.

Data Development Jo Ann Shaw, Ray Fox

Ray: Jo Ann and I met briefly. Debbie Briedwell also agreed to serve on subcommittee. They intend to concentrate on a few datasets, look at where the gaps are, involve more people, especially at the local government level. Question to group: Are statewide leaf-off orthos still a priority? Yes. Transportation and critical infrastructure also priorities. Looking at state Homeland Security urban areas, orthos, trying to involve local government, creating 1m data everywhere, higher resolution in urban areas. Need help from MODOT in transportation. Question to group: is centerline data still a high priority? Yes. Orthos would probably occur in 2005. Trying to get Regional Planning Councils involved.

Education and Outreach Jim LaScala, Ryan Lanclos

Jim is working on GIS Day in St. Louis on November 19th. He is not pursuing other cities except for the proposed GIS event in the Capitol in the spring. He is looking to create a CD per county of available GIS data for distribution/promotion of GIS. He also discussed an idea of having laptops loaded with data available for local presentations. Ryan said that the MGISAC booth is back together and ready for use in St. Louis. Brief discussion about getting a date for GIS at the Capitol.

GIS Architecture Tim Haithcoat

No report

Homeland Security Mark Duewell, Tony Spicci

Tony said that the next meeting was a week from Friday (the 21st) in the Lower Osage conference room at 10 a.m. The grant is done and to Gerry Wethington. Changes will be sent out to the subcommittee when available. Tony would like to expand the HS subcommittee and is looking beyond just MGISAC committee members. Contact Tony or Mark Duewell. Discussion. Need for all HS subcommittee members to attend meetings stressed.

Local Government Group Gary Mook

Gary stated that he and Tim met after the October MGISAC meeting and also exchanged emails. Statements made today by Gerry Wethington and JimLaScalawill help define the direction of the Local Government subcommittee. There seems to be overlap between E&O and LG. Is that overlap natural and acceptable or should there be streamlining? The Local Government subcommittee does not have a plan. It also needs a co-chair.

Nominations Tim Haithcoat

No report

Strategic Planning Tony Spicci

Tony: SP met two-and-a-half weeks ago and wrote a draft annual plan (coming out today) and a new revision of the strategic plan (mostly grammar and style and changes from Gerry Wethington). Combination of standards and architecture. Please look at the document in the next week so an acceptance vote can occur in December.

Liaison Reports

Federal/NRCSLiz Cook

Liz has had some requests for the 2003 NAIP imagery. Has the Missouri Dep’t of Conservation received their copy? Tony: yes, some badCDsin the mix. Data will go to MSDIS soon. Discussion. The NAIP data has gone out to the counties and the feedback is positive.

Federal/USGSRay Fox

Ray met with Pam Franke from the Dep’t of Homeland Security in Kansas City. She would like to have a closer relationship with the state Homeland Security department. Ray invited her to MGISAC meetings. He met with MSDIS a week ago about the state mapping partnership office. The stumbling block is the high cost of moving a federal employee. There is no money for this right now; it will have to be budgeted. The USGS is still interested. The schedule will advance if someone volunteers to move.

GIS Merit System PositionsJeff Schloss

No report

ITABJeff Falter

No report

MACOGKevin Kuhlmann

Kevin absent, no report. Gary: suggestion thatEastWestGateway host an event for local government GIS people. Same could happen for entire state. JimLaScalasuggested that E&O be broken up, moving local government outreach to the Local Government subcommittee. Tony asked for a proposal.

MAGICTim Haithcoat

Next meeting 11/20 in KC, carpooling at the usual time and place. Retreat pushed back to January. A preliminary Symposium schedule coming soon.

MORAPDiane True

No report

MMAJennifer Peterson

No report

MSPSDon Martin

Report pending

NSGICTony Spicci

The board meeting was moved to today, no report.

OITTom Stokes

See comments from Gerry Wethington above.

MSDISTim Haithcoat

Mark Duewell: see comments from Ray about the State Mapping Partnership Office. A new search tool on the MSIDS web site has been launched. JimLaScalavolunteered to be a local government champion; City of Liberty GIS data going up on MSDIS web site soon to be served to City of Liberty customers. Possible exchanges with theEastWestGateway in January. MERGIS datasets on nursing homes going to DHSS soon. Schools and hospitals done. Ray: will this be incorporated into the National Map? Mark: yes, need to do this step-by-step to develop the processes.

Round Table Discussion

Gary Mook:EastWestGateway submitted a grant to the EPA for watershed planning, he thought it was approved, but now there is need for a quality performance plan. Can anyone help? Jeff Schloss has information.
Jason Ebersole: MODOT workzone map up and running; winter weather driving map up and being updated every 30 minutes, though each district updates their region on their own. MSDIS will get updated roads again soon.
Tony: announced he is moving his office to Columbia. No other job responsibility changes.

Announcement of Next Meeting

December 11th at CECU Conference Room


Meeting adjourned at 12:01 p.m.



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