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Author: jwarzinik

Data Development Subcommittee Imagery Team MinutesJuly 10, 2007

Data Development Subcommittee Imagery Team MinutesJuly 10, 2007

SEMA/National Guard Facilities Room 153 Military Education Facility Attending Ray Fox, Jeff Schloss, Mark Duewell, Tony Spicci, Stan Balsman (phone), Eric Foster (phone), Elizabeth Cook, Arnold Williams. Mark Reynolds and two others from Johnson County were also in attendance. Imagery for the State White Paper #3, Funding Strategies Several minor edits were made to Erics white paper including more discussion on the QC of the buy-up data. Decision made to have the partners buying up responsible for their QC, if…

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Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – May 10, 2007

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – May 10, 2007

Department of ConservationCredit Union Building-9:00 am Call to Order Called to order at 9:05 am Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees Ex-Officio Members Tim Haithcoatexcused Tony Spiccipresent State Members Debbie BriedwellVice-chairpresent David Finchabsent Bobbie Sue KoellingChairpresent Eric Manessabsent Jeff Schlosspresent Beth Struempfpresent Mike Sutherlandexcused Becky Veitpresent Arnold Williamspresent Cooperating Members Elizabeth Cookpresent David DrumSecretarypresent Mike Duncanpresent Ray Foxpresent Dawn Hilderbrandabsent Pam Kelrickpresent Curtis Koonsabsent Kevin Kuhlmannexcused JimLaScalapresent Steve Marshpresent Gary Mookexcused Greg Reszexcused Ed Siegmundabsent Kim Swisherabsent Diane Trueabsent…

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Data Development Subcommittee Imagery Team MinutesApril 16, 2007

Data Development Subcommittee Imagery Team MinutesApril 16, 2007

The St Louis Imagery Meeting was held on April 16 at the St Louis Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD), 2350 Market Street in St Louis. There were 23 people in attendance, Ray Fox (USGS Geospatial Liaison to Missouri), and Shelley Silch (USGS Geospatial Liaison to Illinois) led the meeting. The USGS, MSD, and St Louis County have cooperated on one-foot orthorectified imagery for the St Louis region in 2002, 2004, and 2006. As many cities and counties in the region have…

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Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – April 12, 2007

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – April 12, 2007

Department of ConservationCredit Union Building-9:00 am Call to Order Called to order at 9:05 am Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees Ex-Officio Members Tim Haithcoatexcused Tony Spiccipresent State Members Debbie BriedwellVice-chairpresent David Finchabsent Bobbie Sue KoellingChairpresent Eric Manessabsent Jeff Schlosspresent Beth Struempfpresent Mike Sutherlandexcused Becky Veitpresent Arnold Williamspresent Cooperating Members Elizabeth Cookpresent David DrumSecretarypresent Mike Duncanpresent Ray Foxpresent Dawn Hilderbrandabsent Pam Kelrickpresent Curtis Koonsabsent Kevin Kuhlmannexcused JimLaScalapresent Steve Marshpresent Gary Mookexcused Greg Reszexcused Ed Siegmundabsent Kim Swisherabsent Diane Trueabsent…

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Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – March 8, 2007

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – March 8, 2007

Department of ConservationCredit Union Building-9:00 am Call to Order Called to order at 9:04 am Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees Ex-Officio Members Tim Haithcoatexcused Tony Spiccipresent State Members Debbie BriedwellVice-chairpresent Bobbie Sue KoellingChairpresent Eric Manessexcused Jeff Schlosspresent Beth Struempfpresent Mike Sutherlandexcused Becky Veitpresent Arnold Williamspresent Cooperating Members Elizabeth Cookpresent David DrumSecretarypresent Mike Duncanabsent Ray Foxpresent Dawn Hilderbrandabsent Pam Kelrickpresent Curtis Koonsabsent Kevin Kuhlmannexcused JimLaScalaexcused Steve Marsh (proxy for JimLaScala)present Gary Mookpresent Greg Reszpresent Ed Siegmundabsent Kim Swisherabsent Diane…

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Data Development Subcommittee Imagery Team MinutesMarch 8, 2007

Data Development Subcommittee Imagery Team MinutesMarch 8, 2007

Meeting called to order at 11:04 am Attending: Ray Fox-USGS, Jeff Schloss-DNR, Mark Duewell-MSDIS, David Drum-MOREnet, Stan Balsam-SE RPC, Tony Spicci-MO GIO, Elizabeth Cook-NRCS, Greg Reitz-Jefferson City, Nathan Mattox-MU Extension, Arnold Williams-DOT, Brian Parr-MARC(phone), Eric Foster-DOT(phone), Tim Donze (Surdex), Tim Bohn (Surdex) Agenda: There was no formal agenda, meeting called to discuss the Missouri Imagery Project and specifically how to involve local communities for the western half of the state which will be flown in 2008. Ray Fox opened the…

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Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – February 8, 2007

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – February 8, 2007

Department of ConservationCredit Union Building-9:00 am Call to Order Called to order at 9:04 am Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees Ex-Officio Members Tim Haithcoatexcused Tony Spiccipresent State Members Debbie BriedwellVice-chairpresent Bobbie Sue KoellingChairpresent Eric Manessexcused Jeff Schlosspresent Beth Struempfpresent Mike Sutherlandexcused Becky Veitpresent Arnold Williamspresent Cooperating Members Elizabeth Cookpresent David DrumSecretarypresent Mike Duncanabsent Ray Foxpresent Dawn Hilderbrandabsent Pam Kelrickpresent Curtis Koonsabsent Kevin Kuhlmannexcused JimLaScalaexcused Steve Marsh (proxy for JimLaScala)present Gary Mookpresent Greg Reszpresent Ed Siegmundabsent Kim Swisherabsent Diane…

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Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes January 11, 2007

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes January 11, 2007

Department of ConservationCredit Union Building-9:00 am Call to Order Meeting called to order at 9:06 am Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees Ex-Officio Members Tim Haithcoatpresent Tony Spicciexcused State Members Debbie BriedwellVice-chairpresent Bobbie Sue KoellingChairexcused Melissa Lanclospresent Eric Manessabsent Jeff Schlosspresent Beth Struempfpresent Mike Sutherlandexcused Becky Veitpresent Arnold Williamsexcused Cooperating Members Elizabeth Cook (proxy for Ray Fox)present David DrumSecretarypresent Mike Duncanabsent Ray Foxexcused Dawn Hilderbrandexcused Pam Kelrickpresent Curtis Koonsabsent Kevin Kuhlmannpresent JimLaScalapresent Steve Marshpresent Gary Mookpresent Greg Reszpresent Ed…

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Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – December 14, 2006

Missouri GIS Advisory Committee Minutes – December 14, 2006

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education – 205 Jefferson St., 1st Floor Conference Room -9:00 am Call to Order Meeting called to order at 9:01 am Welcome and Introduction of Members and Attendees Ex-Officio Members Tony Spicciproxy for Arnold Williamspresent Tim Haithcoatpresent State Members Debbie BriedwellVice-chairexcused Bobbie Sue KoellingChairpresent Melissa Lanclosexcused Eric Manessabsent Jeff Schlosspresent Beth Struempfpresent Mike Sutherlandpresent Becky Veitpresent Arnold Williamsexcused Cooperating Members Elizabeth Cookexcused David DrumSecretarypresent Mike Duncanabsent Ray Foxproxy for Liz Cookpresent Dawn Hilderbrandexcused Pam Kelrickexcused…

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